Missing person

What I am finding interesting here, and this is not a comment against anyoneÂ’s Chocolate, my wife does not eat much chocolateÂ….. she seems to collects itÂ…. She has a lot of itÂ… but rarely eats itÂ…. Just an observationÂ…nothing moreÂ… I will back slowly out of the room now
Another down... :rubbing hands gleefully: Who's next?
Lets be careful...too many and we might attract undue attention....plus Chew needs time to get his teeth cleaned after his last.....meal....
We probably would not find him, he can go deep... REAL deep undercover hence the name Ma-Caver

Besides if the ladies in the other thread got a hold of him it is likely he will not be found just the same.
He'll be happy to hear you've given him up for dead.

What I am finding interesting here, and this is not a comment against anyoneÂ’s Chocolate, my wife does not eat much chocolateÂ….. she seems to collects itÂ…. She has a lot of itÂ… but rarely eats itÂ…. Just an observationÂ…nothing moreÂ… I will back slowly out of the room now

I'll be in touch with your wife shortly.

I have more latitude than most. It has something to do with the tentacles and the three foot sticky tongue.
It does one well to remember that where one is good another might be better ... and safety is an illusion.
Sure :uhohh: aaa :uhohh: just look for a tall :uhohh: blonde :uhohh: Swedish woman... you can't miss her :anic:
Oh, I know who you're talking about - she's one of our assets. Bye now - uh, I mean - ttyl. :uhyeah:
Y'know, I might, just might have a bar of Rocky Mountain Fudge available for anyone who might have a clue where our Buddy Caver went?

Just sayin'

Y'know, I might, just might have a bar of Rocky Mountain Fudge available for anyone who might have a clue where our Buddy Caver went?

Just sayin'


Ha. Ha. Haa ha ha hah ahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :shrug:

You don't know how things work around here, do you?
:Bowing to Shesulsa:

My queen, I suggest we move him up to the queue.... thardey looks fun... I'd like to practice my weapons on him. :whip:
Y'know, I might, just might have a bar of Rocky Mountain Fudge available for anyone who might have a clue where our Buddy Caver went?

Just sayin'


Oh sweetie...you naive sweetheart...come over here...I'll take care of ya...really it won't hurt a bit..I am gentle....the teeth only hurt a little bit... :EG:
But for your own sake don't look too closely. Don't go where you are not meant to. If you do your chances of coming back are slim. There's nothing we menfolk can do for you. Your fate will be on your own head. Just open a beer, watch the game, and be glad it wasn't you this time. The Holy Church says that suicides go to Hell. Getting between the women and their chocolate at certain times is suicide. He knew the risks.

These are wise words. Most of you know that my house is a treasure trove of sharpened lengths of steel that I have a modicum of skill in wielding. However, if I get between my missus and chocolate then this just means that the method of my own ... erm ... re-education, yes that's a good way of saying it ... is close to hand :eek:.
Remind me why we are even looking? The women will only raise the WVD even if we solve the mystery.

I long ago learned that women on diets pattern their food intake after that of a female preying mantis.
Pardon my ignorance, Grydth but what is WVD? I fear that I shall have to hang my head in shame (or is it waiting for the kaishaku stroke?) but I truly do not know.
Remind me why we are even looking? The women will only raise the WVD even if we solve the mystery.

I long ago learned that women on diets pattern their food intake after that of a female preying mantis.
Who's looking?

I worked in a female-dominated department store environment long enough to learn...

There are things man just was not meant to know!

(Caver, bud... I'm sure your out there somewhere. Hopefully, we'll find you with the spring thaws.)
It is that bedrock of American criminal law - - - raising the Worthless Victim Defense!!!

Watch and see if it does not play a crucial right here......... oh, and by Maritime Law, I get exclusive salvage rights on the chocolate,too.

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