Missing person

Caver! If you can hear me just stay calm.

The scratching and grinding you hear from underneath is all part of the plan.

If you have any carbide left pour it out. Take the Plutonian Drug you were supplied with. Close your eyes. Move towards the croaking and meeping when they break through. Whatever you do, don't scream and for the love of all that's Unholy keep your eyes shut. We're pretty sure They won't eat anything you really need.

We'll have you, or at least the really important bits, back in no time.
Lisa, you do recall I'm English?

Other than Dunkirk we're not big on running away (my paternal grandfather was at Dunkirk and Monte Casino).

Sukerin, do you recall I am Canadian. I am from one of those colonies "that got away" so, as far as I am concerned you may have not run away, but you certainly haven't "won" either :D

So how about a little negotiation? I'll not come any closer to Chew and he doesn't get within eight feet of the radius of my kensen. I like Chew and know his reputation but tho' I'm no master with this razor, neither am I imcompetent - deal?

Darth Chew is scared of no one.

Caver? You there man? If you can hear me, you're not abandoned. We'll find a way, mate. Just hold on - and don't let their prettiness spark off any of that Stockholm Syndrome. I know they're lovely but you've got to resist.

Now see...this is what gets chew all worked up. Wanting to make a deal and then going behind his back and still trying to find that caver guy. Give it up or you too will be joining the likes of caver and newguy12!

Remember, I have the power, lol!
aww its fun picking on the boys, you cant send them all away ...we wont have any play things left :( unless you send them to us for some ... reprogramming ~ after Chew is done with them of course :)
Has anyone thought that instead of alienating all of the highly intelligent, compasionate, beautiful ladies of MT, that maybe an appeal to their sense of honor and mercy might be in order?

Ladies, I realize that Caver made a, uh, let's just call it an error in judgement, but he is only a man. Without admitting to anything, do you think you could find it in your hearts to help him come back and join our ranks?

What in the name of Dr Phil has gotten into you guys?

"Honor"? "Mercy"? Those got New Guy into that monstrosity's digestive tract!

We need to return to Core American Values here: greed....misogyny.....disloyalty......and a lust for chocolate!

What would Patton have done? Send the Shermans in and take the chocolate away from these Valkyries!

Let me know when the work and bloodletting is done and I'll take care of the spoils....
Xue, that witness protection program will soon be over with - the cops are in our pocket after all.

COPS... I don't use them I have my own hidding place... I know about the Drac connection.... and you will never recognize me behind the Groucho glasses.

A worthy adversary you were...using trees to distract him! But Chew wins and always will!

HA... Chew must find me first.... :uhoh: ummm he's not looking for me is he :anic:
He is right on your tree loving tail Xue! He has needed some new toothpicks for a while now. :uhyeah:

Tree loving!!!!:rpo:
TREE LOVING!!!:flammad:

Now itÂ’s personal :miffer:Â… sorry caver but I need to take care of this first :disgust:

THAT'S IT... This means WAR... I canÂ’t STAND trees the sneaky little things (OK sometime sneaky big things) you canÂ’t trust emÂ’ NEVER turn your back on oneÂ….. they jumped me once and I will NEVER forget it or forgive..... BRING IT ON CHEW!!!:ninja:

(:uhoh:of course this is all being said form the safety of my bunker of solitude whilst wearing my Groucho glassesÂ…. and a wig:anic:) :uhyeah:
Tree loving!!!!:rpo:
TREE LOVING!!!:flammad:

Now itÂ’s personal :miffer:Â… sorry caver but I need to take care of this first :disgust:

THAT'S IT... This means WAR... I canÂ’t STAND trees the sneaky little things (OK sometime sneaky big things) you canÂ’t trust emÂ’ NEVER turn your back on oneÂ….. they jumped me once and I will NEVER forget it or forgive..... BRING IT ON CHEW!!!:ninja:

(:uhoh:of course this is all being said form the safety of my bunker of solitude whilst wearing my Groucho glassesÂ…. and a wig:anic:) :uhyeah:

That is right Xue stand up and distract them while New Guy goes in. I will stay behind just in case something goes wrong to tell family and friends.
Looks like you guys almost succeeded and brought him outside. Although you managed to take Caver out of our lair, Chew already got to him. We now have no more need for Caver--he has served our purpose, so take him away with you to recover. Boys, let this be a warning to all of you. NewGuy is still our prisoner, so nobody make any more attempt to rescue him or he will come to a worse fate....


