Martial Talk Logo Shirts?

i would definatly buy one in the 15-20 dollar range. And about production check the yellow pages at a camp i worked at once we got some local guy to do it cheap.
Still want to do it, just don't have the cash reserves to get the initial run done. Looking at some options, maybe by the fall. :)
I used cafepress previously. The qualitys not bad, but the markups are crazy. Also, last I checked, they couldn't print on black which seems to be the most requested color.

A lot of companies use that excuse.I wonder why??..Everytime we do a play we order t-shirts for cast and crew..Everybody wants black..
Bob ordered a shirt for me last year, causing a material shortage. Check back in a few months... :p
If you're still doing this, I deffinatly would buy one.
Good pricing would be around 15-20 bucks.
I got a quote back from one place and they wanted $800 for the run, haven't heard back from the other places I asked for quotes from yet. I'm hoping to have shirts at the M&G, but it's iffy.
Hey Bob,

How about
"Post softly, but carry a big stick!"


We post softly
but carry
Too bad t-shirts costs so much ... one could read

Can't we all just get along?​

I'll need about 30 pre-orders at $25 per to get any shirt project moving.
For those worried I'll redo the blue, new ones will be black. ;)