Modern Arnis Symposium

Originally posted by Dan Anderson

. . .
We also don't need to "talk in a formal presentation." I think get some of the Canadians to bring down some Gibsons, pour a few brews and break bread amongst ourselves and we all should have a good time.

That is what I'll be there for. There's people I haven't met (Tom Bolden, Hoch Hockeim, etc.) and some I haven't seen in quite a while (Dieter, Shishir, etc.) and new and old friends I'd like to see again. Personally, I predict Saturday night, done right, is going to go late into the evening. I, for one, am going to "close the place down" with a big smile on my face and be ready to teach the next day.

:D :D :D

Dan, :drinkbeer:

Yes, the Canadians can bring down some good beer. :D
I would like to help you close the place down
Dan, and if I have not paid up on the winning
slogan beer, that would be a great time to
collect it. :D

This sounds like it is really shaping up nicely. :boing1:

Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Hell, give me the chance to teach and I can teach and talk for three days straight. Ask any of my students when it's time for class to end and I am in "teach & lecture" mode.

Humor aside, an evening demo of the instructors and seniors would be great. I think the trick would be to keep it short and find out in advance who is going to demo what so the scheduling will be varied. You don't want 6 instructors demonstrating anyos 1-4 back to back. It will make it more entertaining that way.

We also don't need to "talk in a formal presentation." I think get some of the Canadians to bring down some Gibsons, pour a few brews and break bread amongst ourselves and we all should have a good time.

That is what I'll be there for. There's people I haven't met (Tom Bolden, Hoch Hockeim, etc.) and some I haven't seen in quite a while (Dieter, Shishir, etc.) and new and old friends I'd like to see again. Personally, I predict Saturday night, done right, is going to go late into the evening. I, for one, am going to "close the place down" with a big smile on my face and be ready to teach the next day.

:D :D :D

OK, Dan, you're on and I fully expect that you will have ample opportunity to talk and teach, but I am looking for more teaching than talking!!

Has anyone contacted Hock and Shishir? Would they be interested in participating? I have contacted, Dr. Schea, Mr. Delaney and Ms. McManus. Only Ms. McManus has replied thus
far and I hope to have her in attendence next year. She has not declined the invitation for the 2003 Symposium.


Jerome Barber. Ed.D.
I tried to get ahold of Randi Schea but haven't gotten through yet. The best possibility is to get ahold of him by phone. I think Tim Hartman has his number.
PS - There will be lots of teaching coming out of me. You can bet on that.
I know it is a little early to be asking for
details and updates.

But to Jerome and the others involved if we could
have a post here or somewhere every few weeks
or at least once a month to let everyone know
every thing is still going great.

I think a lot of people are very interested,
and it would be nice to keep that level of
interested. :)

Just my thoughts

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

I know it is a little early to be asking for
details and updates.

But to Jerome and the others involved if we could
have a post here or somewhere every few weeks
or at least once a month to let everyone know
every thing is still going great.

I think a lot of people are very interested,
and it would be nice to keep that level of
interested. :)

Just my thoughts


Hi Rich,

I will do my best to keep some news coming forward from time to time. I have zeroed in on the second weekend in July 2003 for the Symposium. One question that I have for people intersted in attending is would they prefer a Thursday-Friday-Saturday schedule or a Friday-Saturday-Sunday schedule?

I have sent e-mails out to Jeff Delaney, Randi Schea and Lisa McManus, inviting them to participate in the Symposium. Delaney and McManus have responded, but they are not fully committed to be there as of this writing.

I would like to get the e-mail addresses for the individual MoTTs, so that I can send each of them a personal invitation to participate. Please send the addresses to me via private e-mail, thanks in advance.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Thank you DoctorB

This is exactly the type of information I was thinking of.
It will allow people to know who is considering, and thereby
making the event even more fun and enjoyable.

Thank you

Hi Jerome,

any news about the date yet?

Anyway, I just took part at a very good seminar of Hoch Hochheim here in Germany and he told me to say hello to you from him and that he is also interested to come to the symposium.
So you might contact him.

Best regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Originally posted by Dieter

Hi Jerome,

any news about the date yet?

Anyway, I just took part at a very good seminar of Hoch Hochheim here in Germany and he told me to say hello to you from him and that he is also interested to come to the symposium.
So you might contact him.

