Missing person

/* start off-topic comment
* Someone should take that filthy stinking
* rodent away from that cat, and and
* then pet the cat, and kiss it RIGHT ON
* cute cat!
* end off-topic comment */
{whisper}Psst ... psst ... Caver? Where are you mate? You any good with a katana? I can drop you one if it'll do any good? Or maybe lowering this rope might help?
DAMN Caver you need to eat something man.

And (looks around the area a bit) what can we do to help.
I heard Caver's voice, I know it. I am not hearing things. He lives. And we will find him! Who among us can go down into the cave? Who has these skills or is so elite that they can "wing it"???

I have fear of dark damp places with bats. There must be One More Suitable!
As an avatar of the cthonic Great Old One, the Toad Deity Tsathoggua I feel I am particularly suited to perform a rescue. Or ate least make sure the remains don't go to waste.
Me as nameless member of undesignated SG team: "Dr. Jackson! Major Carter! I've found some strange animated pictographs on this wall section here. What do you make of them? Are they a dialect of Ancient?".

Daniel Jackson: "Mmm, let me see. Well, as best as I can make out, what this says is something along the lines of 'Follow not this path unless you seek the limits of your pleasure and pain'. Oh ... and there's somethng about chocolate too but I don't really understand that."

Teal'C: "Indeed." {raises eyebrow a la Spock}

Major Carter: "Oh Daniel ... you really don't understand much about women at all do you?"

Daniel: {looks puzzled and hurt}

Col. O'Neill: "Alright! Enough screwing around. Lock and load people, it's about to get hot down there!".

Carter: "But sir!! If there's chocolate involved who knows what lengths these people will go to!".

O'Neill: "Duly noted, Carter. Where's the C4? You {gestures at me}, Nameless Guy."

Me: {looking dubious} "Sir?"

O'Neill: "Blow a hole in this wall - we're going in!"

Me: {looking even more dubious} "Er, not to be disrespectful sir but ... well ... why me?"

O'Neill: "Because noones ever seen you before! Now get to work".

Me: {Ulp!}

{a few moments of fiddling with C4 bundles and primers}

The boundaries to the LLR are impervious to even the most advanced explosive devices, tentacular trials and intelligence invasion.

You simply do not know what you're dealing with.

As to the alleged person in question, there really never was an alleged person in question. You don't need to see our identification. Move along.
The boundaries to the LLR are impervious to even the most advanced explosive devices, tentacular trials and intelligence invasion.

You simply do not know what you're dealing with.

As to the alleged person in question, there really never was an alleged person in question. You don't need to see our identification. Move along.

Not alledged but rather confused, Carver was lost in the deepest of all caverns and must be found for the best of this place clled home.
Oosp! Well that linking didn't work out so well - I'll try and figure it out later.
The boundaries to the LLR are impervious to even the most advanced explosive devices, tentacular trials and intelligence invasion.

You simply do not know what you're dealing with.

As to the alleged person in question, there really never was an alleged person in question. You don't need to see our identification. Move along.
Nobody ever accused the LLR of having any intelligence.:wink2:
*runs far and fast*


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Let them think we're coming down from above.

Watch the skys and the surface ladies. Just keep watching...

*Nonchalantly puts tentacles in pockets*
Let them think we're coming down from above.

Watch the skys and the surface ladies. Just keep watching...

*Nonchalantly puts tentacles in pockets*
*snickers and shakes head*

They're so cute when they think they have us outsmarted, aren't they ladies?

Where's that video Tellner posted? Methinks it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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