If The Election Were Held Tomorrow, Who Would You Vote For?

If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

  • Gene Amondson/Leroy Pletten

  • Chuck Baldwin/Darrell Castle

  • Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root

  • Róger Calero/Alyson Kennedy

  • Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp

  • Alan Keyes/Brian Rohrbough

  • Gloria La Riva/Eugene Puryear

  • John McCain/Sarah Palin

  • Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente

  • Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander

  • Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below)

  • Barack Obama/Joe Biden

  • Thomas Stevens/Alden Link

  • Ted Weill/Frank McEnulty

Results are only viewable after voting.
John Anderson and Ross Perot both got a nontrivial amount of votes, but I don't think there was ever a belief that there was any chance they'd do more than change which of the Big two won.

Further back, there was George Wallace and Teddy Roosevelt.
If Obama loses for the "right" reasons then things will be okay.
Will they? Do you think there will not be those people claiming racism won, rather than McCain?

What about the inverse? If he wins, people will say he won because he is black.

I think it will be impossible to decouple his race from the results, whether it hurts or helps him. The polling freaks are going to love over analyzing the results, that's for sure LOL! Would have been the same thing for Hillary, or any other minority/gender.
Will they? Do you think there will not be those people claiming racism won, rather than McCain?

What about the inverse? If he wins, people will say he won because he is black.

I think it will be impossible to decouple his race from the results, whether it hurts or helps him. The polling freaks are going to love over analyzing the results, that's for sure LOL! Would have been the same thing for Hillary, or any other minority/gender.

One thing I'm afraid would worsen conditions in this country is if Obama loses....and the already disenfranchised black community feels slighted yet again....riots anyone?
Poll reset. So ya'll can vote again. :)

1st round results
View Poll Results: If the Election were held tomorrow, who would be your choice?

33.33% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 10
30.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 9
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 6
13.33% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 4
3.33% Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander Socialist, Vermont Liberty Union 1

Voters: 30.
Ok, reset again. Interesting shifts are notable. Please, revote :)
(I posted this on another thread...Sorry) I wish we had a viable third party candidate. Every election cycle they (Republicans & Democrats) point their finger to the other party and say, Look how their failed polocies- have failed. Dang it, the Reps and the Dems are equally to blame for our countries woos. They have been "in charge" for over one hundred years. I don't think this is what our founding fathers had in mind, and should they come back to life-I think they would start another revolution. President Bush has some low poll numbers, however congress's approval rating is the lowest ever. (stupid congress)

Maybe if Senator Obama "actually" had a little more experience-maybe?
How can he talk about change and bring in a new era, when he appointed a "veteran" professional polotician to be his VP.

Someone please clear this up for me. I am under the impression Obama won the Senate Primary because the incumbant Democrat was caught-up in a sex scandal. Then he won in the general election because of a sex scandal with his republican rival. So now here he is--Mr. change and hope. I "hope" I have enough money to pay the bills at my studio(s) this month. If not I will have to "change" my profession.

Senator McCain (like him or not) enlisted and volunteered for missions (and ultimately shot down on one) has suffered, when he didn't have to for this country- he could have left the Hanoi Hilton. He followed the code... first in, first out, and he was punished more severely. I believe him to be a man of honor. I personally do not beleive this is true for Senator Obama.

Senator Mccain is a career politician too. (like him or not) had the brass to choose Gov. Palin (whether He wanted to or not) There is no-nor will there be any change, as long as we are choked to death by a two party system that has failed us time and time again! sorry for the rant- just passionate about my polotics. :)

It will be close- McCain/Palin
Here's a question.
Have you changed who you're voting for since this started?
Round 3
40.00% Barack Obama/Joe Biden Democratic 8
25.00% John McCain/Sarah Palin Republican 5
20.00% Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root Libertarian 4
5.00% Charles Jay/Thomas L. Knapp Boston Tea 1
5.00% Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente Green 1
5.00% Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez Independent (see below) 1

I'll be resetting things again shortly, letting it run for the final round through the end of the month.

This one was a major change for the Obama camp.
I find it rather telling that Barr has only 1 less than the republican candidate and half of the democratic candidate. That's quite a showing for a third party candidate.
Well with these result we are in for some mighty long days, can I get a vote for Mickey Mouse please.

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