Men - Are you happy with your build?

...the tummy's the worrisome part...butt...?...males are not aware that we even have a butt...until it starts to itch....if I could get this damn tummy off me...I'd be happy. :D
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Do you work out to enhance a specific region of your body?

What about your physical appearance? Would you change it?

And if so, why aren't you satisfied with how you look?

Has your physique changed due to the Martial Art you train in ? Or from other workouts such as lifting or something else?

As long as Tess is happy, I'm happy!;)
Originally posted by RCastillo
Hey, whats that mean?!?:mad:

that it made my day.

Originally posted by RCastillo
As long as Tess is happy, I'm happy!;)

Thank you Ricky.. at least someone of value appreciates me :)

Ender.. yeah those baby toenails are funny things ;)
Originally posted by Chronuss
...who said I didn't appreciate's just that...

Thank you, I'll take it, even if it is coincidental!:)
This little MoBster is 5ft 10, about 11 stone now. I'm pretty happy with the way I look, I have a constant 6 pack, and I dont like small etc.

I do 100 pressups everynight variating between the back of my wrists and fingers as well as 500 situps when I can be bothered.

But as long as my girlfriend is happy, I am too :D
Getting a desk job and running a school instead of training for myself all of the time started me on the downward slide!
I am crawling back up to where i should be slowly but surely though increased training with weights, swimming, and karate.
I just started this reading this thread and am only at the bottom of the first page where Kenpo Tess asks if old guys still play outside. Yeah, I was out stainign the deck, moving the ladder, staining somemore, moving time, yay!!!

Sometimes I play at mowing the lawn (9500 ssq ft), weeding the garden, placing the flagstone...the next fun thing will be building my daughter a swing set.

Play time, yay!!!
Originally posted by Chuck
I just started this reading this thread and am only at the bottom of the first page where Kenpo Tess asks if old guys still play outside. Yeah, I was out stainign the deck, moving the ladder, staining somemore, moving time, yay!!!

Sometimes I play at mowing the lawn (9500 ssq ft), weeding the garden, placing the flagstone...the next fun thing will be building my daughter a swing set.

Play time, yay!!!

Hey Chuck.. Now Must I tell you.. Fun and playing doesnt' involve ladders ~!! *G*

Thinking you need to lay down the power tools and pick up a rock and skip it in a pond ;)
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Hey Chuck.. Now Must I tell you.. Fun and playing doesnt' involve ladders ~!! *G*

Unless you're in the WWE. :D
Originally posted by pknox
Unless you're in the WWE. :D

ohhhhhhhh now ya tell me *G*

Oh Chuck.. are you mayhaps in the WWE.. *wondering what exactly the WWE stands for *giggles*