More hypocrisy

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michaeledward said:
deadhand31, chill dude, or soon you are going to sound like you are in denial.

1 - How do you know he was cheating on his wife? It wouldn't be the first time a homosexual man had a marriage of convienence. But now you are judge, jury and executioner. Adding to his family's challenges at this time, I might add.

The guy reproduced with her. I'm pretty sure that means there was a sexual relationship. Unless, of course, this is similar to a birth around 2000 years ago. I somehow doubt that in this instance. And for the record, making marital vows is NOT something to be taken lightly. If you don't think you can uphold these vows, you are doing your future spouse a great injustice. His families challenges are HIS fault. I have no sympathy for him. I have sympathy for his family, but not him. He deserves none.

michaeledward said:
2 - That Party money was used to pay to bring Mr. Cipel to this country is a claim I don't accept as fact, yet. I am open to new evidence.

I do know that prior to his stint in homeland security, he was appointed with a DNC paycheck. Take a look:

michaeledward said:
3 - As noted earlier, What exactly were the qualifications for the position of Homeland Security you are talking about? Seems to me, at the time, such positions were brand new which means qualifications were wide open. How would you vet such an appointee? Experience with the Israeli Army might very well meet such qualifications.

An information officer and poet for a local newspaper IS NOT a qualification for dealing with terrorism. I don't see how writing stanzas qualifies a person for this position. However, had he been in the upper echelons of the Mossad (Israel's equivalent to the CIA and FBI), then I would say he was a little more qualified. The fact that people were questioning the work he was doing, and wanted to know his qualifications kind of sheds light on the subject.

michaeledward said:
4 - The good people of the Garden State did choose a Governor and a Lt. Governor. The way most states operate is, if for any reason the Governor is unable to fulfill his obligations, the Lt. Governor steps in to fill them. (Just like Cheney gets to be President if Bush chokes on another pretzel.)

Yes, they did choose the Lt. Governor, LAST election. However, had he resigned before Sep. 3, they would have been able to make a choice on their next governor. Do you think it unlikely that people might think that a different governor is needed? Don't you think it would have been better to let the people decide for themselves, instead of making the decision for them? Is it honestly so hard to believe that he would want HIS political party in power as long as possible? Now, if the people voted, and kept the Lt. Governor in power, well, that's their decision, and if that's who they want, then that's who they should get. But if they want a DIFFERENT governor, then they should get one.

Thank you for your post. I learned some things, once you put away the vitriol and name calling.

Just for reference, the DNC is the Democratic National Committe, it is not the State Democratic Party.

And I still think you are hiding something. ;)

Vitriol? Name calling? Can anyone really deny that he's a scumbag? Honestly? Am I also wrong for thinking that he should not be applauded for living a lie to his wife and everyone else? Does the fact that he's gay make up for any of the scuzzy things he does? I don't think so. I don't think he should be applauded AT ALL right now. His family deserves all sympathy, and he deserves to condemned, not commended.

Also, for the record, I never stated that the DNC was a state organization.
deadhand31 said:
Am I also wrong for thinking that he should not be applauded for living a lie to his wife and everyone else?
How do you know he was living a lie with his wife? It's entirely conceivable that she knew he was gay, and accepted the marriage of convenience. Hell, I have *straight* friends that are married but happily screw lots of other people.
deadhand31 said:
Also, for the record, I never stated that the DNC was a state organization.
Ahem ....

deadhand31 said:
Dimwit had a gay lover brought to this country with Democratic National Commitee money. Dimwit had the boytoy set up in living quarters with the same money.
Then can you please post a link that represents the second statement listed as true.

I don't think too many people are 'applauding' him. The reports I have seen, represent the situation as a tragedy. Unless you're a republican, then it is a tragedy to be exploited.

And then there is you. Calling names to someone who was elected by the people of New Jersey.

Didn't your mother ever tell you what to do when you didn't have anything nice to say?

