Modern Arnis Symposium

I mentioned this in another thread but let's get the gang together
and put on a show. Let me know the date long enough in advance and I'll be there with sticks in hand.

Let's also put out advance notice to Black belt, Inside Kung Fu & Filipino Martial Arts magazines and get some face time for Modern Arnis while we're at it.

Dan Anderson

PS Look for the article I wrote on Modern Arnis in the August issue of Inside Kung Fu.
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

I mentioned this in another thread but let's get the gang together
and put on a show. Let me know the date long enough in advance and I'll be there with sticks in hand.

Let's also put out advance notice to Black belt, Inside Kung Fu & Filipino Martial Arts magazines and get some face time for Modern Arnis while we're at it.

Dan Anderson

PS Look for the article I wrote on Modern Arnis in the August issue of Inside Kung Fu.

Hello Dan,

I am going to go to work on getting a facility and logding this week, then I can project the cost of putting on the Symposium.
There is NO doubt in my mind that the Modern Arnis Symposium **Will Be the Modern Arnis Event of 2003** There are already ten people who have indicated that they want to be instructors and that is without any MoTTs and/or Jeff Delaney opting in as of this writing.

I will be writing to both of those groups within a day or so to make a formal request that they participate. Given the number of MoTTs, it would be appropriate for them to send a rep or two as instructors, although I would love to see them all attend the event.

The advance notice to the magazines will be taken care of once we get the details under control. Good face time is a definate must for this event.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
For those of you who would like to get a heads-up view of one of our proposed 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium indicated instructors, the upcoming Escrima-Kenpo Summer Camp is the place to be. Punong Guro Tom Bolden will be presenting his Pancipanci Eskrima - American Modern Arnis on July 13 & 14.

PG Bolden is a "long-timer" in Modern Arnis and he was the person who introduced Modern Arnis and Professor Presas to the Mid-Hudson Region of New York in 1982. He also attended the 2 week Summer Camps that Professor, conducted before he dropped to the one week camps and finally the 3-4 day weekend camps that became the staple of his training program from the mid 1980's through 2001.

PG Bolden was also One of the FIRST non-Filipinos to be trained in the FMAs by a Filipino Instructor. It is also very interesting to note that PG Bolden began his training in the FMAs a year of so BEFORE Guro Dan Inosanto began his traing with Guro John LaCoste, Guro Max Sermianto and GM Angel Cabales, in Stockton.
Master Florintino Pancipanci, was PG Bolden's instructor in both Eskrima and CHA-3 Kenpo, begining in 1962, at Camp Smith, Hawaii. His addaitional FMA training began in the late 1970's under the late GM Remy Presas.

When Guro Bram Frank, was writing about "the Flow" and the long-timers in Modern Arnis, I can tell you with total certinty that PG Bolden was definately one of the people that he had in mind.

If you really want to see and feel Modern Arnis with a difference, an edge and fluid motions ("the Flow"), then check out PG Bolden. He has a very different feeling to his art and it has greatly evolved over the past 8 years since he left the IMAF.

I believe that anyone attending this camp with a Modern Arnis background is going to very pleasently surprised at how different the same aspects of Modern Arnis can be under a different instructor. People who have not seen PG BOlden over the past 8-10 years are going to very surprised at the development of his variant of the art of Modern Arnis. It really does deserve and needs to have a distictive name: American Modern Arnis!

But come see for yourselves, because I will freely admit to being quite unobjective when it comes to PG Bolden and his art.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D. Pancipanci Eskrima - American Modern Arnis
DoctorB and symposium organizers - Please take into consideration any date conflicts that would hinder people from attending. Three day camps by the different groups out there, that are close to your date may cause a problem where people might not be able to attend away weekends close together. Also the $$ may be a problem. Just something for you to keep in mind.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Just a thought...
Its been mentioned a few times here about having a large gathering of Modern Arnis practicioners similar to the Kenpo "Gathering of Eagles" (think thats what its called).

