Healthclub Martial Arts

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Daniel Sullivan started a thread today that got me thinking a bit. I wanted to share some thoughts I've had and wasnt' sure if it quite fit in Daniel's thread, so I finally decided to create an independent thread.

Daniel's thread is here, for those interested:

The topic of the original thread was the ISSA martial arts specialist program, being, from what I can glean from it, a certification program for personal trainers with a focus on teaching martial arts.

This got me to thinking about the topic of teaching martial arts in a healthclub environment in general, with some thoughts on both the personal trainer avenue, as well as the group exercise avenue.

I actually have a bit of a personal connection to this topic, which is probably why Daniel's thread got me to thinking more about it again. For years, I have held a membership with a healthclub near my office. I do most of my private training at the club, using their space to practice the various arts that I have been fortunate to study. I have no interest in using the various weight equipment nor cardio equipment, and neither do I have any interest in hiring a personal trainer or getting involved in a group exercise class. I know my stuff, and I just need space to practice, and I'm very happy with that.

I spend a lot of time working on basic technique, forms/kata, heavybag work, and the like, and I train in the morning before work, or during an extended lunch break, and sometimes both in the same day. I am there most days, and the trainers who work there know what I'm about and leave me alone. But on a couple of occasions, I've had both trainers and other club members approach me and ask if I am teaching somewhere, or would be interested in teaching a class at the club. Generally, I've not been interested in pursuing that and I've not really been given clearance to be an independent instructor by my teachers so it's a moot point anyway. If I brought the notion to their attention they might agree to it, but I've not been terribly interested anyway, so I've never bothered. But it's caused me to think about how one might structure the class in a way to not sacrifice the integrity of the art, but still successfully teach it in such a venue. Healthclub clientelle tend to be very transient and often jump from class to class, or literally come and go as their interest and schedule allows. This would pose a real challenge in teaching a progressive skill like a martial art.

So, getting back on point, I'll start with the personal trainer avenue and give my thoughts about that.

The ISSA program that Daniel pointed out might actually have some good material in it that an instructor could benefit from. I'm not familar with the program so I can't verify that, but it is certainly possible. I'm not generally familiar with any personal trainer certification program so I don't really know what they teach, but I think it has a lot to do with exercise theory and nutrition and physiology and stuff. I invite anyone with more experience with this topic to help me fill in the blanks. At any rate, in the general sense, that could be worthwhile information to have. But I'm not sure it would always translate well to the subject of martial arts, or at least not to all martial arts equally.

In my opinion, for me, martial arts are not about becoming fit. It is about learning a progressive skill, which is built gradually upon a foundation of technique. However, becoming fit is often a side effect of the practice, which can become very very physically demanding. I understand that some people may disagree with me here, and I'm not trying to create a rock-solid definition that everyone must agree to. For some people, it might be ALL about fitness. But I'm just saying that this is how I see the arts, and this is what MY focus is in training. And it is fair to assume that if I were to teach, I would teach with this mindset.

So if I were to get a certificate as a physical trainer, and used that theory to guide my interaction with my clients, I'm not sure it would work out for the best transmittal of the art. I think a lot of exercise theory has to do with things like "X minutes of heavy exertion, followed by Y minutes of cooldown/mild exertion followed by Z minutes of rest, then build back up to X minutes of heavy exertion again" with the idea that this type of thing gives the best results for fitness, either cardio or strength, or both. Again, any physical trainers out there can feel free to jump in.

But I don't think this necessarily works for the martial arts. Think about this: what if I was teaching a client taiji chuan. It's unlikely that in the context of that method I would be able to elevate the client to a level of heavy exertion for X minutes. But then again, what if it was BJJ - then some time rolling on the mats could certainly do it. Or, what about kenpo - we might spend time analyzing the application of an arm bar and wrist lock as a defense against some type of grab. It's a very technical exercise that requires repetition, it yields a very useful skill, but is unlikely to equate to "X minutes of heavy exercise". So that very body of theory that the physical trainer structures his sessions upon could very well not work, because it's just not appropriate.

