Not to split hairs, but actually, you did not 'assume the worst'. If you are legally justified to believe the man has a firearm, you're legally justified to use deadly force to stop him. He wasn't, you weren't, and that isn't the operating assumption. You put safety first by not assuming he wasn't armed - that's not the same as assuming he is.
In the case of an LEO, he can draw down on the guy when a weapon is displayed, but to approach someone and not assume that they might take a swing at you, pull a weapon...foolish. Given the fact that 99.99% of the guys in jail/prison are dirtbags, yes, I assume that anytime I spoke with one, anytime someone was talking to me, asking me something, that I could be set up, that it could be a distraction, etc. I never got so relaxed around those guys that I didn't know what was going on around me. And rightfully so, when trying to lock up 17 guys in a narrow hallway...come on, you'd better be aware.
If a cop was so confident that there were no weapons in the car, why do they approach the car in the fashion they do? They do this to give them the best view into the car, to put themselves in a more advantageous position, should someone attempt to shoot at them. I'll also note that many of the officers that I have went on ride alongs with, approach the car, with their hand on their gun. It is usually kept there while they are speaking with the driver as well.
I think we're just missing each other on terms here. I do not assume a person is not armed. I do not preemptively assume he is. There is a difference between the two.
Perhaps I'm just going more on the side of caution than you, and thats fine. To each his own.

I'd rather be more aware initially, and then, depending on how things are playing out, decrease that. Of course, not going to the point of total relaxation, as that is the time when things could change.
You would clearly have been legally justified in doing so, I'm quite sure of that. The question is only whether or not you'd have prevailed and if not, was your life worth that camera?
As I've said, there is nothing written in stone that any training will make you prevail, although that is what we like to hope.

I cant help but think you're missing my point. Jeff attempted to clarify my point of view in one of his posts. Additionally, I'll add that it seems that you're willing to wait until the situation gets worse, before you act. Remember my punch analogy? Seems that you will wait until the punch is halfway to your head before you act, while I will respond when I see the guy drawing his hand back. I will also go so far to say that it seems to me that you think I enjoy fighting, that I have this macho ego about me. Not the case at all. As Jeff said, as well as Andy, I don't feel that we, as citizens of a free country, should have our rights violated by some piece of ****, who'd rather mug someone, than make an honest living. I may as well open my doors to all the scumbags of the world then. And I am still seem confident that if you hand over what they ask for, things will turn out ok. So, basically, you're assuming that things will be ok, and that you're confident enough that if things go south after you comply, that it won't be too late. Sorry, I don't want to wait, I want to act.
I never said I'd wait until a gun was drawn. The furtive movement would most likely be quite enough for me.
So comply and give the guy your wallet and then, if he attempts to pull a weapon, then you're going to act? Just want to make sure I'm understanding your views correctly.
But you just said you would. When you engage in self-defense, that's exactly what you do. Your life, in his hands, and in fate.
My sensei doesn't know everything, but he's a pretty sharp dude, and he said something recently I truly agree with. He's 8th-Dan, Isshinryu, recently elected to the Isshinryu Hall of Fame, definitely a very tough customer, who admits he liked to get dusty in his younger days. He enjoyed barroom brawls and sought them out. He said recently that there are some mighty tough street fighters out there, totally untrained and still very very dangerous. And you don't know if the guy you're facing is one of them or not.
You talked about assuming he has a gun. How about assuming he knows enough to kick your ***?
No, you're missing my point, and attempting to change my words. First, I have already said that MA training does not make you superman, but it should give you the edge. Second, I feel that my complying, I'm putting my life in the BGs hands. There is NOTHING to say that after I comply, he won't blow my friggin head off. I don't want to wait, but start fighting for my property in the beginning. Why comply? If you want to, thats fine. So, because we don't know who we're facing we should hide and cower in fear and hand our stuff over? Of course we don't know who we'll face, but that doesn't mean we should live in fear. Never said I won't get my *** kicked, and I just might. But at least I won't go down without a fight...kinda like those people on 9-11 who overtook the plane and avoided the deaths of people in the intended targets.
Simple math.
If I toss a coin, and if it lands heads up, I live, and if it lands tails up, I die, then I have a 50/50 chance of living or dying. If I refuse to toss the coin, then unless someone makes me do it, I have a 100% chance of living. See how that works? I can choose not to enter into the fight - and my chance are 100% that I'm going to live, unless I am not given a choice. But even then, my chances are still 50/50. So I'll take the 100% chance first, and if that fails, then I'll flip the coin.
Yes, I might die anyway. It is a lower-risk proposition.
That's the math part. I'll make my own choices - which include not fighting - until I believe I no longer have an advantage by doing so. Then I will fight.
But Bill, you're still assuming that if we comply, that nothing will happen. How can you be so sure of that? Can you see the future? Because if you can, I will pack my stuff, and move to your location to train with you and your teachers.

