More from the "religion of Peace"

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JIm Jones was not a right winger but, once again, a lefty who committed mass murder, I give you wikipedia:

While Jones always spoke of the social gospel's virtues, before the late 1960s Jones chose to conceal that his gospel was actually communism.[12] By the late 1960s, Jones began at least partially openly revealing in Temple sermons his "Apostolic Socialism" concept.[12] Specifically, "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment — socialism."[37] Jones often mixed those concepts, such as preaching that "If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."[38]

Enough said?

And by the way, no mainstream christian denomination has ever approved of or supported the killing of abortion doctors. You would have to kill a lot more abortion doctors to catch up with even the fringe of muslim terrorists, so please, If you don't want to take the threat seriously, fine, but try to stop slinging the blame on other religions.

What is it with lefties and mass killings? And union violence? And name calling? and everything else they do?

Tamil Tigers, wikipedia:The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sinhala: දෙමල ඊලාම් විමුක්ති කොටි සංවිධානය, ISO 15919: demala īlām vimukti koṭi saṁvidhānaya) (Tamil: தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள், ISO 15919: tamiḻ īḻa viṭutalaip pulikaḷ; commonly known as the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers) was a separatist, socialist

that socialist thing comes up again. More violence from another socialist group. Hmmmm.
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one's persons comment

really bob, you know better.

please tell me the last time christians killed 3000 people in one day as a political act of war....

and for the "slow ones"

the koran deals in absolutes and it says, absolutely to kill the infidel and force him to submit

JUST TODAY another muslim, NOT A CHRISTIAN A MUSLIM was arrested for tying to make a WMD for craps sake

the truth is biting you in the *** and you are going out of your way to deny reality
lets say 1%, we know it is more, but lets just say it is only 1%

there are how many BILLION muslims?

lets say ONE billion, it is more, but lets just say it is one.

1% of a billion is 10 MILLION FANATICAL NUTBARKS

thats a metric **** load

Please list the last time 19 christians killed 3000 innocents

oh, you cant? then STHU about christians. We know you would LOVE IT if tehre were christian terrorists, but there aint any, not comparible to the numbers of wackjob muslims,

you friggin know it too, why wont you just admit the truth?

Too tired to actually repost the full debunk.

Christian Terrorists: KKK, Hutaree, Randal Terry....there is a long, current list. I'm too tired to dig it up, again. It's posted here somewhere, but easily found on Google.

Now we can play a math game.
US Population, as per the 2010 Census: 308,745,538
Islam: A comprehensive 2009 demographic study of 232 countries and territories reported that 23% of the global population or 1.57 billion people are Muslims. (source wikipedia)

309M < 1.57B

1.57B / 309M = 5.08
Islamic population is 5x the total US population

Intelligence agencies with a clue suggest that the total number of serious Islamic extremists are around 10,000. Much less than 1%.

"They" aren't out to kill "us".
Anyone who suggests such a thing is honestly too stupid to be allowed to vote and should probably be locked up for their own safety.

20 individuals, most of whom were here -legally- were responsible for 9/11.

As to the Islamic world hating us, most of them don't give 2 ***** about us. They are more concerned with their own issues. If Iraq hates us, it's more likely over the over 100,000+ of their people who were killed during the US occupation, and the resulting chaos that invasion and occupation caused them.

"Aldawsari, who was legally in the U.S. on a student visa," another legally here person...interesting to note that after 9/11, when the hijackers were identified as being Saudi, the Bush administration -increased- the number of visas for Saudis.

Bottom line here is this: It's not the religion, it's the people, and the larger the population the greater the number of asshats in it. Christianity spent a few hundred years murdering, raping, stealing and otherwise being *******s. Some still are...Wikipedia has entries for many.

Right now, the Mid East has more important things to worry about than the seeing whose next to fall after Quadafi Duck gets plucked.
Bob you are being obtuse, and I know you know better

there were 20 guys on the ground, the total in on the 9/11 attack was most likely in the 100's

money guys, planners, etc

and comparing randel terry? to Al Qieda?

THATS stupid

a world wide network of terror groups versus ONE GUY and the 20 people he went to church with?

you medicated or something?


it says it flat out

and look at the polls

85% of egyptians support shariah law

now add 2+2

you are in denial friend.
one's persons comment

really bob, you know better.

please tell me the last time christians killed 3000 people in one day as a political act of war....


Can I have a time frame you'll accept?
Can we go back over 1,000 years, or should we be more recent and only go back say, 20? years?

Because if we go way back there's the Crusades, forced conversions of the Mayan, Inca, Aztec, various US Native tribes, Inquisitions, forced conversions at gun point in Africa, South America, North America and SE Asia, etc. Hundreds of thousands of lives destroyed "For Jesus".

Croatia's death camps in the 1940's run by Christians against non-Christians.
Victims 300,000-600,000

Vietnam, 1950's. Christian death camps for non-converting Buddhists.
Victims 80,000 est.

Rwanda 1994. Clergy turned over thousands for slaughter, in many cases reportedly participated. Total victim count in the hundreds of thousands.

Would you like more? Is 1994 "too long ago to matter"?

Millions have died under the sword, spear, gun and bomb of so called "Christian's", since the day a Roman Emperor stopped using followers of that faith as "lion chow".