Best regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

Hello Dieter,

Thank you for passing along the message from Hock. I will get in contact with him later today. If he can attend the Symposium, I would certinly welcome him and that would give us two prominent advocates of the use of the knife from the Modern Arnis perspective.

The exact dates are still in flux, mainly because of the announcement that Buffalo will the site for the "Empire Sate Games" in 2003. The Olympic-style games are running from July 23 - 27 and several hotels in the area have been holding off setting up group rates and large block room reservations until the site of the games were announced. Now I can go back and work with these hotels and venue sites because I will have at least a week between the ending of the Symposium and the begining of the ESG programs.

Things will come together fairly soon now that the ESG dates and city have been selected.

I have also been looking into some of the sites and attractions that might be of interest to our Symposium guests. Niagara Falls is about 30 miles north of Buffalo and a very easy drive away. That would be an excellent evening trip and the light show after sunset is beautiful. There is a first class art gallery and several small museums, include our newest, the Pierce-Arrow Automobile Museum that opened earlier this year. There are also some excellent places to eat in this town, including the original place where the "Buffalo Chicken Wings" were first served. There are also several micro-brewries where good food, good beer and converstaion are availible. In addition, if the local Triple A baseball team is in town, that makes for a great night at the ballpark. Ticket prices are very reasonable. For those who are intersted in architecture, there are five Frank Lloyd Write designed homes and the Frederick Law Omstead Park systems. My goal is to have something beyond the Symposium for people to explore when they get here.

More will be posted as the information develops.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Good day to All,

The planning has slowed down just a bit for the 2003 Symposium as I work with several possible venues and cost issues. The major task is to get a reasonable balance between costs and expenses so that the lowest possible fee can be charged back to the final consumers - the people who will actually attend the event.

Several issues are at the forefront, namely accomedation costs, hall or event site costs and insurance coverage. After that I can look into the possibilty of a banquet, but as of now that is on the very rear-most burner.

A sugestion that I have received from several people deals with a discussion session or roundtable at or associated with the 2003 MA Symposium - in summary the idea is to discuss "Skill as Rank: Rank without Belts".

In other words allowing one's technical and applied skills, plus teaching ability determine the "real level" of rank that one has attained. certificates and titles are nice, but isn't the final determination really built around performance?

Your comments would be most welcomed.

Another area that could be explored is a physical one:
"Arnis Anyos, Forms, Sets and Sayaws". The idea here would be to allow people to demonstrate and explain the pre-arranged training groupings. Professor taught a number of empty hand ans stick anyos. There are several ways that people present these anyos. It would be fun to work with and explore the various different interpetations of these anyos. Others have added to or created their own anyos, sets and sayaws.

Again your comments would be welcomed.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Question, do you have a list of the prospective instructors, or would you like to wait until you get more feedback from anyone you are still waiting for a reply from?

Just curious

The exact dates are still in flux, mainly because of the announcement that Buffalo will the site for the "Empire Sate Games" in 2003. The Olympic-style games are running from July 23 - 27 and several hotels in the area have been holding off setting up group rates and large block room reservations until the site of the games were announced.

Hi Jerome,

just a short suggestion:

you wrote, that there will be the "Empire Sate Games" from July 23 - 27. Thats why you wanted to make the symposium before that date. My question would be:

Isn´t it more sensible to make the symposium AFTER the Empire states games, because before, the teams fore the games might come early to get used to the area and train before and will also take up hotes vacancies, training halls, conference rooms etc., and perhaps after the games all the teams will leave straight away so that it might be a little easier to get the rooms, halls etc..

Just a thought, also, because for me a later date would be MUCH more convenient too.

Anyway, perhaps it is worth a check.

Best regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
DATU of Modern Arnis
Originally posted by Rich Parsons


Question, do you have a list of the prospective instructors, or would you like to wait until you get more feedback from anyone you are still waiting for a reply from?

Just curious


Hello Rich,

As of today the prospective list is unchanged:

PG Tom Bolden
Guro Bram Frank
PG Dan Anderson
Datu Tim Hartman
Guro David Ng
Guro Dan McConnell
Datu Dieter Knuttel
PG Demtrio Presas

I have taken PG Demetrio's reply to include both PG Remy Jr. and PG Mary Ann Presas, but I am reluctant to make that a firm prospective until we get closer to the event and they comfirm it.