At my club I see trainers working with their clients in boxing and kickboxing. The body of techniques that these methods use is more limited than most traditional martial arts, so they might translate a bit better for this approach. The problem is, I often see the client using very poor technique, and the trainer does little to correct it. I think this is because the client often does not want to really LEARN boxing or kick boxing. They just want to get fit, and they like the IDEA of boxing or kick boxing, so the trainer uses that as a vehicle to improve the client's fitness. Development of a real skill becomes secondary to the fact that within that context the client can reach that necessary level of heavy exercise for X minutes, hopping around and ineffectually bopping the heavybag with big cushiony gloves that don't fit them right. As long as the client is sweating and breathing heavily, the trainer is doing the job he is being paid to do. If he took the time to correct the client's technique, then the client wouldn't sweat, wouldn't breathe hard, wouldn't raise his fitness level (at least not until further down the road in the process), and the perception would be that the trainer isn't providing him with results nor instant gratification. But the client thinks that he's now a kickboxer.

In the personal training venue, I think you could successfully train your clients IF they understood what the process required, including a long-term committment and a gradual development of skill. Fitness would come later, as a result of the training, but working up that sweat is not always going to be the primary focus. If the client is interested in that, and is willing to commit to the process, then it can be a success.

OK, now I'd like to discuss the group class venue.

Healthclubs often have lots of group classes available. But they are almost always something that you can drop in any time, without any experience, and jump right in and take part in. It's a business decision: make as many of the classes accessible to as many people as possible. That's how you satisfy as many customers as possible, and keep the membership high and everyone paying their monthly dues. It's easy for any beginner to jump on a spin cycle, or take a step class, and get thru the class and improve his fitness. You don't need any experience to do that.

Health clubs often have some "martial arts inspired" group classes, like tae bo or cardio kickboxing. But these are not real martial arts. They have been designed to be a form of exercise instead. Little attention is paid to developing good technique. Instead, just follow the "teacher" and throw your foot out sort of "like this", and don't worry if it's proper technique because you'll never use it for real anyway (you'd better hope). It's a tremendously simplified system that is designed so that anyone can jump in and join the class on any day, and be able to follow along and sweat and breathe heavy and increase fitness. But there is no real learning going on. It's mimickry on a very low level, and it gives no real understanding of true martial arts methods.

So how would one teach a traditional or systematic martial art in this venue? A club does not want to take a risk of paying an instructor to offer a class that nobody sticks with and is empty all the time. So how do you introduce it to the clientelle?

I have come up with one idea: You would need to market the class as a limited course, perhaps 10 or 12 weeks, twice or three times a week. This course is designed to teach some very basic foundation skills in the art, and nothing more. The client would need to sign up for the complete course, and I am sure the club would demand full payment for the entire course. If the client decided to drop out before the course was completed they would forfeit payment, or get a partial payment back. Remember: for the club, this is a business venture. They don't want to pay the teacher if all the students drop away after two weeks of a 12 week program. It's very experimental, in my opinion. I'm not really sure it would work, but it's an idea I've come up with.

Once a few of these introductory courses have been taught, each with a different group of people, there might collectively be a small group of people who want to continue to learn the full system. At that point, an ongoing class could be established, but it is only open to those who have first been thru the introductory course, which would be offered periodically. And from the very beginning, it must be clearly explained and described to the clients what the purpose and approach is meant to accomplish, so that they understand that this is not simply a quick way to get fit. It is something far deeper and bigger, and it takes time and effort (including practice time outside of class) and committment.

That's the best idea I've been able to come up with. Really, I'm not convinced that the modern health club is a good venue for teaching traditional martial arts. If anyone has experience in this venue, I'd be glad to hear about it, what works, what doesn't. Am I way off the target, or have I made some valid points?

I'm not really interested in even trying this out, it's just not where my head is at. But it's been an interesting idea to think about, so I thought I'd share with you all.

thanks for taking the time to read, I know it's a long post.

