If The Election Were Held Tomorrow, Who Would You Vote For?

If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

  • Gene Amondson/Leroy Pletten

  • Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle

  • Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root

  • Róger Calero/Alyson Kennedy

  • Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp

  • Alan Keyes/Brian Rohrbough

  • Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear

  • John McCain/Sarah Palin

  • Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente

  • Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander

  • Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below)

  • Barack Obama/Joe Biden

  • Thomas Stevens/Alden Link

  • Ted Weill/Frank McEnulty

Results are only viewable after voting.
I've already voted! We can vote early here in Indiana.

Yep, I already absentee voted....Although if you look at the polls, the election is already over. Every poll that I can find shows that the win margin is huge....i.e. McCain can't win even if all of the current toss up states go his way.
I still want a real, viable third party.

This is the year that a good third party candidate could run and win -- if only the press and the political establishment (gawd, I sound like a conspiracy nut!) would actually let them into the game.
Yep, I already absentee voted....Although if you look at the polls, the election is already over. Every poll that I can find shows that the win margin is huge....i.e. McCain can't win even if all of the current toss up states go his way.

Isn't that what the polls said about Kerry v. Bush in 2004? I wont believe any predictions until the votes are tallied...and retallied, if need be.
Isn't that what the polls said about Kerry v. Bush in 2004? I wont believe any predictions until the votes are tallied...and retallied, if need be.
Yep. Also what they said about Carter vs Reagan. And then there was that whole Dewey vs Truman thing. Polls before the fact are educated guesses but guesses non the less.

As to a viable third party candidate... 2012 will be an even better year. 2000 to 2008 will still be fresh enough in everyones mind that a good candidate can destroy the republican candidate and 2008 to 2012 will be a fiasco as well. With the dems/reps running things it's really just the same circus with different clowns.

Vote the Hubbard/Ketchmark ticket in 2012!
Nudging this.
Remember, the poll has been reset for one last pass, so if you can vote, please do so.
Here is an interesting sidebar. The NY Times endorsed Obama, and posted a timeline with all the candidates it has endorsed since 1860.

The very interesting part, is that underneath it also shows who was elected. It acts as a counterpoint, and one can't help but wonder, as one moves from 1860 to the present, how world events might have differed (hindsight is 20/20)...if the endorsed candidates had won in certain elections.

Bad enough we have a present that can be described just as "dubya"...at least that doesn't mean anything unless in context

but do we really want a president that can be referred to as "B-O"

... just sayin' ...
Bad enough we have a present that can be described just as "dubya"...at least that doesn't mean anything unless in context

but do we really want a president that can be referred to as "B-O"

... just sayin' ...

A note that this poll ends today, so last chance to put in your 2 cents. I'll post up all the final tallys later tonight.
I'm taking a page from Comedian Mark Russel's book here and doing the "If the Election were held tomorrow". I'll try and remember to reset this poll each week as things move along.

Candidate List: Those who are on the ballot in enough states to win a majority in the U.S. Electoral College are marked in bold.

Presidential candidate/running mate Party Campaign site

First Round Results: Voters: 30
View Poll Results: If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

33.33% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 10
30.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 9
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 6
13.33% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 4
3.33% Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander Socialist, Vermont Liberty Union 1

Second Round (9/27-10/3) TIE Voters: 18.
27.78% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 5
27.78% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 5

22.22% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 4
11.11% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 2
5.56% Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle Constitution, Kansas Reform 1
5.56% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 1

Third Round (10/4-10/10) 19 votes
40.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 8
25.00% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 5
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 4
5.00% Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp Boston Tea 1
5.00% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 1
5.00% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 1

Fourth Round (10/13-10/31) 26 votes
34.62% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 9
26.92% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 7
23.08% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 6
11.54% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 3
3.85% Thomas Stevens/Alden Link Objectivist 1
Summary Results: Voters: 94
View Poll Results: If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

32.98% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 31
28.72% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 27
21.28% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 20
10.64% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 10
2.12% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 2
1.06% Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander Socialist, Vermont Liberty Union 1
1.06% Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle Constitution, Kansas Reform 1
1.06% Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp Boston Tea 1
1.06% Thomas Stevens/Alden Link Objectivist 1

Of the 4 separate polls, McCain won 1, Obama won 2, and there was 1 tie between Obama and McCain. Barr was a solid 3rd with Nader in and out of the 4th spot, indicating that with more public awareness of both men's campaigns, they may do better in the general election.

Based on these results, official prediction for this years 2008 election is Barack Obama by 5%, over John McCain.

Thanks everyone for playing the game. Go vote for real on election day and make your voice count.

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