I like that List and I would be happy with just those folks. Obviously the list is not closed as of this date.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I would like to make the following announcements regarding the proposed 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. I have a tentative venue site scheduled at Erie Community College-City Campus, in Buffalo NY. The Symposium be held Friday through Sunday, July 11, 12 and 13 with training sessions scheduled for 6 - 9pm Friday, 9am - 6pm Saturday and 9am - 1pm Sunday.

I will begin working on the accomedations segment tomorrow and then add a Saturday lunch program at the college from 11am - 1pm because I do not want to break off the training sessions.

Thus far our original group of people interested in serving as trainers is as follows:

PG Tom Bolden, Ameican Modern Arnis & Pancipanci Eskrima
Guro Bram Frank, Common Sense Self Defense/ The Gunting Knife
PG Dan Anderson, Modern Arnis 80
Datu Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance
Guro David Ng, IMAF, Inc.
Guro Dan McConnell, IMAF, Inc.
Datu Dieter Knuttel, Modern Arnis-Germany
PG Demtrio Presas, MARPPIO

During the past 2 weeks I have been contacted regarding the possibility of adding the following instructors to the list:

Sifu Peter Vargas, Pancipanci Eskrima
Sensei Dawud Muhammad, Modern Arnis
Guro Bruce Chiu, Modern Arnis

Things are coming slowly together and I am also working on a logo for the symposium. I am leaving the slogan writing to others and there have been some good ideas expressed on another related thread. Please check it out and add your ideas to the mix.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by DoctorB

I would like to make the following announcements regarding the proposed 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. I have a tentative venue site scheduled at Erie Community College-City Campus, in Buffalo NY. The Symposium be held Friday through Sunday, July 11, 12 and 13 with training sessions scheduled for 6 - 9pm Friday, 9am - 6pm Saturday and 9am - 1pm Sunday.

Thus far our original group of people interested in serving as trainers is as follows:

PG Tom Bolden, Ameican Modern Arnis & Pancipanci Eskrima
Guro Bram Frank, Common Sense Self Defense/ The Gunting Knife
PG Dan Anderson, Modern Arnis 80
Datu Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance
Guro David Ng, IMAF, Inc.
Guro Dan McConnell, IMAF, Inc.
Datu Dieter Knuttel, Modern Arnis-Germany
PG Demtrio Presas, MARPPIO

During the past 2 weeks I have been contacted regarding the possibility of adding the following instructors to the list:

Sifu Peter Vargas, Pancipanci Eskrima
Sensei Dawud Muhammad, Modern Arnis
Guro Bruce Chiu, Modern Arnis

I have just confirmed that Datu Kelly Worden, has requested to be a member of the instructional group at the upcoming 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. So it is time to revise your lists and keep watching us for more developments. Understand something, people, I am predicting that this Symposium is going to be THE Major Modern Arnis Event of 2003!!!! People will miss it at their own risk and then later lie about having been there!!!

With Regards to All,

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Dr. B.;

Quick question for you..... First, glad to see that Guro Bruce Chiu might be on the mat; I havent seen him in years. (can't comment about Dawud Muhammad; he is a good friend and I am biased....more years in the martial arts than most of have been alive AND one of the nicest people you will ever meet!)
I'm not familar with Sifu Vargas; could you give us a little background on his involvement with Professor?
Thanks much!
Originally posted by

Dr. B.;

Quick question for you..... First, glad to see that Guro Bruce Chiu might be on the mat; I havent seen him in years. (can't comment about Dawud Muhammad; he is a good friend and I am biased....more years in the martial arts than most of have been alive AND one of the nicest people you will ever meet!)
I'm not familar with Sifu Vargas; could you give us a little background on his involvement with Professor?
Thanks much!

Hello Chad,

It would be wonderful if you would post your comments and impressions about Sensei Dawud... I was very impressed with his instructional skills and knowledge at the recent Escrima-Kenpo Camp that we had in Buffalo. I will not hesitate in saying that Sensei Dwaud is a Very Accomplished martial artist and instructor.
Tom Bolden and I first met him in Las Vegas, last summer at the Gathering of Eagles event. He was a participant in our seminars, but he did not do any instructing, however we both agreed that he was very good and that we wanted to feature him at an event that we were involved in at some point thereafter. Our first impressions were more than verified, because Sensei Dawud did two very impressive presentations at the camp.

