Martial Art Diary


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I thought this kind of diary thread would be great to list things you are working on and need help with or just a place to talk about each others training for the day.
Today I trained with a friend that helped me get my dits up down without stopping he pushed me to the max on every set and he also help me keep going with the steppers we have to help build my endurance back up.
Today my teacher worked with me on three basic kicks: rear kick, reverse crescent and heel hook. The advanced variations of these that are required for my next belt are what kept me from 2nd brown last weekend.
Today I had a private lesson in Kali. Guro May literally worked me until I dropped. I was very dizzy by the time I was done with our work on the heavy bag. I wasn't really happy with endurance has been a lot better.

Hopefully Thursday's lesson will be better. :)
Yesterday we opened the class with a 31 movement kata for Jo. It was the first time for me so I kinda felt lost. I need to work alot on it at home, if only I remembered all of the movements. For now I remember well the first 10-14 so I will work on those.

For the rest of the class we worked on how to receive a punch in case you have no way to step back (a wall or a ditch behind) and from there how to open the opponent to be able to do techniques. I need to work better on turning sideways without leaving my side open to my opponent, another thing to work at home. I have to get used to turn sideway with my hip instead of with my legs.
Just a few hours ago, I taught a lot of basic terminology (using a chalkboard--I have always wanted to do that), two katas to two different rank groups, then self-defense for the whole class.

I taught classes tonight. I really enjoyed my adult class. We did the first move of a form 50 times, then starting from where that move ended did the next move 50 times (returning to the end of move 1 every time) and so on. really great workout, really good for learning the form-- and I love it when I have students in class that enjoy that type of "boring" training.

Last night I worked on my jump hook kick (not spinning just a front hook). Right now I can hit a tennis ball off of "bob's" head when he is set at about 6 ft high. It's fun and an excellent leg workout!
Started off last night with a bunch of fitness training and basic technique drills.
We did one fun drill for securing a good tight armbar from the mount, where you strike the opponent till he covers his face, then shoot up the body for a high mount, where your legs thighs are pretty much at his armpit. Absolutely horrible position to be in if you're on the bottom, its really hard to bump the guy, or do anything particularly constructive. Not impossible, just very very difficult.

After that we did pyramid training. Good example of thar is this - Drop to the ground, do 1 pushup, jump again and do 1 set of double punches.
Drop again, 2 pushups, up again, 2 double punches.
This goes on up till 10 of each, and then all the way back to 1 again.
Oddly enough, the 9th set, both on the way up and way down, is the hardest.
Just a few hours ago, I taught a lot of basic terminology (using a chalkboard--I have always wanted to do that)

Excellent..I'd attend a terminology ANY time...I hate mispronouncing anything..Hey, too many years behind a mike and on stage..
Last Monday I spent quite a bit of time standing around helping the girls that are 1 higher belt then me with their set sparring after Boss taught it me and I saw they were struggling. I got it quickly but they were getting into a muddle with it. Tonight we will do more pattern work I think, I know my stances are going to pot because I'm trying to work on my arm positions and getting slightly off balance, Boss says it's natural though so I am not overly worried. I just got to find out within me what I feel is going wrong with them.
Last night I had a review. I decided to test after a lot of doubt but I want to push myself. Also at sparring I worked on my linear and circular strikes, I tried to do a lot of weak side sparring so I dont become dependant on my dominant side. We also did some Chi Soa (sp?) or sticky hands (I think this is right). We used this to learn to read attacks and redirect/deflect attacks to open your attacker up for counter strikes.

Last Monday I spent quite a bit of time standing around helping the girls that are 1 higher belt then me with their set sparring after Boss taught it me and I saw they were struggling. I got it quickly but they were getting into a muddle with it. Tonight we will do more pattern work I think, I know my stances are going to pot because I'm trying to work on my arm positions and getting slightly off balance, Boss says it's natural though so I am not overly worried. I just got to find out within me what I feel is going wrong with them.

Is that really what you call him(her), or is it just here for fun?

No disrespect to you at all, I am really just curious! Interesting to find out what different people us. I had a friend who always referred to her instructor as "coach" which was completely foreign to me. Although referring to someone as your "master" seems pretty crazy to a lot of people too I guess.
Last time I trained, Monday, we spent about an hour working on north/south position options, then ? (mental block), oh yeah, side escapes for an hour or so, with some controlled rolling mixed in, then worked a shoulder lock for a while, then i spent the rest of class working with a noob on guard, escaping guard, and a triangle drill. Good stuff.

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