New Year' '09 MA goals


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Instead of resolutions, what are your goals in MA for the coming year? Do you want to spend more time & be more proficient at a certain aspect of your Art? Take up a new Art? Loose weight? Test for a certain rank?

I've always seen resolutions as more of a wish. A goal is something to make a plan & work to achieve.

Mine is to work with my doctors & physical therapists to get my calf injury healed. I want to running again by March. I'm going to loose the 30 lbs I gained during my injury. For me, 2009 is the year of forms. I''m going to learn the 3 forms I do not yet know for my 4th Dan in 2010. I will become more proficient at all 4 forms I need to know for 4th Dan as well as the 14 other past forms that I know.
1. Learn the Death Touch
2. Learn to properly aim my fireball
3. Don't use real poison in my blow dart gun when training with a partner.


1. Increase my cardio.
2. Work my fundamental submissions.
3. Clean up my takedown technique.
Hey, IcemanSK, my goals sound alot like yours!

Continue currrent goals:

1. Catch up on forms for 4th dan.
2. Explore more bunkai in forms.
3. Improve self-defense techniques.
I think '09 is going to be a great year!!

This will be the year of the Ox and a great year for Obama who is an Ox(Aug 4,1961)

09' for me is a year of working on animal forms.

I will be working on 8 animals Bagua and 12 animals Hsing yi as my main focus.

I am sure other possiblities will pop up so I will keep my eyes open.
Compete in the Kumite, held this year in Jamaica. I'll be travelling with my friend Jackson.


1. head towards 1st dan (only 2 more belts to go)
2. perfect my kicks
3. dominate in sparring
4. get some teaching experience in preperation for opening a school
I'm really looking forward to '09.

1. I want to compete in the TKD senior nationals in San Antonio in July.
-- To do this I need to spar more.
-- I also need to workon my cardio..have started both of these things and will continue to do this. Already my skills are improving.

2. I want to test for my 2nd Dan. I just passed the next to last intermediate test. I plan on testing for the last test in March...that puts me on schedule for either a Late Spring or early fall test.

3. I want to continue cross training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. I've hooked up with a training group in my area. Having a blast so far, different sort of training than what I'm used to. It's good to be a beginner again.

!) get serious with the weights again, aiming not only for overall health/strength but specifically to train my grip strength .

2) Promote at least to Gokyu in Judo

3) Start Small Circle Jujitsu as well and train in both.
1. Lose weight

2. get much fitter

3. test for 2nd Dan

For those of us with similiar goals ie losing weight and getting fit/fitter, is there some way we can 'egg' each other on and generally help us stick to our goals? it can be lonely sometimes and I tend to give up the fitness thing when it doesn't seem to work or I'm tired or down.
For those of us with similiar goals ie losing weight and getting fit/fitter, is there some way we can 'egg' each other on and generally help us stick to our goals? it can be lonely sometimes and I tend to give up the fitness thing when it doesn't seem to work or I'm tired or down.

At one point there was a New Year's Resolution thread on which people posted their progress, as I recall it fizzled out by March. It would probably be worth trying again.

1. I intend on grading for Godan this year. I've been getting prodded about it for a couple of years by my instructor but being deployed put a bit of a crimp in the preparation for it.

Well, that and I hate to test.

2. I would like to start training in a Korean system but I'm unwilling to shell out the absurd prices that the local schools want/sign the sign the restrictive contracts so I'm kind of stuck on that one. I may have to wait on it.

3. Bench Press 275 lbs. I've been stuck at 250 many years. I weigh 195lbs.
I find this to be frustrating to a degree that I hardly have words for. I've tried almost everything I can think of to break past this wall, but so far no luck. Any tips would be welcomed.

4. I almost forgot the most important goal of all: Earn my Martial Talk Post Count Black Belt

That's about it. All of the goal I have for the new year are more so work related.

1. Test for my brown belt. I'm working on getting forms, kicks, and self defense techniques polished in December so I can hopefully be ready to test for it in January or February.

2. I want to be able to express myself more and be able to explain things better when teaching the other students.

3. Put more time into practicing at home.

4. Start working towards my red belt.

5. Continue learning as much as I can.
I can't seem to edit that last post so I'll try again..

I'm trying to get my weight down to to 175 pounds from 195. My chubby self had balooned up to around 230 about a year ago so progress has been good but still....

The bench press goal remains 275. I realize that as I loose weight that this could be problematic depending on how much of my body composition is muscle but I remain hopeful. I have notice that it is much easier to put on a layer of "insulation" than it is to de-winterize, so to speak now that I am a bit older with a bad knee.


There was also supposed to be a cool smiley after my "goal" of a MT black belt as well. But truth be told, I am a sucker for the idea of a MT black belt:)
Tez3 wrote:
“For those of us with similiar goals ie losing weight and getting fit/fitter, is there some way we can 'egg' each other on and generally help us stick to our goals?”

Tez3 I have seen a couple of types of threads on some other forums that I sometimes visit. I likely would not participate in these kinds of threads but I do believe that they could help motivate.

  • Work out of the day. This is a thread where people post what their work out was that day. Others can use those posts for ideas to change up their work outs.
  • Weight, waist size, BMI whatever standard now three month thread. Posters post what their weight is now or their BMI or whatever measurable standard that they wish to use with the idea that they will post again in three months with whatever gains or losses (good or bad) as some wish to lose weight and some might wish to gain weight. The OP should state that those posting in this thread will post again in three months no matter what and perhaps the op or others can motivate those who have not posted in the three months to do so. When some post with not so desired results the troops can rally round and encourage and support that person to give it another goal using the second post as a standard to measure against in the next three months
  • Six month weight now thread see above for three month.
  • Fitness: Where are you now thread. Same as above for three or six month repost. The posters post their fitness right now. For example a timed distance run, number of burpees in five minutes, one of those Kettlebell exercises, or a crossfit workout. The idea is to post what you can do now and to post in three months what you can now do. Good or bad, injured or not. If good you can motivate others, if bad others can see that they are not alone with setbacks. Others can post motivation and encouragement.
A few ideas you or others might wish to pursue.

Warmest Regards
Brian King
Get serious about it again after finishing the rehab of my knee--unless they decide to do the other one this summer!

I'll be starting serious work with my daughter this coming year too. She's now 14 and has started JKD/BJJ this year with a local instructor.

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