Sifu Peter Vargas, is a student of PG Tom Bolden and he attended several seminars with Professor in Poughkeepsie, NY. He also gave us two wonderful prsentations at the recent Eskrima - Kenpo Camp and I believe that he will have a number of people gasping for air if he has the opportunity to present at the Symposium. He is big man who moves with a great deal of style and grace. His stick work is solid, quick and powerful, his empty hand translations are flawless. In addition he has also spent some time studying the art of Balintawak under GM Bobby Taboada, although he is not ranked in the system as of this writing.

Of course, one of the goals of the Symposium is to introduce people to one another and to give us all a chance to see and work with someone we have not previously known or met. I really enjoy making those kinds of things happen because it also means that my students and I get to meet new people as well.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Hello to All,

I have been informed that we can add three new people to our list of potential instructors for the 2003 Symposium:

Datu Kelly Worden
Datu Shishir Innocalla
Senior Master Douglas Pierre

The original group of people interested in serving as trainers is as follows:

PG Tom Bolden, Ameican Modern Arnis & Pancipanci Eskrima
Guro Bram Frank, Common Sense Self Defense/ The Gunting Knife
PG Dan Anderson, Modern Arnis 80
Datu Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance
Guro David Ng, IMAF, Inc.
Guro Dan McConnell, IMAF, Inc.
Datu Dieter Knuttel, Modern Arnis-Germany
PG Demtrio Presas, MARPPIO

Earlier I posted that I had beeen contacted about adding the following instructors to the list:

Sifu Peter Vargas - American Modern Arnis
Guro Dawud Muhammad - International Modern Arnis
Guro Bruce Chiu - International Modern Arnis

This morning I made my initial contact with a person to assist with the facility planning for the 2003 Symposium. The program
is becoming larger than I first anticipated - which is good in most ways, so I am not complaining. With 14 to 16 potential instrutors,
I need to consider a larger venue than the original ECC site that I had selected. In addition, I need to reconsider the hours that would be availible for instruction at that site. Then there is the matter of lodging for out of town participants. I can anticipate the need for more rooms than I currently have under consideration.

Oh well, that is just the way things are going and the problems are actually managable at this point, if I stay on top of the matter and get some aditional help.

So how is the slogan search going? Any news, any consensus?
I have a logo idea that I am working on, and I will be asking asking for some opinions as soon as I have a prototype(s) ready for viewing. My first task is to draw the ideas out by hand then get someone to do the graphic workup.

So that completes my Symposium update at this point.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by DoctorB

Hello to All,

Datu Kelly Worden - WMAC
Datu Shishir Innocalla - Modern Arnis Philippines
Senior Master Douglas Pierre - Modern Arnis Domog
PG Tom Bolden, Ameican Modern Arnis & Pancipanci Eskrima
Guro Bram Frank, Common Sense Self Defense/ The Gunting Knife
PG Dan Anderson, Modern Arnis 80
Datu Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance
Guro David Ng, IMAF, Inc.
Guro Dan McConnell, IMAF, Inc.
Datu Dieter Knuttel, Modern Arnis-Germany
PG Demtrio Presas, MARPPIO
Sifu Peter Vargas - American Modern Arnis
Guro Dawud Muhammad - International Modern Arnis
Guro Bruce Chiu - International Modern Arnis

I just want to remind everyone that the people listed above are interested in teaching at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. I also want to inform everyone that there have not been any new additions as of this date, nor have there been any requests to be withdrawn from the program. The Symposium planing will be going forward on Friday of this week when I have another opportunity to speak with my facilities ccordinator. The goal is to establish a definative site and get the cost under control so that i can publish the fee structor as soon as possible.

I have noticed over the past few months that no one seems ready to acknowledge that are some very clear differences between various schools of thought regarding Modern Arnis AND each of those schools of thought contain some "truths" within the art; therefore I am again suggesting that people just might want to attend the upcoming Gunting Knife Seminar with Master Bram Frank. Master Frank, will be one of the presenters at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. Some of you have absolutely no knowledge about or experience with the Gunting Knife, so attending the seminar on the 29th, will give you a big step up on some of the people who will be attending next year.

I have been reviewing Guro Bram Frank's manuscript,
"Conceptual Modern Arnis", that is at Paldin Press, undergoing the final editing process for publication and I came across the following statement that I thought might be of interest to some of the people on this forum. The quote is taken from Chapter 19: "The truth in Using Sticks: steel hidden within".

