The problem is that practitioners need to have balance in their training. Example: If I train ONLY the SD aspects, I miss out on a lot of great physical conditioning that sport training provides, which can help in a SD situation. On the flip side, if I focus on only sport training, then I miss out on how to handle situations that do not happen in the ring, but will happen in the outside world. So you see, some balance in training is the key.
Okay Jeremy, this has piqued my interest, so let's talk about it from an unemotional, rational, non-art vs. sport perspective and see where it takes us.
Let's take a look at the conditioning aspect to begin with. I agree that the sport training methodology side of the house can have a fantastic conditioning component. And yes, great conditioning can be of tremendous benefit in a SD situation (or emergency survival situation for that matter as well as life in general). However, if one trains with a SD training methodology, why would you suggest that the conditioning component is inferior? Not putting you on the spot, just looking for discussion on the point you've put forth so take it in that light please.
Secondly, SD methodology as I've mentioned takes into account multiple things that are important that I've never seen sports training methodology cover in passing, let alone in-depth. NOT a slam on sport methodology, just posting an observation. Additionally, TKD that uses the sport methodology, in my experience concentrates on kicks/strikes in a controlled-environment perspective and does not cover in a meaningful way things such as locks, throws, chokes, cavity pressing, ground defense, escape & evasion, de-esculation etc which are necessary (or at least highly useful) in a SD situation. This limits the responses possible and makes it more one dimensional as far as possible options.
And again, this isn't putting one above the other, so it should not be taken in that light. I'm wording everything carefully so there is no misunderstanding as to the intent of the post. I'm pointing out differences (and similarities) within the two venues. Others are free to offer their thoughts as well.
Thank you.