I bounced this one around a little bit, and had an idea on how this may work to give the most exposure. In Sci-Fi fandom theres a concept called WorldCon. Its held every year, but each year in a different city. Perhaps we can do something similar? Get all the MA groups together, vote on a host city (school) and get things rolling. I'm of the opinion that promoted correctly, this could have several hundred people show up, with much higher numbers in some areas. (I'd expect a supercamp in the Phip. and Japan to top 500 easily)

Each group has their own camps each year, and still could. I believe that they are scheduled so as to not overlap each other too much. Perhaps pick a month thats traditionally 'slow' and see if thats a good time for it.

Backing up a hair...maybe rather than voting, you take all the host-sponsor groups names, put them in a hat, and select 1 at random? Once you've hosted it, you're not eligible for a couple years to re-host?

Just tossing out some ideas. The org leaders are the folks who know the headaches on this better than I. Would be nice though if this could get off the ground. The experience level to see if everyone got involved, shared and opened their minds and learned. And, Hey....wouldn't it be just too cool to see all of the MOTTs and Datus and other Modern Arnis teachers under one roof doing what they do best, together? :)

Hey Kaith,

Your are correct it is called the "Gathering of Eagles" and it is a great model to follow for what I have proposed for the Modern Arnis community. That is exactly what is needed because it will allow people to clear up some of the misconceptions that abound within the community of people who do this art.

Personally I believe that the event should be on a bi-annual basis. I beieve that when something occurs every two years it has more impact power that something that we can go to every year! If we were to follow the GOE model, it would be a bi-annual affair. As for moving the Modern Arnis Symposium around to other cities; please do it! I am all in favor of it! I will organize this first one because I made some very strong and pointed statements in several post within different threads on, so I had to stand behind my statements. I am also quite tired of the endless comments about who said, did, did not, can not, should not, etc.

Let's get this into an area that is much more objective. Let's move to a performance driven format. We all understand that it is easy to talk, but I want people to have to stand and deliever the goods! I believe that knowledge, skill and ability are the proper coodinate points that determine real rank. Pieces of paper are fine things to put on your wall, but when the rubber has to meet the road, paper is meaningless!

Personally, I believe that the proposed Modern Arnis Symposium will be THE MAJOR Event in our area of the martial arts in 2003.
Let's just look at the list of people willing to contribute their time and teaching skills as of 5pm Monday, May 20th:

Dan Anderson, Bram Frank, David Ng, Tim Hartman, Dieter Knuttel, the Presas Family, Dan McConnell and Tom Bolden. That is a strong lineup and we have not heard from Datu Kelly Worden nor either the Schea/MoTTs or Delaney Groups. I am very well aware that David and Dan are associated with IMAF Inc., but the bulk of the anti-establishment comments were directed at Schea/MoTTs and Delaney, therefore having them and Datu Kelly on board would be a good thing. On the other hand even without them the lineup is quite impressive. Anyone missing this event is going to be kicking themselves in the rear for quite some time to come. There is only one first time for this event!

I will have a definative date for you within the next couple of weeks. My first choices are the last weekend in June or the 2nd weekend of July 2003, thereby avoiding the July 4th holiday.

I am planning on 200 - 250 people to be in attendence because this existing line-up is too good to miss. I know that there are some excellent Arnis people within this line-up. No one is a slacker in this group!

It is also true that a Symposium such as this will not answer every quetion about who is better and who is the best, but it give everyone an equal or as near equal opportunity as possible to showcase their knowledge, abilities and skills within the context of Modern Arnis. We will very clearly see who has the basic foundation skills and advanced applications abilities within this art. Showing up on the Modern Arnis Symposium floor is the best way for everyone to see and evaluate for themselves who has the "right stuff" and who is not quite at the top echelon of Modern Arnis. When people come to the first Modern Arnis Symposium 2003, it would be wise to check their egos at the door and enter with their eyes and minds wide open! I have worked with several of the people who are ready to present and I know what they have to offer. And we should be mindful of another aspect of this proposed event, if these folks were not confident that they will rise to the occassion in the company of their peers, they would not have stepped forward, asking for a spot on the program!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Someone have a way of sending word to Bob Quinn? He is a great guy and I think an invitation especially from the senior members would be cool.
I think that Dr Barber is setting the date about a year in Advance.. IMHO I'd say OTHERS should not schedule near HIS date..
So instead of him watching someone else's events and worrying, he's setting the dates NOW....a full year ahead...
That means you and others can commit to THIS camp and tell the others..sorry the date conflicts with my already scheduled Modern Arnis Camp..
that's simple...