"In Modern Arnis translation is everything. One needs to understand where Modern Arnis came from and where it's going. Modern Arnis embodies the conceptual core of Filipino fighting arts. The understanding of the conceptual usage of those arts is the goal of those that study the art. It is the art within the art. The soul of Filipino fighting is the blade. The soul of Modern Arnis is the blade as well. With that thought in mind I designed a Modern Arnis tactical folding knife made by SPYDERCO: The GUNTING. The GUNTING is the only tactical folder designed to do translations from empty hand all the way to cutting and it opens within the flow of usage. (It is) the ONLY kinetic opening knife in the world and it was designed to use the concepts of Modern Arnis."

Given this very strong statement by Guro Frank, I was wondering what others think of his contentions that that Filipino Martial Arts and Modern Arnis as one of those arts is Blade Oriented? I have read a number of posts by Guro Frank, in which he contends that some of the practices and training drills taught by the late Professor Presas, would be counter-productive to use, if a blade were being used by an opponent.

He has invited Modern Arnis instructors, particularly those of recent years to train with him and he would demonstrate how and why some of the training drills would result in injury, if not death if the student followed precisely the drill format as taught by Professor.

If he is correct, then some adjustments need to be made and the conceptualization process needs to be implimented by many Modern Arnis practictioners. There are certinaly going to be some people in Modern arnis who are in disagreement with Guro Frank's contentions. But ultimately the proof is in the application of the techniques, in real time training with and without the knife or a larger blade.

The GUNTING is a unique knife design and it is the ONLY kinetic opening folding knife on the market today. On Sunday, September 29, at the International Schools of Self Defense, 5901 South Transit Road, Lockport NY, between 2 & 5pm, Guro Frank will be teaching a seminar on the GUNTING KNIFE. The seminar fee is $55 in advance (before September 25) and $70 at the door. Write me for more information, if you are interested in attending.

Your comments and observations would be greatly appriciated.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Maybe we could have two new threads out of Dr. Barber's last post. There was some mention a while back of posting short "about the instructors" sections for the proposed symposium teachers; I am sure that I am not the only one who would be interested.
I think the comments raised about knife verus stick translations are maybe a bit off this topic; so maybe a second new thread.
I have my own views on blade use within Modern Arnis, but I am reluctant to comment on Bram's written work until I have a chance to read the final product.
Good Morning to All,

I would like to report the following updates on the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium:

The training site will be at the Erie Community College City Campus Fieldhouse, in Buffalo, NY - July 11, 12 and 13, 2003.
We will have the Gymnasium floor and Mini-Gym for training and that will allow us to put three (3) to four (4) instructors on the floor per hourly teaching segment. I am working on the basic teaching schedule right now and I am trying to insure that each instructor will have a minimum of 3 teaching opportunities during the weekend. Therefore the attendees will have ample opportunities to see each instructor at least once during the weekend. The general teaching hours will be 6 - 9pm Friday, July 11, 9am - 6pm, Saturday, July 12 and 9am - 1 pm, Sunday, July 13.

The fee schedule for the Symposim event itself, excluding lodging will be as follows:

$250 if paid in January & February 2003; $100 deposit
$300 if paid in March & April 2003; $125 deposit
$350 if paid in May & June 2003; $150 deposit
$400 at the Door
Group rates for 5 - 9 and 10+ will be available upon request.
There are no price exceptions - do not ask.
Deposits are acceptable during each of the 2 month payment blocks and these deposits will be non-refundable.

Each instructor will be required to provide me with proof of liabilty insurance coverage or they will be assessed a fee to be covered under the genral insurance plan that I will have to provide for the college. If an instructor is not insured on their own or under the general program that I have to purchase, then they will not be allowed to teach at the Symposium.

As soon as the paper work is signed for the lodging, I will forward that information to this forum, along with the block registration ID numbers. Please be aware that I have been able to secure only 135 rooms for double occupancy, at three hotels within the city.
Buffalo is going to overrun with conventions and the Empire State Games in June, July and early August, therefore each person who is planning to attend the Modern Arnis Symposium will have to make their room accomedations at least ten (10) days PRIOR to July 1 or the group/block reservations will be closed and a much higher individual daily rate will apply.

Since I have now provided everyone with a 3 month advanced announcement period to secure at least the down payment, the burden shift entirely to each person to determine if they want to participate in this event. You can begin your financial planning and you do not have to make any payments before January 1, 2003.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.