back to the original intention of the post.
I think that Ninjutsu could be resigned for the modern world.
Not sport orientated
But for helping people become effective at defending themselves, others and society under various different circumstances.
Problem with sport is that the strong willed, intelligent and strong bodied often prevail.
The problem with that, is that those who are already superior intellectually, and physically, with stronger will power aren't the most vulnerable.
Through life, being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and coming into contact with loads of other people with ASD. I have realised that the people who need to learn to defend themselves the most, can often be those who will not flourish in a competitive combat sport environment, no matter how good the style is.
That is a flaw with a lot of martial art classes, is that in some cases, the students (and sometime even the instructors) turn into even bigger bullies.
I think that Stephen K Hayes is an interesting guy, open minded to developments. but also has a strong focus in the moral / spiritual aspects of ninjutsu.
As Ninjutsu, learnt un-tethered to a good honest spiritual path, can be extremely dangerous, especially to self stylist wanna be ninja's who learn the style so to use the art for their own selfish purposes.
People forget, Ninjutsu really was ancient spy craft, which in its full authenticity does teach people how to murder and ruin peoples lives.
People who are not grounded with strong spiritual values, may be endanger of being tempted into using illegal harmful ancient ninja strategy to get what they want out of life.
I have seen it myself, with several of the people whom i grew up with.
Several of the people are now psychotic, and I believe it is possible that they have taken life or lives,
while experimenting with strategies they have picked up from reading in the historical books on ninjutsu.
Note. The type of things these people have done they learnt from historical stories rather than direct teachings from a qualified and grounded instructor.
That is a danger with the arts that are associated with the Historical Ninja.
Tend to attract more than their fare share of nuts, who are attracted to the covert criminal methodology.
Nothing against legitimate schools.
The nuts would argue (using volatile mind science arguments) that in reality, their is no difference in them making up their own style or practising an established style. both were created by men after all.
This being true the authentic ninjutsu however has a lineage and a responsibility is there for the instructors to teach morally, ideally, while giving spiritual guidance to ensure that no one ends up on the wrong path.
This perhaps is something that needs to be emphasised in all martial arts.
Especially in this day and age of MMA (which i also like)
That is my take on it anyhow, for what its worth.

I think that Ninjutsu could be resigned for the modern world.
Not sport orientated
But for helping people become effective at defending themselves, others and society under various different circumstances.
Problem with sport is that the strong willed, intelligent and strong bodied often prevail.
The problem with that, is that those who are already superior intellectually, and physically, with stronger will power aren't the most vulnerable.
Through life, being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and coming into contact with loads of other people with ASD. I have realised that the people who need to learn to defend themselves the most, can often be those who will not flourish in a competitive combat sport environment, no matter how good the style is.
That is a flaw with a lot of martial art classes, is that in some cases, the students (and sometime even the instructors) turn into even bigger bullies.
I think that Stephen K Hayes is an interesting guy, open minded to developments. but also has a strong focus in the moral / spiritual aspects of ninjutsu.
As Ninjutsu, learnt un-tethered to a good honest spiritual path, can be extremely dangerous, especially to self stylist wanna be ninja's who learn the style so to use the art for their own selfish purposes.
People forget, Ninjutsu really was ancient spy craft, which in its full authenticity does teach people how to murder and ruin peoples lives.
People who are not grounded with strong spiritual values, may be endanger of being tempted into using illegal harmful ancient ninja strategy to get what they want out of life.
I have seen it myself, with several of the people whom i grew up with.
Several of the people are now psychotic, and I believe it is possible that they have taken life or lives,
while experimenting with strategies they have picked up from reading in the historical books on ninjutsu.
Note. The type of things these people have done they learnt from historical stories rather than direct teachings from a qualified and grounded instructor.
That is a danger with the arts that are associated with the Historical Ninja.
Tend to attract more than their fare share of nuts, who are attracted to the covert criminal methodology.
Nothing against legitimate schools.
The nuts would argue (using volatile mind science arguments) that in reality, their is no difference in them making up their own style or practising an established style. both were created by men after all.
This being true the authentic ninjutsu however has a lineage and a responsibility is there for the instructors to teach morally, ideally, while giving spiritual guidance to ensure that no one ends up on the wrong path.
This perhaps is something that needs to be emphasised in all martial arts.
Especially in this day and age of MMA (which i also like)
That is my take on it anyhow, for what its worth.