Martial Arts goals for 2004

Get my weight back down to before last year's stress did me in, get my house built, get a little closer to my fourth degree.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
I'd like to get down to my pre-marriage weight of 180lbs, but my wife is a good cook.

Woe is me ;)


I have the same problem. I know it's wrong to eat so much, but it tastes soooooooooooooooo good.


Originally posted by Cthulhu
I'd like to get down to my pre-marriage weight of 180lbs, but my wife is a good cook.

Woe is me ;)


When do I get to come to dinner???

I hope to improve my Ukemi more and more, develop more stamina, and better lung capacity.
2004 Martial arts oriented goals:

-Fight professionally here in Thailand
-Open a TKD school in Thailand
-do some work in action movies
-get injured less (HA!)
-improve my technique as always, there's always room for improvement

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
improve my cardio, technique, power, forms, speed, sparring, test for my next belt level sometime in march. There is always room for improvement.

I train daily for a few hours, so i don't have to worry about not training enough, which is great.
My reason for the last one, is that I have just graded to Nidan. In a blackbelt grading of around 30 - 40 people, no one failed, and half of the people going for Shodan didn't know Naihanchi Shodan, which we learn at Blue belt, but they still passed. For this priviledge I paid $480.00. I feel that I am more than ready for the rank, but I don't feel that I have graded to it.[/B]

I want to avoid this. Eventhough, at my dojang, I seen people fail. I just wanna know I earned my black belt. I have a little over 6 months. BUT I'm going to work my @ss off! I'm scared s**tless, too. I got the "ok" to test in July. When I got the news, I about s**t my pants LOL. Now I'm nervous LOL.
To Win My Cadge fight on the 24th of Jan. 2004

To be the best Dad I can be to my daughter who is verry
close to entering this world & my Life.
Her do date is The 26th of Jan. 2004

To continue to crosstrain & learn more about
This World of Martial Arts.

To abtain my 2nd dagree in either
Modern Arnis or Ju Jitsu ( I Love Them Both )

To Win my 3rd National Kumite Ju Jitsu Titel ( USJJF)
To compete at "NAGA" for the 1st Time

To set my goals Big & go after Them Like
A Tiger Chasing it's Prey Through an opean feild.

My goals in MA are simply to keep training and stay injury free (i.e. train smart).

Other goals are to learn Massage Therapy and start training in Yoga.

Originally posted by ace
To be the best Dad I can be to my daughter who is verry
close to entering this world & my Life.
Her do date is The 26th of Jan. 2004

Congrats! Let us know when she arrives!

- Ceicei
My goals are to...

get back into distance running to build up my endurance and doing more strength work.

I also will continue training hard with Kenpo and read through the Infinite Insights series twice this year.

- Ceicei

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