And as for cost..things today aren't cheap..but I'm sure it will be reasonable..
of course I guess that's a matter of perspective..RIGHT?
I have a hard time with people who want to know "how much?"
Whatever the product costs...thats How much..

Of course I have this discussion with people unwilling to buy quality firearms, knives or the like..things one's life depends on..
the cheaper the better..? not if you want to live...
you get what you pay for...

Going to the Riddle of Steel, or Water n Steel or the Commandments can set you back $ your expenses..and your equipment..
Is it too much? Since there's waiting lists for each I guess not..

A good production tactical folder ( knife) runs $150-$200..a good custom one around $ that too much? Since thats industry standard I guess not..some cost upwards of $4000 each

Cars cost what my moms first house cost...
$10,000 buys you a nothing car,,the average Mustang or Camaro cost $20-$30K....The new SVT is $40K...too much? I guess not they sell them out..

As for homes?? who would guess that homes, fixer up homes could cost $ mIami area $180K buys a fixer-upper

Lets see, advertising, expenses, phone calls, renting of the Conference Halls, the booking of Hotel rooms with guarantees, payments towards Teachers, for the event...flyers...
hmmm guess Dr Barber could spend a bit of the ole' money to set it up..and of course he needs to recoup those expenses....
and our entry fees pay for that...

You want quality instruction? I guess you plan ahead and book the dates..and start saving your pennies..
DR Barber is giving everyone a heads up OVER a year ahead..

My students pay over $1200 just in Airfare to come to the Commandments of the camp expense, plus their REQUIRED trainig gear & eqipment...They plan a year in advance..
DR Barber and the others teaching deserve no less the same respect and the planning..and commitment

sorry I have no patience for the "I can't afford it..or one must plan so all can afford it" attitude...
I made my way to see the Professor...
I sold things if I had to...I paid him extra and I bought what he was selling....I put him up in hotels and bought him food..

The date is et..the venue is known ahead of time..
I'd suggest we all use positive thinking and say THIS is the event of those dates..all others should be in second place..


If I have not followed the ways of the forum..please excuse me and delete this post..I only meant to show respect to Dr Barber , the others commiting to the event and his and their efforts..
Nah. You made a lot of good points in there. :)

I think Bloodwoods point was that many groups already have fairly 'traditional' dates where they have their camps.

If the camp is held in the US, we have US and Canadian holidays to work around. In addition, theres the established org camps to work around.

Now, I'm not saying Dr.B should be the only one to give here. Every org has their camps listed AFAIK. I'd make a rough map on whos-where, tack in the holidays, and come up with some possible dates based on that, and his own ideas on when is good. If theres a date conflict, as part of the contact process with the orgs, possibly inquire on if they can bump thiers back/forward a few weeks so as to maximize things for everyone. Or, maybe merge the 2. Whichever works for the benifit of the majority.

Costs...the more affordable the more people can attend...the more people attending the more cash raised...the more cash raised more instructors afforded. $200 seems very affordable...$1000 puts it out of most people that I know ofs reach. Again, those who have already organized events know the mechanics better than I. :)

If theres 10 instructors, and each one gets $500, then $5k needs to go for instructor fees alone. $200/person * 50 attendees = $10k. Leaves $5k to cover other overhead exp like advertizing, catering, insurance, etc. This is of course overly simplified.

Schedule so that the most folks can attend, price it where it covers costs comfortably, yet allows the most folks to attend, and of course, make it alot of fun. I think its a plan. :)

There are several events already planned for 2003, so I think Bloodwood was just making sure that no one got double booked.
Also, even if these events are not on the same weekend, if they are too close together, then it makes it hard for a lot of people to choose which events to go to. Or, if they are already commited to one, the might not be able to make it to the good Doctor's event for various reasons.
I know myself, I have events I host, some I have been asked to teach, others I have commited myself and my students to help out with, plus normal life stuff, all set for next year already.
I want to make this event, I think it is a good idea and have thought that for awhile, I heard someone mention that the Doctor had proposed this many, many months ago.
But, if I know myself there are things I will not be able to get out of at this time.
I am sure this is the reason why Al Tracy does the Gathering, only evey other year.
It pays to pre-plan, AND be aware of what esle is going on at the same time.
Although I do see your point, Bram, I think that affordability is a concern. I am confident that DoctorB will arange the event accordingly, so that his costs will be covered, yet it will be affordable for all.