Tgace said:
Why should we be any more or less nice to this guy than say... President Bush?
Help me here ... I'm not sure how you mean this sentence. Are you saying we are giving the Governor a 'pass' when he shouldn't get one. Are you saying we are unfairly critical of the President. I don't understand.

Tgace said:
Thats nice....
I don't know... if they both agree to it, and they're happy and honest with all their partners, who's to criticize?
michaeledward said:
Ahem ....

Then can you please post a link that represents the second statement listed as true.


I can't post a link, but I found out that it was not entirely DNC money. If you read this week's issue of Time, there is an indepth article on the scandal. Sleazy McGreevey basically bilked money out of a major financial contributor to the DNC in order to bring the guy over as "a consultant to the Jewish community." So Cipel, (the gay lover), as it turns out, was to represent a community that he had nothing to do with.

Sleazy McGreevey basically tried to conceal the scandal with "the courage of coming out". He made it sound like it was the gay affair was the reason he was resigning. It was his horrible abuse of power that is the reason he's resigning, and the whole "I'm gay" thing is there put up a smokescreen. I figure people should be smart enough (and by smart, i mean tossing political correctness out the window) and say, "So you're gay. Big deal. You put our lives in jeopardy and bilked money out of your fellow democrats. Get the hell out of office NOW!"

If the media was smart, which I don't think will ever happen, the gay thing would get probably a small footnote, and the real issue at hand would be addressed.

Is it honestly so bad to call a scumbag a scumbag? He ABUSED power. He put peoples' lives at risk so he could have a shot at boinking someone whom he had not made a lifelong commitment to. Why should he be treated gently? Scum is scum, whether it's gay, straight, bi, sadomasochistic, or has a midget-rabbi-on-goat fetish.

I call Clinton a scumbag too. I do believe he did some good in the office, but he cheated on his wife! He's a scumbag!

As for Peachmonkey asking "What if it was a marriage of convenience, and his wife knew?", as it turns out, read the same article in this week's TIME. She didn't. He HAD been living a lie to her.

(That last little tidbit is for those who think that not honoring marital commitments isn't enough to constitute a lie.)
The current President received many of the minority votes he did, in the 2000 election, because he promised to 'change the tone' in Washington. Al Franken asked, rightly so, who created the 'tone' that needed to be changed?

deadhand31, your opinions certainly are creating a "tone", aren't they? But, in the end, they are just your opinions.

I was hoping that you might show just the smallest bit of respect for someone who ran for office to serve the people of New Jersey. Guess not.

good day - Mike

P.S. For the first time, here at MartialTalk, I have put a user on the 'Ignore List' ... not even SharpPhil has earned that privilege.:asian:
michaeledward said:
I was hoping that you might show just the smallest bit of respect for someone who ran for office to serve the people of New Jersey. Guess not.
Does this guy deserve respect? He's corrupt! He put the safety of those who voted for him below his own carnal desires!!! Just because somebody is an elected official, doesn't mean that they deserve respect. Respect is something earned through honesty, honoring commitments, keeping promises, and integrity. This guy did something that pretty much blew all such qualifications out of the water. Saddam Hussein was once an elected official. Does that mean we should respect him? I would hope to God not!

Now, Jimmy Carter wasn't the best president. However, he did try to run things in the way he felt was best. Despite his ineptitude, he has my respect, because he did put the people of the country first. He just wasn't good at it.

As for creating a tone? What the heck? What tone is that? That our elected officials should be held to a standard of integrity, honor, and decency? That corrupt scumbags like Sleazy McGreevey should be booted out of office? That our elected officials should put our well being and safety first?

Perish the thought!!!

Of course, since michael edwards put me on ignore, he doesn't have to answer these things. He can sit behind me and hold his own predjudices all he wants.
PeachMonkey said:
I don't know... if they both agree to it, and they're happy and honest with all their partners, who's to criticize?
Then why bother getting married?
michaeledward said:
Help me here ... I'm not sure how you mean this sentence. Are you saying we are giving the Governor a 'pass' when he shouldn't get one. Are you saying we are unfairly critical of the President. I don't understand.

