Martial Arts techniques seen in babies


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I was working on an outline for a new program at my school and I got side tracked. I have no idea how I got here but since I'm here I might as well make use of it.

There was some discussion about martial arts techniques being designed to follow or take advantage of the natural reactions and reflexes. So here's a few videos to make you think a little deeper about what you do, and how you practice your techniques.

Video 1:
Things that kung fu has and how they work.
1. (0:10) Attacks to the top of the head. In kung fu attacks to the top of the head compress the spinal cord. It's not different than jumping off the first step and landing with stiff legs. The energy from the landing will travel through your legs and into your spine, resulting in spinal injury. The only difference is that this attack goes through the top of your head and has the same effect on your neck.

2. (:18) Tiger claw. This one is very clear to me. In Jow Ga students often hear Sifu's speak of tiger claw as ripping someone's face off. Payback is awesome as the baby returns a tiger claw. (2:00). Even though they are babies, having someone grip the mess out of your face can't possible feel good.

Video 2:
1. Baby works the Tai Chi arm at (1:37) Looks like the SPEARS 90 concept.
2. More Baby Tai Chi at (3:09)

Video 3:
1. Baby working on developing a sucker punch at (0:13) lol
Well, now I know how you spent YOUR time on YouTube today! :D

(Me, I watched some John Oliver.)
Well, now I know how you spent YOUR time on YouTube today! :D

(Me, I watched some John Oliver.)
Youtube is a It just sucks me in sometimes. I think I might have originally started looking for something dealing with women's self defense (I guess that's what it was). I could be looking for how to bake a potato and end up watching something about aliens on earth lol. One day I'm going to keep a record of my sidetrack adventures so the world can see how bad it really is
Youtube is a It just sucks me in sometimes. I think I might have originally started looking for something dealing with women's self defense (I guess that's what it was). I could be looking for how to bake a potato and end up watching something about aliens on earth lol. One day I'm going to keep a record of my sidetrack adventures so the world can see how bad it really is
Aziz Ansari talks about that in one of his comedy routines. I would get so much more work done if the Internet would shut up her siren song of information and knowledge.

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