martial arts as entertainment/performance art

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
When I initiate a new thread, I usually express a thorough rundown of my own thoughts on the topic and ask for anyone's comments and discussion.

In this case, I'll keep it simple and minimal, and just ask what people think, in whatever venue they can imagine. What do you all think of the notion that at least in some venues, martial arts are becoming more of an entertainment or performance art? Pros? Cons? Impressions?
When I initiate a new thread, I usually express a thorough rundown of my own thoughts on the topic and ask for anyone's comments and discussion.

In this case, I'll keep it simple and minimal, and just ask what people think, in whatever venue they can imagine. What do you all think of the notion that at least in some venues, martial arts are becoming more of an entertainment or performance art? Pros? Cons? Impressions?

Martial Arts have been spectator entertainment for quite some time. From modern martial arts movies, to martial arts plays. The Beijing Opera company has been using dramatic representation of martial arts for probably 200 years.

The pros are it's entertaining. The cons come in when what is dramatic and visually pleasing is perceived to be practical in a different application.
the gladiator pits come to mind as well.

True, that was martial entertainment, but of a different sort. It wasn't staged stylized demonstration, it was actual combat, albeit in a staged setting.

So in that sense, you have two extremes of martial arts as entertainment..........on one end you have combat sports and at the other you have stylized and choreographed demonstrations, as much akin to an acrobatic dance routine.

Of the two, the combat sport model is by far the oldest..........probably pre-dating modern recorded history........probably back to the day when the tribe would gather to watch it's two biggest alpha males bludgeon each other..........or two tribes got together to cheer for their respective alpha males bludgeoning each other for the prestige of their respective tribes, and the attention of the loveliest young ladies......GO TEAM!
True, that was martial entertainment, but of a different sort. It wasn't staged stylized demonstration, it was actual combat, albeit in a staged setting.

modern competitions are also similar to this, tho not generally as extreme. We've got traditional tournaments with forms, kumite, breaking, and self defense competitions, to modern wushu to XMA, to MMA style competitions. The fact that they are open for viewing by an audience makes them a performance art. I'd say they are all a variant of the early gladiator pits.
modern competitions are also similar to this, tho not generally as extreme. We've got traditional tournaments with forms, kumite, breaking, and self defense competitions, to modern wushu to XMA, to MMA style competitions. The fact that they are open for viewing by an audience makes them a performance art. I'd say they are all a variant of the early gladiator pits.

The combat sports are...........the XMA's and demonstrations are more akin to stage acting with acrobatics, which is their root.

One is actual combat, on a small scale. The other is dramatic play acting.
The combat sports are...........the XMA's and demonstrations are more akin to stage acting with acrobatics, which is their root.

One is actual combat, on a small scale. The other is dramatic play acting.

that's probably a reasonable assessment.

I think what is interesting and perhaps unfortunate is when people can't tell the difference. Hypothetical example: local martial arts club does a demonstration at a shopping mall to present their school to the public and perhaps stirr up interest and boost enrollment. While they claim that the focus of their training is in serious martial arts and practical self-defense, the demonstration itself focuses more on the "WOW" aspects of the martial arts. Acrobatics, flashy nunchaku and other tradiational weapons performed with a void of realistice technique in exchange for fancy Hollywood-esque moves, unrealistic and flashy self-defense scenarios where one defender defeats a dozen armed thugs. The demonstration of the art is transformed into performance art, which is not the same thing. The school feels that it needs to tap into the mystic fantasy that many people would like to have around the martial arts.

Fantasy is used to sell an art by people who claim that they focus on realistic self-defense.
When I initiate a new thread, I usually express a thorough rundown of my own thoughts on the topic and ask for anyone's comments and discussion.

In this case, I'll keep it simple and minimal, and just ask what people think, in whatever venue they can imagine. What do you all think of the notion that at least in some venues, martial arts are becoming more of an entertainment or performance art? Pros? Cons? Impressions?


Martial arts have always been partially about spectators, right back to ancient Greece.
I see it as a mixed bag. It can give a false impression about what you might really experience if you enroll in martial arts, however, entertainment can draw more people into the arts and try it which is good. It's a mixed bag. :)
Hello, In China..this was one way to gain students, use to get hire-free lancing, back in the very old days, before modern times...

Today....still is about getting more students, Plus it is very entertaining to watch...just like circus acts....

Today many MA's is also a show business....$$$$ and will be around forever...

To show or NOT to show? .....choices...(MA ..movies is fun to watch)

Aloha, ...need Popcorn? ...soon...running out..
What do you all think of the notion that at least in some venues, martial arts are becoming more of an entertainment or performance art?

I think that it is in more cases than we are willing to admit. But some styles have been hit much harder than others by this. I am currently thinking that there is not a lot of entertainment FMA or Muay Thai as compared to CMA and JMA

Helps people get into and stay in shape ... that is a long as they aviod the real hardcore Modern Wushu stuff on mainland.

Some people do really enjoy it and I have little problem with that, just as long as they don't destroy what I like in MA.

Entire systems die off and what was once effective and usefull becomes flash and useless. (see Shaolin)


Over all bad
i think its ok as long as they stress this part of the show is for entertainment not combat if done right it is excellent to watch

there are 2 BJJ guys [brothers] i want to say their names are carrillo [starts with the letter C] they are fantastic!!

i have seen some terrible performances too. i'm sorry little kids just dont do it for me when showing the . Ususally they are off, and their balance is just not there. i would show people no younger than 12 or 13
some good show ideas
so you think you can Kata! or chopping with the masters!

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