It doesn't make Christianity a "hate faith". Just one that some who hate follow.
Islam's the same. It's another faith, and how it's taught, how you -interpret- it, how you understand it, will mold your perception and actions.

To me, it's all superstitious claptrap.
Bob you are being obtuse, and I know you know better

there were 20 guys on the ground, the total in on the 9/11 attack was most likely in the 100's

money guys, planners, etc

and comparing randel terry? to Al Qieda?

THATS stupid

a world wide network of terror groups versus ONE GUY and the 20 people he went to church with?

you medicated or something?


it says it flat out

and look at the polls

85% of egyptians support shariah law

now add 2+2

you are in denial friend.
I have read it. I've read every major religions holy books at least twice in the last 25 or so years. My interpretation is different than yours, and others I have discussed it with interpret it differently also. I also don't care if 100% of Egyptians support shariah law, unless NY is suddenly going to be enforcing foreign laws. I also don't care if France bans whoopie cushions. Again, not my country, not my problem, not my concern.
the attempt to compare, today, in the modern age, the radical muslim terrorism to lone, isolated, unsupported abortion doctor killers, or to the other religions, specifically christianity makes no sense.
one's persons comment

really bob, you know better.

please tell me the last time christians killed 3000 people in one day as a political act of war....


It's been a while. True. But Christians used to kill in the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, using Christianity as an excuse.

Does this mean Christianity is a violent religion?
You can basically say 'yes' and I will ask why Christianity is not a problem now if the problem is rooted in the religion.
If you say 'no' I will ask you why you think the problem is Islam and I will remind you that the IRA were Catholics. And various Christian sects committed genocides as recent as 20 years ago as Bob was kind enough to point out. Christian DO 'do that ****'.

Which is it?

Personally, I think -people- are the problem. They just use whatever religion they have as an excuse.
And I think that some people are just Islamophobe and no amount of rational argument is going to convince them that Islam as a religion is no better or worse than Christianity.
Of course, those people look like "us", so of course it's just one crazed individual and not the vanguard of an invading white, Christian army.

I'm not going to argue with a good deal of what you have to say on this topic but I think a point that bears due consideration is that as far as the 'expansionist' aims of the extremist Islamic sects are concerned they most sincerely are the vanguard of an invasion.

They have no interest in peaceful coexistence or compromise - you are either one of them or dead.

For now, the notion is ludicrous but give them enough time and they'll start making in-roads or cause a real shooting war.

As I've said before (and again in the past couple of days in fact) we know that the Christian faiths have been guilty of just the same. But that is not the problem we face today and it certainly is not a reason to shrug off the real dangers.
As I've said before (and again in the past couple of days in fact) we know that the Christian faiths have been guilty of just the same. But that is not the problem we face today and it certainly is not a reason to shrug off the real dangers.

The problem still exists today.
Only they're mainly killing people in Africa for which we don't care so that's ok.

I agree that there is a problem. It is just not Islam per se, just as back then 'Christianity' was not a problem. There is a good part of the Islamic world with legitimate grudges against the west, and against the US in particular. A handful of enterprising scumbags is using Islam as a tool to get disenfranchised people to attack. If it wasn't Islam they had over there but Christianity, no doubt it would be Christian attackers.

I am not shrugging off the problem. I just think that if we get dogmatic about the reasons why they attack us, we'll never solve the problem.
I agree - you seem to have the ability to say what I mean at times, Bruno, especially when I don' t have the time to build a post properly :tup:.
I have read it. I've read every major religions holy books at least twice in the last 25 or so years. My interpretation is different than yours, and others I have discussed it with interpret it differently also. I also don't care if 100% of Egyptians support shariah law, unless NY is suddenly going to be enforcing foreign laws. I also don't care if France bans whoopie cushions. Again, not my country, not my problem, not my concern.

yeah, not your country, not your problem

till they come here and kill your nieghbors.
The title of the thread is ironic, too, as Christ is known as the Prince of Peace.

Any scripture is up for interpretation. The Bible can be used to support any crackpot idea as can the Quran.
and someone always trots out the crusades......which were a response to MUSLIM AGGRESSION and it was 500 YEARS AGO
The title of the thread is ironic, too, as Christ is known as the Prince of Peace.

Any scripture is up for interpretation. The Bible can be used to support any crackpot idea as can the Quran.

the bible doesnt say "find anyone that doesnt think like you do and kill them"

the bible doesnt say to conquer the entire world and convert it by force

the bible doesnt say marry 6 year olds

there is no moral equivilency here, and your gymnastic convolutions trying to create some are a waste of time and effort
and someone always trots out the crusades......which were a response to MUSLIM AGGRESSION and it was 500 YEARS AGO

I guess Bob's right - there is no timeline you'll accept as factual. Dude, did you even *read* his post in its entirety? I mean, it's getting laughable, friend.
one's persons comment

really bob, you know better.

please tell me the last time christians killed 3000 people in one day as a political act of war....


Sabra and Shatila, Lebanon, 1982

The Sabra and Shatila massacre took place in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war. Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were massacred in the camps by Christian Lebanese Phalangists while the camp was surrounded by Israeli forces.The exact number of victims is disputed, from 3,000 to 5,000 (depending on the source).
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