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It's been over a week, so I know the chocolate supply is getting low.

Look! There's a package of chocolate-covered cherries over there! WAY over there! Go check it out! Please?
I have escaped yes! and finally managed to get out of the same tunnel I dug a while back to peep into the LLR shower room... :D But the experience as you can see drained me. The photo posted was from the LLR perimeter camera. Unfortunately that entrance/exit is probably blasted shut by now. So New Guy is gonna have to find another way. I can provide intelligence but not much. I was kept under heavy guard... literally... see photo of Helga and her co-workers.

I did manage to sneak a few photos from inside LLR and will post more here similar to the one below. Helga is a BIG girl indeed. No wonder the ladies walk around without fear. I was able to procure the photo(s) by pretending to play along on the times I was allowed to roam free here and there before being locked back up in shackles in that dungeon.
The photo of Helga and her buddies was taken on the Dudette Ranch Day.


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That's right, Pod Caver. Make sure they think you're real.
That's right, Pod Caver. Make sure they think you're real.
:bs: Don't believe her guys! I'm real, I am the one and only MA-Caver! I killed the pod thing they tried to create. Killed IT in the tunnels when it tried to catch me during my escape.

Nice try Shesulsa but I'm as real as you can get hunny. :p
Welcome back from the land of shackles and variously statured pretty girls, Caver ... that didn't sound right somehow :lol:.

If, as Georgia claims, you are Pod Caver, then please note that it's no good trying to slip your pseudo-pod out my way as, even whilst asleep, I'll probably be armed with something sharp. Other than that, things can get back to normal, once you put a bit of meat back on those bones :).

EDIT: Ah, the disclaimer sounds real enough to me - huzzar!
Trust me ... and listen carefully ... There are, and only ever have been, two males in the LLR and you will never - NEVER - hear from them. Ever. They are happy in the service they give and gladly give their souls ... er, I mean, LIVES ... to the ladies in the LLR. That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Let's put it this way - even the illustrious Mr. Hubbard dare not venture there. And he's gutsy. Look at his signature.

The rantings and false escapades of the entity you call Caver are not to be believed - it could be dangerous to do so. :EG: The pods are in place. You cannot escape them. Resistance is futile.

Trust me ... and listen carefully ... There are, and only ever have been, two males in the LLR and you will never - NEVER - hear from them. Ever. They are happy in the service they give and gladly give their souls ... er, I mean, LIVES ... to the ladies in the LLR. That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Let's put it this way - even the illustrious Mr. Hubbard dare not venture there. And he's gutsy. Look at his signature.

The rantings and false escapades of the entity you call Caver are not to be believed - it could be dangerous to do so. :EG: The pods are in place. You cannot escape them. Resistance is futile.


Methinks she doth protest too much.

Why go through the effort to create a pod-Caver, and then try to convince us he's a pod? Way to go Caver! Now we gotta figure out what to do with NewGuy.
Trust me ... and listen carefully ... There are, and only ever have been, two males in the LLR and you will never - NEVER - hear from them. Ever. They are happy in the service they give and gladly give their souls ... er, I mean, LIVES ... to the ladies in the LLR. That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Let's put it this way - even the illustrious Mr. Hubbard dare not venture there. And he's gutsy. Look at his signature.

The rantings and false escapades of the entity you call Caver are not to be believed - it could be dangerous to do so. :EG: The pods are in place. You cannot escape them. Resistance is futile.


The alleged LLR sounds like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" meets "East of Eden"......

I'm thinking its :whip1: for the lost fellows........they must be enjoying it!

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