Originally posted by bloodwood

DoctorB and symposium organizers - Please take into consideration any date conflicts that would hinder people from attending. Three day camps by the different groups out there, that are close to your date may cause a problem where people might not be able to attend away weekends close together. Also the $$ may be a problem. Just something for you to keep in mind.

Actually, Bloodwood, every single seminar or camp date that I have ever proposed and run has had conflicts for some people just as I have had conflicting stuff in my life that prevented me from going to some events. That is the nature of the beast, so i will have to work within the time frames that work best for me and then hope that there a significant nuber of people can and wiil be able to attend whatever date I have selected.

One of the reasons that I am worked a year in advance to schedule the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium is that people can put that date and event on their calenders. There will never be a perfect date for everyone!

BTW, I am the Symposium organizer. There are a number of people who have agreed in principle to be instructors and I am very grateful for their support, however the final decisions will be mine alone to make.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by BRAM

I think that Dr Barber is setting the date about a year in Advance.. IMHO I'd say OTHERS should not schedule near HIS date..
So instead of him watching someone else's events and worrying, he's setting the dates NOW....a full year ahead...
That means you and others can commit to THIS camp and tell the others..sorry the date conflicts with my already scheduled Modern Arnis Camp..
that's simple...

Thanks Bram, for your support. I am going to plan this proposed Modern Arnis Symposium with just one clearly stated principle in mind: Quality wins out over convience and excuses!

If my proposed Symposium conflicts with someones schedule, I am sorry, but that's life! If people want to come into Buffalo next summer, 2003, and demonstarte their competence and expertise as teachers of Modern Arnis, I am going to do all that I can within reason and that includes cost, to make that event happen.

I have made and will continue to make some hard statements about the quality of the art that some people have displayed. I have grown totally annoyed with all of the bickering and posturing regarding the "leadership" of the Modern Arnis style and I decided to give people an opportunity to put their skills and ability to the test in a comparison and contrasting format, that will allow any interested person to **Make Their Own INDEPENDENT Judgement** about who can actually do the art and can't!

As a "long-timer" who only hears from some people/groups when they want my attendence and money, I decided that I want these people to EARN my confidence and trust. In short, people i am willing to back up my words with actions... I can do this art called Modern arnis and now I want to see if these "new short- timers" have anything worthwhile to offer! Is there truth in their advertizments?

And as for cost..things today aren't cheap..but I'm sure it will be reasonable..
of course I guess that's a matter of perspective..RIGHT?
I have a hard time with people who want to know "how much?"
Whatever the product costs...thats How much..

Of course I have this discussion with people unwilling to buy quality firearms, knives or the like..things one's life depends on..
the cheaper the better..? not if you want to live...
you get what you pay for...

Going to the Riddle of Steel, or Water n Steel or the Commandments can set you back $ your expenses..and your equipment..
Is it too much? Since there's waiting lists for each I guess not..

{Three (3) Paragrahs Deleted}

You are absolutely correct about pricing, Bram and one of my considerations is definately the cost of this proposed symposium for the participants who will be in attendent to this event. Will it be $300 or $400? I do not know as of today, but it will be determined very soon. OBTW, who in the hell do these people complaining about possible dates and cost think will have bare the start-up costs for this event for at least 10 months in advance of the date?

Lets see, advertising, expenses, phone calls, renting of the Conference Halls, the booking of Hotel rooms with guarantees, payments towards Teachers, for the event...flyers...
hmmm guess Dr Barber could spend a bit of the ole' money to set it up..and of course he needs to recoup those expenses....
and our entry fees pay for that...

Wow, look at that list of up-front expenses. Hmmm... maybe I should reconsider this symposium idea and just let the forum carnage and bickering continue without any sort of resolution!!
Thanks for the reminder, Bram!

You want quality instruction? I guess you plan ahead and book the dates..and start saving your pennies..
DR Barber is giving everyone a heads up OVER a year ahead..

