Martial Talk Logo Shirts?

I'll definately accept Paypal fofr the preorders. (But noone send it now...wait until I have it ready to goto print first.) :D

Pins....Y'know....that may just be possible. The benefits of having spent the past weekend at a Sci-Fi con was I met 3 groups that did pins. :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
Pins....Y'know....that may just be possible.

I think that would be great if it were possible. I'm not sure what others prefer, but I am kind of a fan of getting small lapel pins as souvenirs. I know I'm not around too often, busy trying to graduate and not doing much MA right now, but I would definitely be interested in a logo lapel pin from here.

P.S. -- I keep saying "lapel pin" specifically because I prefer those, usually a sort of glossy design and a stick pin back, over the large circle button type with an almost safety pin style close on the back.
I like the t-shirt idea and the pin. I wouldn't make the pin with a safety pin though. They can come open, and becomes painful to wear.
I would consder buying one of the big person's size (XXXL), but my concern is that they don't scale the image. I don't know how many Tee's I have where the graphic looks fine on a normal size shirt, but looks like a little logo right in the dead center of my back. heh.
Kaith Rustaz said:
I'll definately accept Paypal fofr the preorders. (But noone send it now...wait until I have it ready to goto print first.) :D

Pins....Y'know....that may just be possible. The benefits of having spent the past weekend at a Sci-Fi con was I met 3 groups that did pins. :)

Hello Kaith,

I've been reading all of the posts on this, and was wondering what's the latest? Did you decide on new t-shirts or pins, and if so, when might they be available?

Gin-Gin :asian:
Right now, I'm trying to sell out the existing inventory before investing in a new batch. I'm looking into the pins and a few other ideas, but haven't dug into it like I'd planned yet.
I'm currently out of stock on the original shirts. I'll be looking into a new design once I have some breathing room.
I have a couple quotes, just haven't had time to pull things together. Hopefully shortly I'll be ready to take pre-orders.

Basically, I think I'll need about a dozen-18 preorders to get things rolling.
Not yet. I've been working on a few designs, slowly.
I'm all about some t-shirts that promote what I enjoy, but for the love of Pete get quality t-shirts. I hate buying the ones the I can see through! I'd be willing to spend a little more to get quality!

I'm also a coffee drinker so I would be in for the mug as well.

Suggestion for a quote:

"There are two rules for being successful in Martial Arts.
Rule 1: Never tell others everything you know."

Icewater said:
Suggestion for a quote:

"There are two rules for being successful in Martial Arts.
Rule 1: Never tell others everything you know."
:lol: Good one, Icewater!

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