Sgtmac you are just plain silly, I wasn't defending Jeff at all just making fun of the way you lot are taking something so trivial so seriously. Oh and it was you that was making fun of my mother btw. You are getting so worked up and being quite insulting too while you're at it. I'm merely pointing out that a guy spray painting some graffiti on a wall is not exactly crime of the year. You lot make it sound as if the end of the world is nigh just because someone puts a bit of paint on a wall.
I posted the video to show you that graffiti has been around a very long time and thought people might be interested in some old graffiti. It was merely a relief from the arguing.Only you could see it as something else.
I guess though you don't have anything very old do you, in fact my house is older than your country so you wouldn't appreciate it lol! It was hardly in defence of Jeff I posted it, silly man. You read far more into my posts than I do that's for sure.
We have had a couple of thousand of years to work out our justice system and it's policing, it's not perfect of course, for the people here, the innocent before guilty is a reality not just for the courts. People will quote that at you here. It's why we always say someone was alleged to have committed a crime until such time as it's proved in court. I guess you have to work that out yet. Perhaps our worn old morals aren't as worn out as people think. Here we like to think people get what the Aussies call 'a fair go', that includes people we don't like or who's political views are opposite of ours.
Anyway you carry on your witch hunt reading into words things that aren't there. have fun.