My students pay over $1200 just in Airfare to come to the Commandments of the camp expense, plus their REQUIRED trainig gear & eqipment...They plan a year in advance..
DR Barber and the others teaching deserve no less the same respect and the planning..and commitment

sorry I have no patience for the "I can't afford it..or one must plan so all can afford it" attitude...
I made my way to see the Professor...
I sold things if I had to...I paid him extra and I bought what he was selling....I put him up in hotels and bought him food..

I am going to move forward with this project because it is really something that needs to happen. People will just have make up their own minds about the relative value of attending this event
in 2003. If I can get all of my ducks and credit lined up the event is on and the final information will be posted in a few weeks!!

The date is et..the venue is known ahead of time..
I'd suggest we all use positive thinking and say THIS is the event of those dates..all others should be in second place..


If I have not followed the ways of the forum..please excuse me and delete this post..I only meant to show respect to Dr Barber , the others commiting to the event and his and their efforts..

Hell, Bram you were one of the first three people to step up and offer to instructor, so from my perspective you have not said one thing that is out of line.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by Roland

There are several events already planned for 2003, so I think Bloodwood was just making sure that no one got double booked.
Also, even if these events are not on the same weekend, if they are too close together, then it makes it hard for a lot of people to choose which events to go to. Or, if they are already commited to one, the might not be able to make it to the good Doctor's event for various reasons.
I know myself, I have events I host, some I have been asked to teach, others I have commited myself and my students to help out with, plus normal life stuff, all set for next year already.
I want to make this event, I think it is a good idea and have thought that for awhile, I heard someone mention that the Doctor had proposed this many, many months ago.
But, if I know myself there are things I will not be able to get out of at this time.
I am sure this is the reason why Al Tracy does the Gathering, only evey other year.
It pays to pre-plan, AND be aware of what esle is going on at the same time.

Hey Guys,

Double booking **Is Not** an issue here! People will have plenty of time to set up their calanders. Cost is a definate factor and i do not want to price this event out of everyones reach, but then how big a payday will the instructors get? Think about that one fellas!!!

Yes, i did mention this symposium ideas several times before, but since no one picked up the ball, I took the opportunity to do it, now the carpping and excuses begin before the final dates are even set? Wow, now that is some leadership example!

I am planning a year ahead! I will nmake the date convient to me and my instructors. Either you can come and be supportive or you can't!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by PAUL

Although I do see your point, Bram, I think that affordability is a concern. I am confident that DoctorB will arange the event accordingly, so that his costs will be covered, yet it will be affordable for all.


Paul, you are correct with regard to costs and coverage! I will have to lay out some up-front money and as of today no one has offered their assistance in that regard.

If people have other plans and obligations, then each individual will have to make a choice about what they really want to do and which event they really want to attend. It is no different for me.

I will not schedule the Symposium for a time frame that I know that I have pre-existing committments. However, if I asked for everyone's calender and tried to find an open date that would fit everyone's schedule, I can guarantee you that there would always be a conflict, due to holidays, religious observations, family committments, work, seminars and camps. Therefore I will pick a date around the best costs, best facilities and best availible time options that I have open to me.

So let's just get over this problem and move on to the bigger picture, do people REALLY WANT this Modern Arnis Symposium
to happen or would they prefer to keep the verbal nonsense going? The verbal posts prove nothing, except that someone
has a computer, keyboard and access to a forum!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by DoctorB

Paul, you are correct with regard to costs and coverage! I will have to lay out some up-front money and as of today no one has offered their assistance in that regard.

. . .

So let's just get over this problem and move on to the bigger picture, do people REALLY WANT this Modern Arnis Symposium
to happen or would they prefer to keep the verbal nonsense going? The verbal posts prove nothing, except that someone
has a computer, keyboard and access to a forum!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Dear Doctor Barber,

I enjoyed meeting you at the Buffalo Camp.

To the first Question, as to Money. Did you ASK?
In my opinion you have not asked not until now?
It would be nice to have some producers for this
event. But, I see a major problem in this. You
have stated that ALL decisions will be yours
since you are the symposium host / sponsor.

