More from the "religion of Peace"

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Elder999, I hear what you are saying, but there is an interpretation problem with the radicals in the Islamic community that is making them dangerous. They read the Koran and see it so differently from you and the others here on the study that they are causing problems all around the world. What are your thoughts? Today, not the middle ages, but today, very wealthy, well educated followers of Islam are interpreting their religion and engaging in killing innocent people. How would you address this difference between you reading the Koran and their reading the Koran?
I would have to say that the ten commandments are one of the best capitalist rule systems you will ever find.
It is hard for a rich man to get to heaven, Look at charlie sheen, and I would suggest, it is difficult for a poor man to get into heaven. Temptation is more "tempting" at each end of the extremes of life. For the rich, the vices and moral decay are there and easier to access. For the poor, crime to overcome being poor is equally there, as well as the vices available to the poor. Look at drug crimes and tell me it wouldn't be hard to stay virtuous when you have to steal every day to buy your drugs.

Not all socialists are Nazis, they are German socialists, I think Jesus was jewish too. also, Not all socialists are violent mass murderers, it just seems to be a tendency in the socialists that are really committed.
when i say "not all" you cannot turn around and tell me i said "all"

deal with it

telling me i said something that i clearly and IN ENGLISH did not say just makes you look bad.
Nothing about being coerced by the government or having the government take it from you. Jesus, in each of your quotes is telling you to do it yourself. He doesn't say, "Go to your neighbor and take what he has and give it to the poor, for that is the way to get to heaven." He admonsishes the individual to do it on their own, of their own free will.

That is the farthest thing from socialism my friends.

"Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
And they were amazed at him." Mark 12:13-17

You're right granfire, it almost isn't even fair. Like poking a child with a stick.
when i say "not all" you cannot turn around and tell me i said "all"

deal with it

telling me i said something that i clearly and IN ENGLISH did not say just makes you look bad.

But...but... you did say all.... you may have put a not in front of it... but you still said all :D
Xue, it looks like the ones that aren't islamic are some form of socialist organization.

aaa no... you may want to look at them a little closer... besides I'm not sure I'd call the groups like KKK Socialist (and I sure as HECK would not call them islamic) but if you want to call them socialist and if calling them socialist makes you feel better then go for it...
I would have to say that the ten commandments are one of the best capitalist rule systems you will ever find.

I had a new manager at the lab hold up the Bible at his first staff meeting and say to all of us, "This is my management plan right here-these are the principles by which I guide my life and will direct this department." I don't know what his home and family life were like-except that he regularly attended one of the local Baptist churches with his wife and two smal children-but he lied, and backstabbed, and did terrible, terrible, terrible things.

billcihak said:
Not all socialists are Nazis, they are German socialists, I think Jesus was jewish too. also, Not all socialists are violent mass murderers, it just seems to be a tendency in the socialists that are really committed.

uh....what? There were mass murders in Sweden? There were violent mass murders in Israel? No, wait.....never mind. :lol:
there is a problem in the world

islam is that problem

it is producing fanatics left, right and center

do you deny it?

and moral relativism raises it's head.

1) no christianity isnt
2) no other religion really is either

there is no moral equality here, Islam is the problem, it produces fanatics, and it's fanatical followers are willing to cut off your head for God.

Last time i checked, Buddists were not flying planes into buildings.
or christians
or shintoists
or catholics
or mormans
or wiccans
or anyone else

and all of this sarcastic **** wont change the simple fact that bad men, muslims, are trying to kill you, and they would gladly do so, given even half a chance.

you can poo poo the truth all you want to, but the truth is still the truth

ignoring a threat doesnt void the threat

Dude, that's like saying blacks are killing people with gang violence and that the problem is blacks. It's just not true.

To be accurate, you simply must say Muslim Terrorists if the terrorists are Muslim. You would also have to say Christian terrorists or environmental terrorists if their tactics and/or affiliation can be better described by the modifier.

You are not logically incorrect when you say muslims are terrorists, but you INFER the problem is in the Muslim, rather than the terrorist. It's simply incorrect.
Still not getting the socialism thing from your new quote. Once again, Jesus didn't say, God, my father says take from others to give to the poor and you get to go to heaven. He is opting out of the government thing with your quote, not telling people to take from others.
Well, the KKK, a democrat organization, wanted the government to discriminate against people because of their race. That isn't a conservative point of view or a free market capitalist point of view either.
Xue, looking at your list again, there are a lot, a lot of islamic terrorist groups, a lot of socialist groups, and a few without a specific clarification of political leanings, like the Sikh terrorist group. Even the Irish groups had socialist or communist tendencies.
Xue, looking at your list again, there are a lot, a lot of islamic terrorist groups, a lot of socialist groups, and a few without a specific clarification of political leanings, like the Sikh terrorist group. Even the Irish groups had socialist or communist tendencies.

To you everybody who doesn't listen to 'Rush' has socialistic.communistic tendencies....
I keep putting you on the ignore list, but you keep dragging me back. Only the ones who actually have the socialistic tendencies Granfire. Now back you go. I hope to be stronger next time. You are Khan to my Captain Kirk.(I'll read your reply to this one, to be fair, and THen, back you go.)
gran, attack the message, not the messenger

LOL, kind of hard to lay off...since the messenger and his message...let's just say they stand too close together to make the aim stick.....

But you are certainly right, one should not feed the troll...

Ah, now that he has me on ignore! :D

In any case, if everything goes back to 'but Rush said, and Stoessel wrote' or said or whatever, that this is communism....the message is exactly that: He thinks everybody who doesn't listen to those folks is a communist. It's the message...

Or Bigbollywood
big pajamas

or whatever big website he frequents.

I should return the favor and ignore him right back I suppose....
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