Just find it interesting looking at who gets "understanding" and who gets the rack around here......
deadhand31 said:
Is it honestly so bad to call a scumbag a scumbag? He ABUSED power. He put peoples' lives at risk so he could have a shot at boinking someone whom he had not made a lifelong commitment to. Why should he be treated gently? Scum is scum, whether it's gay, straight, bi, sadomasochistic, or has a midget-rabbi-on-goat fetish.

Yes, it is bad, in the eyes of a Democrat. You see, it's ok to make up lies about the other side in order to have something to complain about, but should someone attack one of your guys for any legitimate reason, that's 'dirty' play.

OK, I'm being facetious. But part of politics is ignoring anything bad about your team and laying into the other side for anything you can think of.

Unfortunately, all we have are politicians in office an no congressmen.
michaeledward said:
The current President received many of the minority votes he did, in the 2000 election, because he promised to 'change the tone' in Washington. Al Franken asked, rightly so, who created the 'tone' that needed to be changed?

I was hoping that you might show just the smallest bit of respect for someone who ran for office to serve the people of New Jersey. Guess not.

good day - Mike
Mike - A few comments on the tone and respect points above. Yes the R's have some real SOB's like Newt, Delay, etc. - but I believe the D's have some fellas who fit that same description (Lanny Davis, Begala...heck - Franken). The tone is deafening because it is coming 360. The great news is we have plently of sources to cull from. I read two web pages each morning for general updates - one I agree with and one I hate. Hate because it says things I do not like to hear. The truth is someone in the middle.

The respect thing for the elected ends when they no longer serve the people that elected them by breaking the law. I could care less with whom he slept, but do have an issue when that affair is cause for bribery. If he was leaving his wife for a man, I do not think that would have cost him his job.

Regards - Glenn.
Tgace said:
Then why bother getting married?
You'd have to ask them, but I'm guessing the reasons include:

-- Lots of financial and medical benefits
-- They like the idea of being "man and wife", just not the idea of never sleeping with someone else

Some people are comfortable separating "love" and "sex", at least to a certain degree. Some people also believe you can love more than one person.

Sorry for the thread gankage.
hardheadjarhead said:
Um...can I have their phone numbers?

I'll email you a photo of the bathroom stalls with their numbers ;)

Facetiously yours,

TwistofFat said:
Mike - A few comments on the tone and respect points above. Yes the R's have some real SOB's like Newt, Delay, etc. - but I believe the D's have some fellas who fit that same description (Lanny Davis, Begala...heck - Franken). The tone is deafening because it is coming 360. The great news is we have plently of sources to cull from. I read two web pages each morning for general updates - one I agree with and one I hate. Hate because it says things I do not like to hear. The truth is someone in the middle.

The respect thing for the elected ends when they no longer serve the people that elected them by breaking the law. I could care less with whom he slept, but do have an issue when that affair is cause for bribery. If he was leaving his wife for a man, I do not think that would have cost him his job

Regards - Glenn.
Glenn, concerning tone ... I just don't see how Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulture, O'Reilly, Scaife, et al can be compared to Al Franken, Coporal Q-Ball and Paul Begala. Please?

What bribery charge? Please expand this thought. Certainly, there was patronage. McGrivey got a job of Cipel. Wrong Bad.

Question ... How long did Cipel hold that job? When did he have that job?

How much money did Cheney hook up for Halliburton?

Tgace said:
Just find it interesting looking at who gets "understanding" and who gets the rack around here......
Tgace ... please keep going ... This doesn't answer my query enough? Can you cite specific instances about someone (me in particular) who was not will to extend 'understanding' to the degree you think would be appropriate? And to whom do you think some have been short in offering said 'understanding'?

I'm tryin' to figure out if there's a fight here ... or just kickin' up some dust ;)


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