More Belt Colors? WHY???

More colors usually is bad, but can be good if the teacher does not charge for testing fees. I only charage $5 (the cost of the belt) and I have a few extra belts for the younger kids so they feel they are progressing when in truth, the adults are going through the belts at a faster rate.

The thing that bothers me is when companies like Bold Look offer hundreds of belt color combinations like: neon green, white, and blue (one one belt) or orange, gray, and pink. If they don't have the 3 color combo you want, you can special order your exact one.
Exactly what can those be used for?

So correct me if I'm wrong, but belt ranking tests aren't the most expensive thing on the planet? At my school we pay 45 dollars for belt rankings.

One of the things that irks me is that my sensei has made a tradition of giving his past black belts to his students who ascend to black belt level, but now he's purchased a camo belt and I just...I don't really like it. Not really cause i have a problem with different belt colorings, but camo is just blah, to me. :P

Still though, my school doesn't put too much importance into belts, they're just expensive as crap.

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