You have valid point but a TMA in a health cub is doomed to failure.

Many years ago I was teaching Taiji at local YMCAs and there were a few health clubs trying to get me to go there and teach as well as one Judo school and the YMCAs were ok but most of my students were not interested in Martial Arts at all however there were Karate Groups at 2 of the Ys that seemed to do OK but then a Y is not exactly a health club.

The Health clubs are looking for 'sales' and they wanted copious demos to see if there was an interest and there was at one but it most certainly was far form a "Traditional" interest. It was exactly what you were saying about focus on health and of course the sweat equity of it. A TMA particularly a CTMA that is big on posture and slow movement is not going to translate well UNLESS you are willing to look the other way when it comes to correctness of posture and form. As you have already seen the sloppy heavy bag work, etc.

This is why Taebo and Cardio kick boxing do well since the focus is on cardio not MA. And something like Budokan would like do well to and that is about as close to a TMA as I think you can get in a health club environment and be successful. You could do the same at a health club with Sanshou if you want but you are most certainly not going to teach to the level of intensity as you would get in say at the NY Sanda Gym but my style of Sanda would never play at a health club.

But then take it for what it is worth I am after all a rather jaded traditionalist when it comes to people and MA these days
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I currently teach at a YMCA that I also happen to be a personal trainer at. I also teach group fitness classes(yoga, spinning, crossfit, and interval training). I see the points you make and Idon't think you are very far off. I have to keep everything very strict or it seems that things star to go in a direction that I don't want(parents trying to take over, the directors trying to make me compromise what/how I teach).

I see the classes and mindset of the people you mention. They skip from class to class and they think they are on top of everything. I am constantyl laughing at the people that come out of the cardio kickboxing class and tell me how much they are learning and how they can kick some butt. I have been asked to teach the class, but I absolutely refuse to do so.

On the flip side of things, I have 8 clients that I am training 1 on 1 with kickboxing. Not cardio style, but the fighting, get down and dirty way of doing it. No dancy music or moves, heavy contact, drilling until they get sick. And they want it like that.

The health club can be a great place to train and run classes, but it is up to you to maintain your standards. It makes the rent stay cheap until you can get enough $$ together to go it on your own.
The cardio kickboxing people who actually think they're learning fighting skill are pretty funny. I run a class at a health club too, but it's mostly for myself and others in our group to have a place to train during the week. The class is kind of secondary. We honestly get no interest, and the first night when I did have some I think they were looking for more of the cardio kickboxing type stuff than the stuff I teach. Suffice to say, they didn't come back.
Years ago I got certified as a fitness trainer and you are correct: it taught nutrition, proper body alignment, proper ways to move and do exercises, and other related topics.
For myself, I do somewhat incorporate health and fitness into our training since I think you can defend yourself better when you are healthy and fit and also I think that protecting your health is a part of self defense. There are many kinds of attackers and in my view we should protect ourselves and our health. Fending off disease is at least as important and fending off other attackers.
Good thread by the way. :)
I totally agree. I believe that the more fit you are the better chance you have of coming out on top of an encounter. And as one of our teachers said to us, even if you never get into an actual fight, Martial Arts (and the fitness side effect) prepares you for the one fight you can't avoid...old age.

One thing I'm careful of though is training techniques or forms to failure. I don't want myself or my students to become so fatigued that our technique breaks down and then your burning the wrong things into our neuro-muscular system.

There's a time and place for training to failure, and I understand the value of trying to perform your best when your fatigued, but until a relatively advanced level its something I avoid. I'd rather have someone do high intensity intervals in order to get smoked than forms or techinques. Just my preference though.
I'm a certified fitness trainer, and progressive fitness is a big component of my program, because I'm a firm believer that if you're not pumped, you'll get dumped-that is to say, as others have, that a fit person is more capable of defending themselves, and I wanted to add a little science (and less liability) to some of the things we do-I've had beginning students who were H.S. varsity wrestlers, overweight teenage girls, and as old as 87 year old men-as well as a variety of middle-aged near couch potatoes and equally middle-aged law-enforcement types: their needs, goals and capabilities were/are all different as far as fitness goes, and the things I learned as a personal trainer have been very helpful in making sure that I push them just enough. That said, I'm not in it for money-actually have shooed a few people away from signing up by sending them where I thought they'd be happier-and most of my long time students jokingly call me a "personal sadist." :lol:

