Do you keep a martial arts diary?

Well, my "record" is mostly as journey letters I write to a former instructor. I've had several instructors along my journey. The one who gets these letters is the instructor I trained under the longest at four years. What I write in these journey letters are about my martial arts experiences, what I learned, my excitement and frustrations, and goals (both short-term and long-term regarding martial arts). I keep a copy of all these letters for myself.

It just is easier for me to write to a living person (and sometimes getting feedback). Doing it this way allows me to remain motivated by knowing that someone else is aware of my thoughts and progress.

- Ceicei

Wow, that's a great idea. Does yr intructor write back, or is it a one-way thing? The idea of a martial arts correspondence between two ppl studying the same art holds great appeal... kind of like a more focused and concentrated version of martial talk i guess. I knew i liked this place for a reason!

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