Originally posted by DoctorB
Hello to All,
Datu Kelly Worden - WMAC
Datu Shishir Innocalla - Modern Arnis Philippines
Senior Master Douglas Pierre - Modern Arnis Domog
PG Tom Bolden, Ameican Modern Arnis & Pancipanci Eskrima
Guro Bram Frank, Common Sense Self Defense/ The Gunting Knife
PG Dan Anderson, Modern Arnis 80
Datu Tim Hartman, World Modern Arnis Alliance
Guro David Ng, IMAF, Inc.
Guro Dan McConnell, IMAF, Inc.
Datu Dieter Knuttel, Modern Arnis-Germany
PG Demtrio Presas, MARPPIO
Sifu Peter Vargas - American Modern Arnis
Guro Dawud Muhammad - International Modern Arnis
Guro Bruce Chiu - International Modern Arnis
I just want to remind everyone that the people listed above are interested in teaching at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. I also want to inform everyone that there have not been any new additions as of this date, nor have there been any requests to be withdrawn from the program. The Symposium planing will be going forward on Friday of this week when I have another opportunity to speak with my facilities ccordinator. The goal is to establish a definative site and get the cost under control so that i can publish the fee structor as soon as possible.
I have noticed over the past few months that no one seems ready to acknowledge that are some very clear differences between various schools of thought regarding Modern Arnis AND each of those schools of thought contain some "truths" within the art; therefore I am again suggesting that people just might want to attend the upcoming Gunting Knife Seminar with Master Bram Frank. Master Frank, will be one of the presenters at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. Some of you have absolutely no knowledge about or experience with the Gunting Knife, so attending the seminar on the 29th, will give you a big step up on some of the people who will be attending next year.
I have been reviewing Guro Bram Frank's manuscript,
"Conceptual Modern Arnis", that is at Paldin Press, undergoing the final editing process for publication and I came across the following statement that I thought might be of interest to some of the people on this forum. The quote is taken from Chapter 19: "The truth in Using Sticks: steel hidden within".
"In Modern Arnis translation is everything. One needs to understand where Modern Arnis came from and where it's going. Modern Arnis embodies the conceptual core of Filipino fighting arts. The understanding of the conceptual usage of those arts is the goal of those that study the art. It is the art within the art. The soul of Filipino fighting is the blade. The soul of Modern Arnis is the blade as well. With that thought in mind I designed a Modern Arnis tactical folding knife made by SPYDERCO: The GUNTING. The GUNTING is the only tactical folder designed to do translations from empty hand all the way to cutting and it opens within the flow of usage. (It is) the ONLY kinetic opening knife in the world and it was designed to use the concepts of Modern Arnis."
Given this very strong statement by Guro Frank, I was wondering what others think of his contentions that that Filipino Martial Arts and Modern Arnis as one of those arts is Blade Oriented? I have read a number of posts by Guro Frank, in which he contends that some of the practices and training drills taught by the late Professor Presas, would be counter-productive to use, if a blade were being used by an opponent.
He has invited Modern Arnis instructors, particularly those of recent years to train with him and he would demonstrate how and why some of the training drills would result in injury, if not death if the student followed precisely the drill format as taught by Professor.
If he is correct, then some adjustments need to be made and the conceptualization process needs to be implimented by many Modern Arnis practictioners. There are certinaly going to be some people in Modern arnis who are in disagreement with Guro Frank's contentions. But ultimately the proof is in the application of the techniques, in real time training with and without the knife or a larger blade.
The GUNTING is a unique knife design and it is the ONLY kinetic opening folding knife on the market today. On Sunday, September 29, at the International Schools of Self Defense, 5901 South Transit Road, Lockport NY, between 2 & 5pm, Guro Frank will be teaching a seminar on the GUNTING KNIFE. The seminar fee is $55 in advance (before September 25) and $70 at the door. Write me for more information, if you are interested in attending.
Your comments and observations would be greatly appriciated.
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.