As for the whole health club thing, I've seen quite a few successful traditional martial arts programs in health clubs, especially YMCA's-the Y in Los Alamos has had the same aikido, tae kwon do, and shoshin ryu programs for more than 15 years now, but it's a rather limited market there, anyway. Back east, I knew of a karate and kendo teacher who moved into a health club for a few years, and it was, as far as I could tell, a good relationship until he retired. I even taught in town for a short time at a health club-no different than teaching out of a church or Legion Hall, really, except for the noise and lookie-lous.It is, as others have said, up to the instructor-the health club can provide a revolving door as far as students go, and some of those "lookie-lous" did wind up sticking with it, long after I was out of the health club.

Might wind up owning a health club as part of my retirement, though, so who knows........
As for the whole health club thing, I've seen quite a few successful traditional martial arts programs in health clubs, especially YMCA's-the Y in Los Alamos has had the same aikido, tae kwon do, and shoshin ryu programs for more than 15 years now....

We've been members of our local Y off and on over the years, and I wonder if you can really equate the Y to a "for profit" health club. If you go back to Flying Crane's original post, one of the problems with running a quality TMA class at a commercial health club is that you have to keep "packing them in" and turning a buck for the club. Now at Y, community college, and parks and rec programs, it's true that your class won't run if you don't make your enrollment numbers, but there's a lot less pressure to sell the club and make a buck. And if students get really interested, they can take it to the next level and join a more serious practice group at a garage or public park without there being a conflict of interest.

BTW... that's pretty much the standard "business plan" for the non-commercial TMA instructor. A public presence at a Y, parks and rec center, or community college class, and maybe a few public demos every year just to attract students. Then more serious students are invited to continue in a non-public group. This private core group provides the instructor with the training partners he needs and a financial base to bring in master-level practitioners for seminars for advanced training. I prefer this approach since you don't have to make the same compromises in training to "serve the customer" and stay in business.
Oh, another thing about commercial health clbs and "personal trainers". I don't belong to a commercial health club. I've been on their "tours", heard the sales pitches, and tried the free work-outs. Some have nice facilities and equipment, but nothing I really want. I mean I'd love to have a good workout space to hang my sectional wall bags, set up my mook yang jong, and room to work the long-pole... but I don't think that would go over too well. And, while I'd really like to take advantage of their trainers' expertise in nutrition and exercise physiology, they have no understanding of my needs and objectives as a soft-style Wing Tsun enthusiast. Unfortunately, I guess I'm on my own when it comes to those things outside my CMA instructor's knowledge base. I work at a high school, so I've made friends with the trainers there and pick their brains whenever I can. What else can a CTMA guy do?
We've been members of our local Y off and on over the years, and I wonder if you can really equate the Y to a "for profit" health club. If you go back to Flying Crane's original post, one of the problems with running a quality TMA class at a commercial health club is that you have to keep "packing them in" and turning a buck for the club. Now at Y, community college, and parks and rec programs, it's true that your class won't run if you don't make your enrollment numbers, but there's a lot less pressure to sell the club and make a buck. And if students get really interested, they can take it to the next level and join a more serious practice group at a garage or public park without there being a conflict of interest.

