Brother John said:
where do you get this info from??
Not meaning to sound rude, but can you back this up?
Conspiracy theory abounds.
I think PeachMonkey already covered this. Just be aware that the administration our country has elected (for the first time, I might add) has plans well beyond Iraq and Afghanistan. This "World War 4", as they put it, is far from over.
Makes yah feel proud, don't it??
pete said:
anybody else thinking that bush sr. has actually been running the country since 1980 (except for the clinton yrs)...
No. To be blunt, much of what the current administration has done stood in stark contrast to the policies of his father's (Bush Sr., for example, actually liked international diplomacy).
My guess is that Cheney is bitter that the father wouldn't do the things he wanted done (Dick was the Secretary of Defense for Bush Sr.), so he's getting the gullible son to do them now.
pete said:
sorry, but mc cain lost ground by not doin' the right thing and backing kerry. it actually looked painful for him to stand in support of bush.
The "right thing"?? Well, its debatable supporting Kerry would have been the "right thing", either.
Take a look at Howard Dean. He opposed Kerry on quite a few issues, but ended up supporting him in the end. Why?? Because even party wildcards like Dean and McCain have a measure of party loyalty (this rule tends to only be excluded in crazies like Zell Miller).
pete said:
guilani/clinton in '08... woo hoo.
No offense, but ain't gonna happen.
loki09789 said:
Consider who the founding fathers were and who they envisioned as 'fit to lead' given the context of the day. Rich, land owning, white males with proven 'old money lineage success' (only because it was the 'new' definition of 'nobility'), with education and connections.
And you would know who the founding fathers envisioned as 'fit to lead'....
loki09789 said:
As far as I remember, G.Washington (the original) even proposed the title of 'your highness' for the president.
According to the history books I've read, George Washington was actually offered the position of "King of America" after the war was won. He turned it down.
He was also offered successive terms in office after his first two. He turned them down, as well.
I would seriously question the source of the "your highness" reference.
loki09789 said:
Come ON! Idealizing/romaticizing this stuff and then acting angry at the reality when it doesn't match is not productive.
No offense, Loki, but doing the opposite isn't productive either.