MMA Anarchist Ordered to Surrender Passport

Losing his passport has nothing to do with whether he is an anarchist or not, and has little to do with whether he was a vandal or wrote bad checks. He's up on a non-violent criminal offense thats typically easy to bail out.

Suspending a passport of someone involved in criminal proceedings isn't done as punishment for a crime that has not yet been tried. Its typically done as a condition of bail proceedings. Someone who has made recent international travel is likely to be seen by the judge as a flight risk. He will get his passport back when the legal proceedings are over.
there is a PICTURE of him DOING IT

even ALLOWING him to plead not guilty in this case is stupid

Ah but its the way that the justice system works isn't it? You have to allow people to plead which way they want, they have to be allowed their day in court otherwise there's no freedom is there? Annoying as it may seem it's what keeps your country and mine a cut above the rest.
A picture, well who knows, I believe there's people who can now make it look as if you are doing anything in a photo so there always has to be doubt, put it to the court and the evidence will come out. It's what we do isn't it, allow people to defend themselves even if they are blatently guilty, it's how civilised people do things.
It seems to me that he's being made an example of. A suggested 90 day jail sentence and being confined to the country seems excessive for graffiti. Of course, he probably won't serve that.
He should serve every minute.......the guy is an *** and he's old enough to know better and should be made an example of.
I just knew it had to be Jeff when I read the title!
If you think that's the worst he's done you'd be in for a shock, he's over here a lot, he's very well known in the MMA world and as for the wife and family bit he's not that bothered, trust me.
First guy I thought of, too. As for having a good reason, it was entirely self-promotion I have no doubt. Same reason he posted a video on youtube challenging Kimbo Slice in order to get a match.
Well if he is truely an Anarchist then he does not deserve a passport issued by a goverment.

I used to LOL in my teens at my fellow Punk rock ?Heavy metal buddies who would spout of about anarchy and how great it would be to have no order.

#1 I'd ask these idiots how trained they were at killing because in a state of anarchy killing become very important if you dont want to be robbed, killed, raped or enslaved.

#2 Anarchy never last, someone or something always rises up to take control.

Being an 'Anarchist' is understandable in a 17 year old's pathetic when you still buy in to that crap at illustrates an utter lack of personal moral development.
Tolerance isn't a big thing then is it really?
No one minds Jeff's views here, it's his views and he's entitled to them, free speech and all that.
He's entitled to his views, and i'm entitled to call him an idiot. I believe in 'Individual Liberty' not 'Tolerance'. I don't have to 'Tolerate' Monson one damn bit......I find his behavior and beliefs intolerable, and i'm as free to express my dislike of both just as he's free to believe them.

This whole 'Tolerance' crap is pure undiluted BS.......'Tolerance' is nowhere written in our Constitution.
People do and he's a good instructor. He is surprisingly moral by his own lights, he believes in something that not everyone else does, nothing wrong with that. It's never been a problem, he's more tolerant of others views than they are of his, thats for sure.

Many bad folks are 'moral' by their own's the creating of their own standards that's at issue.

As for him being 'Tolerant' tolerant is a man when he defaces public property? Someone show up at Monson's house to 'tag it' because they are intolerant of his views?

Bottom line.....the guy is a talented idiot.
He's a tax payer so it's his building too lol! it's a minor crime and people are calling for him to be executed, c'mon! someone here also wanted him castrated, people might not agree with him and his bit of graffiti so fine him but really, wanting him dead?

I want him jailed.......he should sit in a jail cell for a while for his violation of the law.
There is a difference between adolescent "anarchism," and the actual political view. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were self-prcolamied Anarchists and are probably two of the most intelligent men in America's history.

Henry David Thoreau (Resistance to Civil Government) "I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government"– the direction of this improvement aims at anarchism: “‘That government is best which governs not at all;’ and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.”

You can't lump the adolescent idea of anarchism in with the intellectual idea. Some may take offense.

Which type of Anarchism is embraced by a 38 year old with a can of spray paint?
I think an instance of immaturity does not warrant jail time. The umbrella term "anarchy" does have negative connotations for the conservative, but doesn't necessarily mean the man meant that the capitol building should burn down.
Immaturity? He's 38 YEARS OLD! At what point can we expect him to GROW UP?
this is what I mean.... also if it's a free country with free speech allowed why think he's not entitled to have a passport?

spraying a building can be against the law but the punishment for such a crime hardly calls for the death penalty does it?

Having spoken to Jeff I know he's a very smart guy so meathead doesn't come into it, childish? I don't know as I haven't heard his side and I'm always very wary of taking sides based on media reports. I do know he's very committed to his views, he doesn't take the easy way out and change his views to make himself popular.

Apparently you have problems with hyperbole for the sake of making a point.....if you actually thought the poster SERIOUSLY suggested tagging should really be a capital offense, something was lost in translation.

As for being a 'Smart guy'.......I never found Jeff Monson to be that, exactly.
However he has pleaded not guilty and under the rules he's innocent until proven guilty isn't he? So in a proper democratic manner we should with hold judgement until he's been to court and a verdict is given.

Ah but its the way that the justice system works isn't it? You have to allow people to plead which way they want, they have to be allowed their day in court otherwise there's no freedom is there? Annoying as it may seem it's what keeps your country and mine a cut above the rest.
A picture, well who knows, I believe there's people who can now make it look as if you are doing anything in a photo so there always has to be doubt, put it to the court and the evidence will come out. It's what we do isn't it, allow people to defend themselves even if they are blatently guilty, it's how civilised people do things.

Actually, as of July 29, 2009.........Monson has pled guilty.........the judge has accepted the plea. Your protocol has been met, and Monson is NO LONGER 'Innocent until proven guilty'........Monson is now you can end your silly line of argument, as it is defunct. ;)
Immaturity? He's 38 YEARS OLD! At what point can we expect him to GROW UP?

I understand where you're coming from. But I don't think this incident should warrant jail time. It's a waste of time and money on so many levels.

Besides, I think this is blown way out of proportion. What about the people that graffiti on a regular basis? Should we throw them in prison for painting on public property? Or should we fine them when we catch them, and be happy that some guy has a job to clean that stuff up.

Graffiti on public property isn't right. But I don't think it's that serious.
I understand where you're coming from. But I don't think this incident should warrant jail time. It's a waste of time and money on so many levels.

Besides, I think this is blown way out of proportion. What about the people that graffiti on a regular basis? Should we throw them in prison for painting on public property? Or should we fine them when we catch them, and be happy that some guy has a job to clean that stuff up.

Graffiti on public property isn't right. But I don't think it's that serious.

For the "average nobody" sure. IMO the more of a "celebrity" you are the more of a message you are trying to send when you do this crap. I think the system should send the message right back. Incarceration is the risk you run..I say we should "run with it".
For the "average nobody" sure. IMO the more of a "celebrity" you are the more of a message you are trying to send when you do this crap. I think the system should send the message right back. Incarceration is the risk you run..I say we should "run with it".

But that's the double standard in our system that wastes so much time and manpower. Because of a person's celebrity status, he can get away/not get away with something? I don't think someone should be punished any more or less than another person due to celebrity. But that's my opinion.

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