As for the second question, I agree with you,
lets get over this, and not just spout out with
a computer. I would like to have this symposium.
I would like to offer my help, if you think it would assist you? I would also like to point out
that the last four posts were yours, and the
impact of your posts are most likely not your
intent. I say this after just meeting and talking
with you for a couple of minutes.

Yes, lets us move on and get this program a
moving. But remember this is the written word,
inflection, smiles, body language are not present
here. As Paul's signature states no matter how
hard you try someone will take it wrong. But, you
can try to choose the words so they do not sound
like a challenge.

My Apologies Dr Barber, this is not meant as a
personal attack on you or anything you have said.

Is this how you guys react to someone trying to add some POSITIVE input on the let's be nice and friendly and share event? And you wonder why there is so much hostility in Modern Arnis. This is supposed to be a healing event that brings the Arnis family closer together and already it's - This Is THE Event and all else is secondary. I mearly stated two valid points that I believe many people would have concerns for.
Others on this thread have already noted that these are points to watch.
DoctorB, if you are already getting your back up this early in the game this will not be en enjoyable experience for you. And as for BRAM, you jump down my throat with all this long winded crap and rigid attitude that has no place in friendly give and take forum. And you know what!!! If you're gonna be one of the instructors Count Me Out
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Dear Doctor Barber,

I enjoyed meeting you at the Buffalo Camp.

To the first Question, as to Money. Did you ASK?
In my opinion you have not asked not until now?
It would be nice to have some producers for this
event. But, I see a major problem in this. You
have stated that ALL decisions will be yours
since you are the symposium host / sponsor.

As for the second question, I agree with you,
lets get over this, and not just spout out with
a computer. I would like to have this symposium.
I would like to offer my help, if you think it would assist you? I would also like to point out
that the last four posts were yours, and the
impact of your posts are most likely not your
intent. I say this after just meeting and talking
with you for a couple of minutes.

Yes, lets us move on and get this program a
moving. But remember this is the written word,
inflection, smiles, body language are not present
here. As Paul's signature states no matter how
hard you try someone will take it wrong. But, you
can try to choose the words so they do not sound
like a challenge.

My Apologies Dr Barber, this is not meant as a
personal attack on you or anything you have said.


Rich, I wish that we could have talked more at the camp, but time and events really made that difficult. There is no need to apologize, because I am not taking your comments as a personal attack. You have the right to your opinions and I will most certinly express mine when I deem it to be appropriate. I am easily annoyed by some things and totally unresponsive to others. I am quite willing to discuss issues and leave personality out of the posts.

As for money, I did not ask, have not asked and I am not now asking. Since I do not have any idea about what the up-front costs could be, it would be foolish of me to put out a request which might be too small or too large! Since I have hosted seminars and camps in the past, I am aware of the need to post bonds and deposits. Also take note, I was not the person who first raised the questions about money or up front expenses

As for the decisions, yes they are and will be Mine To Make! I believe that there has to be a final decision maker and in this circumstance, for this proposed event, I am that person.

I do have some plans that I have not mentioned because it really is not anyone elses' business regarding the financing. Either the plan will work or it won't, in either case I will certinly proceed with the proposed Symposium and some instructors might choose to opt out because there will not be a big payday for them. I fully understand that problem and I can work around it.

But as I understood and stated the issue at hand, the proposed Modern Arnis Symposium is intended to bring together the people who are claiming leadership in the art, as well as some of the "long-timers" such as myself to demonstrate in a public forum for all in attendence to see - their knowledge, skills and abilities in/of the art of Modern Arnis!

Is that your understanding of what the Symposium is supposed to be all about? If you have a different understanding, please let us know!

Rich, you can help by promoting the idea of the Symposium. You can help by encouraging people to attend. You can help by being there yourself. You can help by writing supportive posts and private e-mails. I will take on the responsibilty to get this Symposium going. I put that burden on myself, through my posts on several threads and a couple of private e-mails. I have said that it is time for some people to stop talking/posting/ making claims about their position and styles of Modern Arnis. It is time to take the entire matter to the training floor for all to witness!
It is time to "Stand and Deliever!".

