Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Dear Doctor Barber,
I enjoyed meeting you at the Buffalo Camp.
To the first Question, as to Money. Did you ASK?
In my opinion you have not asked not until now?
It would be nice to have some producers for this
event. But, I see a major problem in this. You
have stated that ALL decisions will be yours
since you are the symposium host / sponsor.
As for the second question, I agree with you,
lets get over this, and not just spout out with
a computer. I would like to have this symposium.
I would like to offer my help, if you think it would assist you? I would also like to point out
that the last four posts were yours, and the
impact of your posts are most likely not your
intent. I say this after just meeting and talking
with you for a couple of minutes.
Yes, lets us move on and get this program a
moving. But remember this is the written word,
inflection, smiles, body language are not present
here. As Paul's signature states no matter how
hard you try someone will take it wrong. But, you
can try to choose the words so they do not sound
like a challenge.
My Apologies Dr Barber, this is not meant as a
personal attack on you or anything you have said.
Rich, I wish that we could have talked more at the camp, but time and events really made that difficult. There is no need to apologize, because I am not taking your comments as a personal attack. You have the right to your opinions and I will most certinly express mine when I deem it to be appropriate. I am easily annoyed by some things and totally unresponsive to others. I am quite willing to discuss issues and leave personality out of the posts.
As for money, I did not ask, have not asked and I am not now asking. Since I do not have any idea about what the up-front costs could be, it would be foolish of me to put out a request which might be too small or too large! Since I have hosted seminars and camps in the past, I am aware of the need to post bonds and deposits. Also take note, I was not the person who first raised the questions about money or up front expenses
As for the decisions, yes they are and will be Mine To Make! I believe that there has to be a final decision maker and in this circumstance, for this proposed event, I am that person.
I do have some plans that I have not mentioned because it really is not anyone elses' business regarding the financing. Either the plan will work or it won't, in either case I will certinly proceed with the proposed Symposium and some instructors might choose to opt out because there will not be a big payday for them. I fully understand that problem and I can work around it.
But as I understood and stated the issue at hand, the proposed Modern Arnis Symposium is intended to bring together the people who are claiming leadership in the art, as well as some of the "long-timers" such as myself to demonstrate in a public forum for all in attendence to see - their knowledge, skills and abilities in/of the art of Modern Arnis!
Is that your understanding of what the Symposium is supposed to be all about? If you have a different understanding, please let us know!
Rich, you can help by promoting the idea of the Symposium. You can help by encouraging people to attend. You can help by being there yourself. You can help by writing supportive posts and private e-mails. I will take on the responsibilty to get this Symposium going. I put that burden on myself, through my posts on several threads and a couple of private e-mails. I have said that it is time for some people to stop talking/posting/ making claims about their position and styles of Modern Arnis. It is time to take the entire matter to the training floor for all to witness!
It is time to "Stand and Deliever!".
I am going to provide the logistic and facility for this first Symposium happen in 2003. I said it, now I have to stand behind my statements. I did not promise success, I promised that I would make the opportunity available for the compaision and contrasting of style, ability, skill and knowledge. Thus far ten senior instructors who have worked directly with the late GM, Remy Presas, have signed on to be there. Their names were made available for everyone to see and thus far none have backed away from their stated intention. All but one of the people posted their intention on this forum. If someone that you would like to see or work with is not listed, then contact that person try to convince them to participate. The Symposium will happen, barring some totally unforseeable sitautions.
Now as to what I said in my last four posts, I meant every word, otherwise I would not have posted any of it! If people can not attend because of the costs, prior committments or insecurity, that is too bad, but that is not one of my problems. If people have to make a choice about which of two conflicting events to attend, that is not my problem; life is full of choices that have to be made! I am not telling anyone that they 'have to' attend the Symposium, I am going to encourage everyone that I regularly communicate with to be there. And please understand that I have no real tolerence for excuse making or whining; either you can and will be there or you will not. As far as setting the date based on my schedule, of course I will. Why would I try to adjust my schedule to fit someone elses'? My wife and kids come first!
Rich, if someone wanted to take on the challenge of organizing a second Modern Arnis Symposium for 2004 or 2005, Please Encourage them To Do It! They will not hurt my feelings. My project is to develop the 2003 event. I have no plans or thoughts beyond 2003. The field is wide open and I will be quite happy to assist someone if they want to do the next one. Moving this kind of event to other cities in the US and/or Canada would be a good thing in my opinion, because not everyone can get to Buffalo, easily and inexpensively. I will also be quite happy to help get the next effort started after the 2003 event is done.
The challenge, if there is one, is to grow in the art and mind. I have stated what I believe needs to said. I have said what I believe to be both truthful and factual. If people want this event to happen then they need to support it and attend. If they do not want to see it happen, then they need to state that opinion, loudly and clearly.
This entire Symposium idea **Is Not** about me or you, it is about putting one's knowledge, skill and ability on the line for everyone to see and judge for themselves. Rank certificates and other pieces of paper are not the definative and true measure of an instructor within the martial arts. In the end it is all about ABILITY. Isn't that part of what people are complaining about when the question of titles such as "professor" and "grand master" have come up on threads contained on this forum? Isn't ABILITY the attribute that first attracted so many people to Professor Presas and Modern Arnis?
Rich, let's put this cost, date, conficting committments discussion behind us. The dates and costs are not yet decided. Once they are then the decision on whether to attend or not can be made based on facts not speculation. Understand that the Symposium will not be cheap, but I am not going to charge $1000 per day either.
This Symposium **Is Not** about making lots of money, it is about giving people the opportunity to determine for themselves who has the knowledge, skill and ability to teach the art of Modern Arnis!
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.