Every religion has an origin story because it's one of the fundamental questions, even children ask their parents where they came from. Using a creator just pushes back the questions of who created it though. After all, it had to come from somewhere to create the universe and a consciousness without anything to be conscious of (outside stimulus) is a contradiction in terms.
Perhaps it is turtles all the way down.
Science does nto have all the answers and it never will, because the nature of science is not to sit satisfied but to move onto more unknowns. So in that case all answers will never be solved. More answers, yes, all, no.
I agree; but my note was that every generation tends to accept the latest 'facts' as universal and everlasting when it involves something that *they* choose to believe to be true. And every generation accepts that *previous* generations of scientists were wrong. But not theirs. This is the smug error of every generation. We all do it.
Every argument for God and every attribute ascribed to Him rests on a false metaphysical premise. None can survive for a moment on a correct metaphysics.
For instance, God is infinite. Nothing can be infinite, according to the Law of Identity. Everything is what it is, and nothing else. It is limited in its qualities and in its quantity: it is this much, and no more. “Infinite” as applied to quantity does not mean “very large”: it means “larger than any specific quantity.” That means: no specific quantity—i.e., a quantity without identity. This is prohibited by the Law of Identity.
Not every description of a Creator or a First Cause stipulates that the Creator is infinite. Of those that do, it can be argued that a Creator sufficiently near to infinite from a human perspective would be seen in the imprecise language of humans as infinite. It may make the description wrong, but it does not preclude a nigh-infinite Creator.
Is God the creator of the universe? There can be no creation of something out of nothing. There is no nothing.
That is an assumption. It is commonly believed by science that before the Singularity, there was indeed 'nothing' in that time, space, mass, and energy did not exist. There is nothing else that can be defined, which leaves, for all intents and purposes, 'nothing'.
So even by common 'big bang' theories, the universe was created from nothing. A singularity exploded. What caused the Singularity? No one knows.
Is God omnipotent? Can he do anything? Entities can act only in accordance with their natures; nothing can make them violate their natures . . .
“God” as traditionally defined is a systematic contradiction of every valid metaphysical principle. The point is wider than just the Judeo-Christian concept of God. No argument will get you from this world to a supernatural world. No reason will lead you to a world contradicting this one. No method of inference will enable you to leap from existence to a “super-existence.” - Leonard Peikoff
This illustrates the pointlessness of attempting to validate Christian belief in scientific terms. It does not render any Creation stories, including Christian ones, as impossible.