I am going to provide the logistic and facility for this first Symposium happen in 2003. I said it, now I have to stand behind my statements. I did not promise success, I promised that I would make the opportunity available for the compaision and contrasting of style, ability, skill and knowledge. Thus far ten senior instructors who have worked directly with the late GM, Remy Presas, have signed on to be there. Their names were made available for everyone to see and thus far none have backed away from their stated intention. All but one of the people posted their intention on this forum. If someone that you would like to see or work with is not listed, then contact that person try to convince them to participate. The Symposium will happen, barring some totally unforseeable sitautions.

Now as to what I said in my last four posts, I meant every word, otherwise I would not have posted any of it! If people can not attend because of the costs, prior committments or insecurity, that is too bad, but that is not one of my problems. If people have to make a choice about which of two conflicting events to attend, that is not my problem; life is full of choices that have to be made! I am not telling anyone that they 'have to' attend the Symposium, I am going to encourage everyone that I regularly communicate with to be there. And please understand that I have no real tolerence for excuse making or whining; either you can and will be there or you will not. As far as setting the date based on my schedule, of course I will. Why would I try to adjust my schedule to fit someone elses'? My wife and kids come first!

Rich, if someone wanted to take on the challenge of organizing a second Modern Arnis Symposium for 2004 or 2005, Please Encourage them To Do It! They will not hurt my feelings. My project is to develop the 2003 event. I have no plans or thoughts beyond 2003. The field is wide open and I will be quite happy to assist someone if they want to do the next one. Moving this kind of event to other cities in the US and/or Canada would be a good thing in my opinion, because not everyone can get to Buffalo, easily and inexpensively. I will also be quite happy to help get the next effort started after the 2003 event is done.

The challenge, if there is one, is to grow in the art and mind. I have stated what I believe needs to said. I have said what I believe to be both truthful and factual. If people want this event to happen then they need to support it and attend. If they do not want to see it happen, then they need to state that opinion, loudly and clearly.

This entire Symposium idea **Is Not** about me or you, it is about putting one's knowledge, skill and ability on the line for everyone to see and judge for themselves. Rank certificates and other pieces of paper are not the definative and true measure of an instructor within the martial arts. In the end it is all about ABILITY. Isn't that part of what people are complaining about when the question of titles such as "professor" and "grand master" have come up on threads contained on this forum? Isn't ABILITY the attribute that first attracted so many people to Professor Presas and Modern Arnis?

Rich, let's put this cost, date, conficting committments discussion behind us. The dates and costs are not yet decided. Once they are then the decision on whether to attend or not can be made based on facts not speculation. Understand that the Symposium will not be cheap, but I am not going to charge $1000 per day either.

This Symposium **Is Not** about making lots of money, it is about giving people the opportunity to determine for themselves who has the knowledge, skill and ability to teach the art of Modern Arnis!

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Whooooaaaaaaaaa! Whoooooooaaaaaaaaaa!

:argue: :duel: :confused:

Come on guys! let's not fight. I'm offering a free hug for everyone the next time I see them, if ya all promise just to RELAX .

Seriously, though, I know most of you well enough to know that your all good people. I think I know all of you personally except DoctorB and Bram (who I respect enough without having to have met them), but we all have mutual friends here. We all have good intentions, even if we have different idea's as to how to go about it. So everyone chill out a little, and let DoctorB, who took the initiative to step up and put together an event, do it. Let him set it up, and we'll make suggestions, and work stuff out as we go along.

If we can all relax a little and not get so defensive (I have to remind myself of this all the time) then this event will become a reality, and it will be successful! :soapbox: :D

Bloodwood: I wouldn't normally single you out, but I'm going to only because I know that your a good guy, and you can handle it. You may not sound like that to everyone right now, but I can vouch for you! ;)

I know that you ment no harm with your post asking about cost and times, and that you where just addressing the issue. Just don't let people's "talk" (which is all this is) discourage you from participating and missing out on an event that should be pretty good.

Bram: I don't mean any offense to you either, and I'm pretty hopeful that you didn't intend to offend anyone, or jump down anyones throat, and that you were just making the point. Just be careful (as I have to as well). As it has been said many times before, intentions can be easily misunderstood on a talk forum like this.

