JIm Jones was not a right winger but, once again, a lefty who committed mass murder, I give you wikipedia:
While Jones always spoke of the social gospel's virtues, before the late 1960s Jones chose to conceal that his gospel was actually communism.[12] By the late 1960s, Jones began at least partially openly revealing in Temple sermons his "Apostolic Socialism" concept.[12] Specifically, "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment — socialism."[37] Jones often mixed those concepts, such as preaching that "If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."[38]
Enough said?
And by the way, no mainstream christian denomination has ever approved of or supported the killing of abortion doctors. You would have to kill a lot more abortion doctors to catch up with even the fringe of muslim terrorists, so please, If you don't want to take the threat seriously, fine, but try to stop slinging the blame on other religions.
What is it with lefties and mass killings? And union violence? And name calling? and everything else they do?
Tamil Tigers, wikipedia:The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sinhala: දෙමල ඊලාම් විමුක්ති කොටි සංවිධානය, ISO 15919: demala īlām vimukti koṭi saṁvidhānaya) (Tamil: தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள், ISO 15919: tamiḻ īḻa viṭutalaip pulikaḷ; commonly known as the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers) was a separatist, socialist
that socialist thing comes up again. More violence from another socialist group. Hmmmm.
While Jones always spoke of the social gospel's virtues, before the late 1960s Jones chose to conceal that his gospel was actually communism.[12] By the late 1960s, Jones began at least partially openly revealing in Temple sermons his "Apostolic Socialism" concept.[12] Specifically, "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment — socialism."[37] Jones often mixed those concepts, such as preaching that "If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."[38]
Enough said?
And by the way, no mainstream christian denomination has ever approved of or supported the killing of abortion doctors. You would have to kill a lot more abortion doctors to catch up with even the fringe of muslim terrorists, so please, If you don't want to take the threat seriously, fine, but try to stop slinging the blame on other religions.
What is it with lefties and mass killings? And union violence? And name calling? and everything else they do?
Tamil Tigers, wikipedia:The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sinhala: දෙමල ඊලාම් විමුක්ති කොටි සංවිධානය, ISO 15919: demala īlām vimukti koṭi saṁvidhānaya) (Tamil: தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள், ISO 15919: tamiḻ īḻa viṭutalaip pulikaḷ; commonly known as the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers) was a separatist, socialist
that socialist thing comes up again. More violence from another socialist group. Hmmmm.
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