[FAQ] How can I help support MartialTalk?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Having been asked this question often, I decided to add it to the FAQ section.

How can I help support MartialTalk?

1: Host your website with MartialTalk.
Martialtalk is subsidized in part by my web hosting company, SilverStar WebDesigns. They provide the large amount of server space and bandwidth that MartialTalk uses every month. To help defer the growing costs, SilverStar is offering discount web site hosting through MartialTalk. Everytime someone signs up for the MartialTalk hosting packages, the money not only helps keep us running, but you get a great package at a great price too.

2: Sponsorships and advertisements:
You can advertise on MartialTalk in several ways. Forum sponsorships, Premium sponsorships, and supporting member ads on the Schools listing all help keep MT growing and expanding. Our new magazine also offers very affordable rates and a growing exposure.

I don’t have enough for the big spots. Are there any cheaper ways to help?

1: Buy a teeshirt. At only $10 US, you get something for your money, and it looks great at seminars. J

2: Subscribe to our E-Zine. At only $12US per year, it’s a great bargain, and an excellent source of information.

Can I just send you a few bucks?
Sure. Check or money orders are always welcome. Please do not send cash.
You can send to:
Bob Hubbard
PO Box 1372
Buffalo, NY 14220

Is this tax deductible?
Nope. We don’t qualify as a deductible donation by IRS rules.

Do I get anything special if I donate, sponsor or subscribe?
We are working on a ‘supporter’ recognization system, and hope to have it live 3rd quarter 2003.

How about PayPal?
We are not currently setup to handle paypal.

How about setting up with CafePress and doing mugs n mousepads n such?
Due to the high costs of CP products, we do not believe it would offer much of a return. The average CP item costs over $15 US, and combined with high S/H rates, we would have to charge about $25US for a coffee mug just to make a buck or 2. We do expect to have a full line of MT products available in the future, once we can arrange for cost effective production.

Some of the best ways to help support MT are free.
- Link back to us from your own websites.
- Tell your friends
- Get your school on the board.
- Write quality informative articles for the magazine and library.
- Be an active and friendly poster

We appreciate all of our members help in making and keeping MT one of the top martial arts websites around.

Thank you.

Bob Hubbard and the MartialTalk Staff.

To help support MartialTalk you can do the following:

1- Spread the word! The more visitors we have, the more people posting, the bigger we become.

2- Become a Supporting Member [FAQ] What is a Supporting Member? How do I become one?

3- Buy MartialTalk Gear from our online shop.

4- Click on our Amazon Affiliate Store so we get a royalty on products sold. This is at no extra cost to you.

5- Advertise with us. We offer forum sponsorships, and focused as placement across not only MT but our network of sites. Contact me for rates and available spots.

6- Hire me for web design, consulting, graphic design or photographic work.

Thank you for the support! :asian:

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