Let me toss this out for consideration and possible resolution. What is the best option if one or two members (who are buddies) continually drop little sarcastic or negative remarks that are designed to put you in a bad light or derail the thread? Probably not quite enough to RTM, or perhaps it is but I'm hesitant. Almost like a drive-by. Usually sarcastic or off-topic and definitely non-constructive. The ignore feature isn't an option imo as it is often a personal zinger. And I think a lot of people would feel compelled to defend themselves. I don't want to overburden the mods, but at the same time this sort of thing just really needs to stop. Too be honest, if these folks really had a legitimate dislike of/for me I'd rather them just be upfront and say exactly how they feel and why and then see if there is any validity to it. If so, then it can be addressed. If it isn't valid, then they really need to zip up the sarcasm.
My intention isn't to act like them or go to their level. But sometimes you just have had it up to your eyeballs with them and you engage them which ends up in warnings and thread closings. I've tried the pm route, neither wishes to engage. Not enough of an audience in a pm. I've offered to give them free reign in an off-board venue, neither will accept. They seem content to zip in for a drive-by and then zip out. Or mix in some unnecessary sarcasm or negative comments with something legitimate. I'm not talking about simple disagreement, I'm talking about simple uncivil behavior.
So I'd like to hear your thoughts. Appreciate it.
You could hit the RTM. The mods will review and either adress it or if the majority feel its not actionable, we usually send a PM to the reporting person, advising them of such.
You could PM one of the mods, saying something like, "Hey can you check out this post. Seems like rude, but I'm not really sure, so rather than hit the RTM...."
Just a side note. The RTM feature has been abused in the past and at times, it still is. Like Bob said, its primary function is for rule violations. Could you hit it in the scenario you gave above? Sure, but of course, IMO, it'd be good to be pretty close to certain that it is a violation. Thread derailment....valid reason to RTM. Constantly being on the fence tossing little jabs. Yeah, thats something thats valid, as it happens all the time.