You have a point. However, sexual harrassment and asking a woman who you have obvious chemistry with at work out on A date cannot be sexual harrassment if she says no and you don't hound her about it, no?
According to our training it could be.
She then talks to someone else and she is beign totally fine about it but just comments that I asked her out. The next woman then tells someone else and now she begins to feel uncomfortable, on if I will ask her out or if I won't. So no she feels and acts uncomfortable around me which might lead to others.
They use the word IMPACT in that it is not only the intent but the IMPACT of your actions. They also use the terms reasonable person. I have had this broken down for me into the reasonable male and reasonable female.
If a reasonable male gets asked out, there is not group of males that would not assume that your ego took a boost.
If you ask a reasonable female about being asked out then they could be considered about the size of a 6'3" 290 lbs guy who trians in the martial arts and if it goes bad what coudl that mean.
Two very reasonable perspectives.
Also as stated if I make a comment in front of one person and she is ok with it, but others are not, that is harassment as well.
Case in point we had a quick cook out on Friday at work. Someone called me an ******* in gest. A woman stated that is ok because I am a *****. The guy who called me the name, in sarcasm, stated very clearly and so everyone could here that he never called her that. She replied I know but I did called myself that. Some women at the table smiled and laughed. Others were actually concerned because they had not heard the whole conversation. So the impact was that he created a work place violent situtation or harassment at the least to them. But because of his follow up actions to clarify and hers all was ok. If not and someone complained the least he would have had was MORE TRAINING and he could have lost his job.
I have seen relationships go bad including marriages. Where the woman says things like, "He forced me to have sex." So know behind his back everyone is calling him a rapist and does nto want to work with him. Now when cornered or asked by the management the two that I know where questioned backed off, and stated that others had misunderstood her. So they moved the guy in jobs and location to try to give him shot at starting over with the company. But neither one were ver promoted again as it was in their record that there had been an investigation, even if it was not their fault. There are other qualified pesons out there without the investigation.
At one company HR came to me to ask why this one woman had filed reports on everyone around her but me. It turned out that I had recognized she did nto liked to be approached, so if I had to work with her on something, I would lean and drop it on the corner of her desk so she could pick it up and then she could review and come to me with any questions. She would also then determine the range she got to you. I had seen her turn and walk into a wall to aovid eye contact or verbal discourse with males. I felt sad for her. So I reduced the trauma she was dealing with. In the end I was still a target because I had done my best. It was no surprise a few months later that everyone who was investigated including her were on the lay off list when thery were getting rid of 300 peopel form the company.
So, given the data. Given the reactions I have seen. And the situations I have been in. I react the way I do. I no longer even banter at work. I do not joke around in mixed company at all. If a woman cracks a joke I will smile and continue what I was doing but not comment. Even if a woman changes her hair style and you make a comment about it being "nice" it could be taken wrong by her or others who heard or she tells. So why risk it.
But like I said, if she approached me I might consider it. If we were friends outside of work as well and something developed there, maybe.
But even if one asks and she says no which is in the training, it still can be considered harassment. Maybe not enough to force you out of your job but enough to make it so bad you do not want to stay.