So let me ask you this...lets say I comply. BG asks for my car keys, I hand them over. BG asks for cash, I hand it over. Tells me to lay on the ground, close my eyes and count to 100, I comply. He leaves, I live. In the perfect situation, that is what would happen.
Lets say I do all of the above, but when he opens my wallet and sees $2, now he is pissed. He tells me to get in the car with him, and start driving...driving somewhere to an ATM to get more money. Should I get in the car with him? What if I comply and he says to me that he is going to have to kill me because I saw his face and can ID him? Remember that story I told you about the 2 women? So when should I act Bill? When? When its clear that he's going to kill me?
I have no disagreement with that. You assume - as I keep saying - that choosing not to fight at this moment means I won't fight ever. That's just not true. The situation is fluid and changes, and I will change my decisions along with it, to fit the facts as I understand them.
No, basically its telling me that you'd rather wait until the punch is halfway to your face before you'll act. I say why wait that long? When he draws back or makes that aggressive move, THAT is the time.
I think you and I will probably do the same thing. Difference being, that you'd rather wait until fighting is the last option. I dont wait, and start fighting as soon as I'm presented with the threat.
Someone breaks into my house while I am home, they stand a very good chance of being shot. I have no place to retreat to, and in any case, my family is there, which I will give my life to defend.
Why do you insist that because I choose not to fight until I have to, it means I never will? You must think me quite the coward.
Playing devils advocate Bill...why couldnt you just tell the BG that broke into your house that you dont want any issues, and that you'll leave, and let him have what he wants, as long as he doesnt hurt you or the family? See, thats no different than what you're preaching about the camera. Give the camera, you wont get hurt. Tell the BG you'll leave the house and you wont get hurt. Now you're saying that you'd shoot the guy!!
I have never assumed nothing bad will happen. Am I being unclear on this?
Being accosted is 'something bad' and it is happening right now. How I respond to it is up to me. While there are some things I will trade my life for, a wallet or a camera is not one of them. If I can end the confrontation by giving up those things, you betcha, brother. Have 'em. Good health to ya and see ya later. Hope the police put a bullet in your bubblegoose.
And like talking your way out of a fight, which I've done with success..

...nothing says that it'll work. The guy still may be pissed enough to swing at me. Sometimes there is no time for talking and the guy moves so aggressively that you are forced to fight. There is nothing that says in the case you mention above, that if you hand over your stuff, that he'll leave you.
I'm standing at the ATM and someone rushed up behind me, has a knife to my back and wants money. He just upped the odds. I'm unarmed, hes not. I could empty my acct. and still get stabbed in the back. Or, I could look for the right moment, and fight back, and be justified in using deadly force.
If I give those things up and the assailant wants more, or give me any indication to think that he's about to continue the confrontation, then I change my strategy. I train in martial arts so that I can effectively defend myself with violence. I train in firearms so that if I have to shoot someone, I'll blow their freaking brains out the back of their heads (actually, I aim center mass, but I'm being all emotional and stuff). I am more than willing, ready, and more-or-less able to commit great bodily harm, up to and including the taking of a human life.
But not for a camera. And especially not if I think I can lose the camera and avoid the struggle for my life. I'd as soon skip that part, if you don't mind.
I do not assume anyone does not have evil intent if they accost me. Ever. But I use my brain to think about the best way to avoid damage to my body. If and when that fails, then plan b.
So you just admitted it here. You'd rather wait until that punch is halfway to your head before you'd act. You'd rather wait until the guy gets pissed that there is only a few bucks in the wallet and then act. Screw that. I'm sorry you don't like my views, but obviosuly I'm not the only one in the thread who shares them.
It should be clear that I will try to verablly defuse the confrontation, depending on what it is. Someone accusses me of looking at their girl in the bar..."Hey man, I was looking just past her. My apologies. Here, I'll tell ya what, the next round is on me."

If it works great. I just avoided a fight. But if he tells me to **** off and starts walking towards me, hands clinched, and a pissed off look on his face, then at that point, its on. No more talking, as its clear he isn't interested in that. He wants me on the floor, bloody, in a heap because I upset him. At that point, he gets whatever comes his way.

As soon as he invades my personal space, I'm reacting.
In the situation of a mugging, you're usually attacked, threatened, and possibly roughed up a bit initially, as the demands are being made. At that point, the BG has already taken it to the next level. He's already assaulted me and I have every right to defend myself. Could I try to comply? Sure, but at that point, why wait? Seems that the point of talking is over, esp. if while doing this, he has a knife in his hand.
Take a look at
this. Poor guy got shot and wasn't even expecting it.