I teach at a Y, and they're happy when there's enough revenue from the class to cover their costs for power in the room we're in. I have transient students, that's true - but I also have students who come and stay for years. The Y pays me a percentage of the dues the class generates, so it's in my interest as well as the Y's to get people to join and stay - on the other hand, over half of my class is getting need-based scholarships at the Y, and would never be able to afford classes at a more traditional stand-alone studio, and I think that's a valid need that should be considered. If I were teaching TKD for the money, instead of because I enjoy it and want to pass on what I've learned, then I'd be going about it differently - but this is what works for me.
A few people have mentioned the YMCA issue, and I've always had a sense that the Y is not on the same track as a private health club like Ballys or 24-hour Fitness or Crunch Gym. I know that YMCAs often have martial arts classes that go on for years. Could someone please give me a rundown of how the YMCA is supported and what its mission is, that makes it different from a private health club?

And thanks everyone who took the time to read my lengthy post, and give their input.
I teach at a Y, and I don't know if it's different in Australia, but it's a pretty sweet deal.
They deal with all the class payments and stuff and get a cut. We charge, per term or casual, with per term providing all the classes available. The cool thing is we can add pretty much as many classes as will fit around any other activities in the room as we want, and that doesn't change our agreement at all. We can host seminars and gradings and stuff for no extra cost. The only thing that costs students more is training during school holidays.
The YMCA is about providing fitness opportunities to the community, thus the sort of not tight about fees and stuff.

They occasionally pay us to run a 'clinic' for the small people (or children as some people refer to them as) during the holidays also.
The Y is supported by member dues, donations, and by the funds that come from some classes(PT, MAs,...).

The Y is supposed to be a NPO, but they are alot more like a health club than anyone would want to admit. I am not sure how Kacey gets treated by the directors at her Y, but I get walked on. I know it varies by the Y location, even in my association, but the general consensus is that they Y is a good place to get your program started and then you can break away.

I have found that many of the instructors in my area have little to no respect for the MA students that train a the Y. They feel we are inferior and the students we turn out are inferior. Even after we take them apart at tourneys and our students act with more respect then theirs.
The Y is supported by member dues, donations, and by the funds that come from some classes(PT, MAs,...).

The Y is supposed to be a NPO, but they are alot more like a health club than anyone would want to admit. I am not sure how Kacey gets treated by the directors at her Y, but I get walked on. I know it varies by the Y location, even in my association, but the general consensus is that they Y is a good place to get your program started and then you can break away.

I have found that many of the instructors in my area have little to no respect for the MA students that train a the Y. They feel we are inferior and the students we turn out are inferior. Even after we take them apart at tourneys and our students act with more respect then theirs.

I have known some damn good fighters and Maist that came out of the Y and park and rec. clubs.

I used to teach at the Sheriffs' Academy for troubled youth, and had some good students. But like any other org. they were more focused on their boxing program and kind of left us by the wayside.
My organization (which is large) operates in city rec centers and in gyms and cafeterias of elementary, middle, and high schools. I think there might be one class at a church. I know a woman (not in my club) who teaches MA at a health club, and she seems to like it; I don't know how her students perceive the classes, but she's quite knowledgeable.

Speaking of health clubs, I joined 24 Hour Fitness just to have a place to practice near my work. I use only the classroom and just do conditioning stuff, kata, and techniques there. They were cool with that, though they did ask me (twice) to please not hit the yoga students. :)
The Y is supported by member dues, donations, and by the funds that come from some classes(PT, MAs,...).

The Y is supposed to be a NPO, but they are alot more like a health club than anyone would want to admit. I am not sure how Kacey gets treated by the directors at her Y, but I get walked on. I know it varies by the Y location, even in my association, but the general consensus is that they Y is a good place to get your program started and then you can break away.

I have found that many of the instructors in my area have little to no respect for the MA students that train a the Y. They feel we are inferior and the students we turn out are inferior. Even after we take them apart at tourneys and our students act with more respect then theirs.

I got walked on a little when I first started - but I've been there for 9 years now, and it doesn't happen any more - especially since the most recent director for my area was hired 4 or 5 years ago, as she's great!

Many of the classes in my area are taught in Y's, community rec centers, and on college campuses, and there's never been any concern from students at stand-alone schools that we are inferior - they focus more on the fact that they have more class times available than we do, as our classes meet at set times, usually 2x/week, and they have more choices available because they are the only ones present in the facility.

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