I have deduced that there are 3 disciplines: kickboxing, Ground n Pound, and submission. All 3 are effective. And anyway, all the MMA guys are multi-talented, so there really is no more style. It's just about kick punch throw submit.
Something to ponder...
Hmmm, I understand the human desire to quantify something. Being an engineer, I completely understand. The problem in dealing with Humans, is that in quanifying something, you have put a box around it. that box does not fit all interpretations. In science people know this, and accept the model or theory as the "best" way to define something or to look at something. Yet, there are always people out there pushing the envelope and trying to define it better.
By trying to say what you have said here and other threads your are putting walls around it your close out other options. Your in essence are going to insult someone no matter how you do this. Just understand that you approach no matter how well you intend to be, is not thought provoking, but is more insutling to some and that is the impact of your actions.
A friend of mine studied Judo in the 60's with some Japanese here in Detroit area. He was the only "white" guy in the place. He got beat up, a long time before they showed him more. He than also started training in Karate, and it was full contact. They even added in Muay Thai in the mid to late 70's. they hand long range kicking. they hand mid range attacks and mid range and close range grappling. they also had ground work as well. Hmmm What did you say? That MMA was around in the 70's? That the UFC and the Gracies did not invent this? Yes, that is what I am saying.
These guys and those he trained with were not the first.
So when a person says "=" they are defining and or making an absolute statement. Try to understand that your insights may have been around for years, even centuries or for the complete age of mankind. It just might be a lesson that individuals have to learn for themselves over time, and not able to understand it from the stories of others.