It's funny when I started reading this thread I didn't realize the beginning was from 2007 until I got your recent post just now! Crazy, but also at the same time very cool that years later we found out what happened. I was getting ready to be another of those "be careful" warning people, but since it was so many years ago I can see it's no longer a relevant warning.
I married my first husband at age 20, so learned my lesson from that. Divorced after 4 years of marriage...most important lesson I learned is don't marry someone who makes promises they can never keep because you think they will change. People will not change for you, you have to love them for you they are from the beginning and once the sparkle in the eyes goes away those empty promises are all broken and you're left with just them.
Now I'm finally with my equal in life and we are engaged to be married next year. Also never say you wish you hadn't done something, because I'm a big believer that we have to live through the crap of this world to find the good and know what is actually good when we come across it!![]()