EVERYONE: I just want to make the point to everyone that when getting together for a huge symposium such as this, not everyone is going to agree with everyone on the Art, Organization of an event, or anything for that matter. Hell, not everyone is going to even like each other, let alone agree! But, given where we all are coming from (which is from a linage of Remy Presas), I think that we can at least suck it up and get along. We have a wonderful example to follow, and that is Professor Remy Presas' example. He was a very nice person who could at least get along with everyone and BE HAPPY, even if he didn't agree with them or even like them. He could do this without jeprodizing his beliefs and methods that made Modern Arnis.

I know we can all follow in his footsteps and do the same. We can all get together, even if there are some that we don't even agree with or like. We in fact must, if we wish to see other perspectives, and continue the art. We can all do it, and be happy!

So, let us do it......:asian:
Originally posted by bloodwood

Is this how you guys react to someone trying to add some POSITIVE input on the let's be nice and friendly and share event? And you wonder why there is so much hostility in Modern Arnis. This is supposed to be a healing event that brings the Arnis family closer together and already it's - This Is THE Event and all else is secondary. I mearly stated two valid points that I believe many people would have concerns for.
Others on this thread have already noted that these are points to watch.
DoctorB, if you are already getting your back up this early in the game this will not be en enjoyable experience for you. And as for BRAM, you jump down my throat with all this long winded crap and rigid attitude that has no place in friendly give and take forum. And you know what!!! If you're gonna be one of the instructors Count Me Out


I never expected that the Symposium idea would go forward without some comments. It is part of the development of an idea or project. The matter of costs and conflicting events is a reality that has to be taken into account. The downside of all of this is that there will never be a date that is without conflict for someone., therefore I will do what every other seminar and camp host has to do; schedule the event, and let each individual make his/her own decision about whether they are going to attend.

On the matter of costs, I do have to offer some remuniration to the instructors, don't I? It is a given that with 10 - 12 instructors, they payday is going to be small for each indiviual who participates. Privately several people have already stated that they understand the situation and it is the event that is most important to them. I will kep the cost as low as possible. Simply understand that it will not be cheap; the Symposium is a major event and there are already 10 indicated instructors. It should also be noted that THE SYMPOSIUM will be the major Modern arnis event of 2003.

Regarding counting yourself out because Guro Bram Frank, has indicated that he will attend and instruct, that is your call to make; however I would like to point out that you are also denying yourself the opportunity to work with nine (9) other instructors. Is it really worth it to you to avoid attending because of one instructor and an exchange over the internet? But is your call to make!

As for my back being up! Not really, I have stated my point of view in a direct and clear manner. I have very strong opinions on some matters and that is going to come out when I deem it appropriate and necessary. Others will speak out on different topics/subjects that they feel strongly about. There will be some disagreements, but that is the nature of a forum discussion group.

Do I believe that the Symposium will settle all disagreement? Not for one second, I am too much of a realist. Do I believe that the Symposium can address some of the issues that have been the grist of numerous posts and threads? I most certinly do! In the end, you and every other person who chooses to attend will have an opportunity to judge for yourselves which of the instructors have the qualities that you want to have as part of your Modern Arnis art.

The Symposium is an opportunity for some of the instructors to work with and see others whom they have only heard about. That is the single most important aspect of this proposed Symposium - for people to meet one another and work together.
As I have stated numerous times, we will all have an opprotunity to see who has the Knowledge, Skill, Movements and Abilities to really do Modern Arnis! It is all about accepting the challenge to "Stand and Deliever". Any instructor who steps out on the training floor at the Symposium, has to have the confidence that his/her art is superior to most others in the discipline.

Some people have claimed titles such as "professor", "grand master" "punong guro" "successor" and "guardian". If and when they arrive at the Symposium, they will have to demonstrate why they should taken seriously. They will be critically judged by their peers and others in attendence. Other instructors simply want the opportunity to pay homage to the late GM, Professor Remy Presas and they will have that opportunity.

So let's get on the business of promoting the event.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Kudos to Dr. B for trying to get the ball rolling.

I don't envy you trying to pull it off.

It will be very interesting to see which instructors are willing to stand side by side with other Modern Arnis leaders and show their wares.

I suspect there are some who will shy away from such a gathering to avoid comparison.

If you can do it, I'll be there.

:ticked: :disgust: :uhohh: :mad: :disgust:

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