Senior Master
I listen a good bit to a local sports radio station. One of the recent topics has been the possible connection of Michael Vick with dog fighting. Apparently his house was used to host a few fights. At first blush, this sounds pretty bad, especially since its a felony. The legal implications/NFL implications will be interesting.
I took a few minutes to write a note to the local radio host, and thought I'd share. I'm in no way a proponent of dog fighting, nor will I ever be, but I find a few things odd about the discussion...
Here is the text of what I sent.
I took a few minutes to write a note to the local radio host, and thought I'd share. I'm in no way a proponent of dog fighting, nor will I ever be, but I find a few things odd about the discussion...
Here is the text of what I sent.
First, I'll state I have no interest in dog fighting, and do find it disturbing. However, I want to point out some logical inconsistencies.
First, many animals are by nature violent. If they are a carnivore they stay alive by killing other animals. Go watch the Discovery channel long enough and you will see lions, hyenas, and other carnivores ripping off animal flesh to eat. It's part of how these animals have evolved and how they stay alive. Many species establish dominance among their own kind by combat in some form.
Second, even man is violent. I find it equally distrubing that man is so adapt at making war and has often had our own "dog fights" in the form of gladiators, boxing, No Hold Barred competitions, etc.. People bet on those events too, yet I don't hear an uproar over war attrocities or past violent human endevors. I don't hear the attrocities committed in Darfur or Rowanda making headlines lately.
Third, man participates in the slaughter of animals. Do you eat hamburgers? Chicken? Pork? Fish? You are participating, though not personally, in the murder of animals. Are you overly concerned when you set a mouse trap, or when you kill a possum that is eating your chickens in a coop? How about running over a possum or dog when driving?
Man in the past has trained animals for violence. Dogs in the past were trained for combat. Horses have been killed in wars in the past and some were trained to fight (stomping opponents). Falconry exploits birds to kill of other kinds of birds. Police train attack dogs to take down human criminals. Are you also going to complain about these types of animal violence?
I think the big deal here is that many people have dogs as pets, and everyone thinks theirs pets are cute, adorable animals. There was a big uproar in the 80's when video was shown of men clubbing cute little baby seals in the artic. The recent concern about dog-fighting has just been amplified due to the Vick connection and legality issues. Why not discuss cock fighting? I find it odd that we can sanction the killing of man (capital punishment, war, abortion, euthanasia, etc), but disallow fighting of dogs. I'm not in favor of dog fighting, but a bit of logical consistency would be nice.