looking for fake rank orgs



Hi Guys,

I was hoping we could compile a list of websites/organizations that one could get free rank from. If you list one, please give the style (if applicable) that it's for, and if available, the highest rank you could reach this way.

I'm thinking of seeing just how many fake ranks one person can accumulate. :)

Let the linking begin!

Before the slander begins, I hope that there is something in the lines of being able to "prove" the claims.

A quick look thru the bad-budo sections of this board and more so e-budo will turn up several. Also, I've seen several in the paper mags. I believe most also charge for the rank though.

Before the slander begins, I hope that there is something in the lines of being able to "prove" the claims

Absolutely. I am only interested in the orgs that require no proof of skills or testing, and will certify anyone who will pay the fees (or fill out an application). These should be specified on the page linked.

I don't mind if they charge, I mind if they require some kind of actual skill :)

Originally posted by twinkletoes
Hi Guys,

I was hoping we could compile a list of websites/organizations that one could get free rank from. If you list one, please give the style (if applicable) that it's for, and if available, the highest rank you could reach this way.

I'm thinking of seeing just how many fake ranks one person can accumulate. :)

Let the linking begin!



I read somewhere that a man once got his pig promoted to 10th dan with many organizations, so many that even some legit organizations recognized this rank! It did however cost him a small fortune and he did it just so he could write an article about this later.

that is AWESOME. I want to know who recognized the pig!
I know a pig when I see one.
:rofl: :rofl: :D

You might do a search here on MT for Grand Master Porky. I think I remember seeing it discussed here about 4 or 5 months ago.
I would offer a close look at the 'World Black Belt Bureau' which appears every month in BB magazine. They will rank you in any discipline, even though the promotion comes from Kang Rhee who is, I believe, an 8th Dan in a TKD 'type' discipline.

How can he promote someone in say...Goju Ryu or BJJ etc? But he will do it, for the appropriate fee.

Is this what your looking for?
