Look for a clean sweep.

Well Kerry made it nice and clean.
Bush wins.
So who do we fight next? Maybe hmm well any where with oil.
I vote we attack Canada next.
- They have Oil
- They are real close (easy to move troops in)
- They speak English (except for Quebec...we can give them back to France)
- We know they keep their bullet in the national capital of Toronto*
- We have Gretsky. :D

Now, stacked against us though, well....
They have Real Beer, The "Ballet" and championship hockey teams.
3 things that will be hard for our fighting troops to ignore.

*I know Toronto isn't the capital, and I know y'all have more than 1 bullet. This is a joke, so please laugh. Please? I don't want to suffer another anonymous zamboni hit-n-run. :D
You guys crack me up! Who is he going to attack next? I dunno, I reckon Iraq is still in progress if you think about it. Why the disappointment people? At least now we know marriage is protected to be a union between a man and a woman. Yeah!
Kaith Rustaz said:
I vote we attack Canada next......
- We have Gretsky. :D
Gretzky, Kaith. Gretzky.

If this is really your position, I vote we battle it out, not with military might, but on the ice, like civilized folk, in a sporting way. We'd crush you.

At least now we know marriage is protected to be a union between a man and a woman. Yeah!
You know, I was never worried that my right as a heterosexual woman to get married would be taken away from me. There is no need to "protect" that right for me. I find it appalling that this country is so homophobic that same-sex unions are considered so awful. If a gay couple wants to have the same priveleges under the law as a straight couple, how does that "attack" the straight couple's rights?

I am extremely disappointed in Kerry for deciding to make a concession speech. It would be nice for all the votes to be counted first in all the states, since this has been *such* a close one.

I guess it's another 4 years for me of: worrying about funding being cut for science in this country, and making it harder for me to get a job; worrying about healthcare and if I can afford it at all; worrying that Supreme Court justices will be appointed who want to take away my rights to my own body; worrying that we will alienate ourselves even more from the rest of the world; worrying that we will take more steps to destroy our environment and leave a toxic mess to mutate and otherwise kill the next several generations.

Good job, America.
I can't believe it, but that made me chuckle, tgace - Oh, I'm in the thick of it, with voting and efforts to get out the vote.

I've never been so disappointed about the results of an election, though.
Feisty Mouse said:
I guess it's another 4 years for me of: worrying about funding being cut for science in this country, and making it harder for me to get a job; worrying about healthcare and if I can afford it at all; worrying that Supreme Court justices will be appointed who want to take away my rights to my own body; worrying that we will alienate ourselves even more from the rest of the world; worrying that we will take more steps to destroy our environment and leave a toxic mess to mutate and otherwise kill the next several generations.

I recommend instead working to build a progressive movement that actually explains to Americans why the things you mention are bad, and how we can all live better lives. We've failed to do that for decades, and it's costing us.

Take some time to mourn, and then let's dig in and work.
Kaith Rustaz said:
I vote we attack Canada next.
- They have Oil
- They are real close (easy to move troops in)
- They speak English (except for Quebec...we can give them back to France)
- We know they keep their bullet in the national capital of Toronto*
- We have Gretsky. :D

Now, stacked against us though, well....
They have Real Beer, The "Ballet" and championship hockey teams.
3 things that will be hard for our fighting troops to ignore.

*I know Toronto isn't the capital, and I know y'all have more than 1 bullet. This is a joke, so please laugh. Please? I don't want to suffer another anonymous zamboni hit-n-run. :D
How many times have we invaded canada before. Well we kind of lost them so umm this might be intresting.
And flatlander you wouldn't crush us as we'd kind of hire Canadian's to play hockey against you. We have done it before for the olympics haven't we?
PeachMonkey said:
I recommend instead working to build a progressive movement that actually explains to Americans why the things you mention are bad, and how we can all live better lives. We've failed to do that for decades, and it's costing us.

Take some time to mourn, and then let's dig in and work.
You're right, PM.... It's just going to take me some time to get over this. I never really questioned "my fellow Americans", even when I disagreed with them strongly... until now. I may be a little wiser, but a lot more jaded and bitter.
Feisty Mouse said:
You're right, PM.... It's just going to take me some time to get over this. I never really questioned "my fellow Americans", even when I disagreed with them strongly... until now. I may be a little wiser, but a lot more jaded and bitter.

Understood, Mousie.

I still wouldn't question your fellow Americans... instead, let's all work harder to convince them.
How about support me for absolute dictator. You will all get comfortable jobs. Then there won't be need to convince anybody of anything. :EG:
someguy said:
How about support me for absolute dictator. You will all get comfortable jobs. Then there won't be need to convince anybody of anything. :EG:

HHMMM it sounds simple enough, how could we go wrong. :idunno:
Flatlander said:
Gretzky, Kaith. Gretzky.

If this is really your position, I vote we battle it out, not with military might, but on the ice, like civilized folk, in a sporting way. We'd crush you.

Dan, you forget, I'm from Buffalo.
We have a long history of being crushed by the Canadians....And the Leafs...and the...well, you get the picture. :D
PeachMonkey said:
I recommend instead working to build a progressive movement that actually explains to Americans why the things you mention are bad, and how we can all live better lives. We've failed to do that for decades, and it's costing us.

Take some time to mourn, and then let's dig in and work.
I like this idea. :)
Seriously, we have to look at the big picture. (Which many of us have).

Kerry lost. Bush won.
Nader, and the other 3rd parties didn't really take big bites out of them.

If in the next 4 years we can find a viable party to back, maybe get the Naders and the Libs and the Greens together behind 1 person, we might be able to make a good run.

Over the next 4 years, take -very- careful looks at your local representatives. Vote for the person who fits what you want. By electing more and more 3rds to the lower offices, we will put pressure on the "Big 2". We may never get a 3rd elected President, but by filling the lower branches with our real representatives we can force the "Big Boys" to listen to us, and evolve to meeting our desires.

The Republicans were just another 3rd party until Lincoln. You don't hear about the Whigs anymore, or the Torries in the US. They've faded away. We can boost a strong third and even a forth if we all simply get out there and put the effort into it.

Bush has 4 years. In 2008, it's an open race.
Lets find us a real candidate, and put the boots to the big 2.

Don't worry there will be no war. I will have nuked everything about 3 days into office so no one can oppose me.
That ends hunger in Africa. Well i'll leave you to think of all the other problems it will solve.
I'll leave Canada alone. Just as long as they pay tribute in the form of beer.

So here is one for you if you want a strong third party. Make one that is moderate. Like righ tin between the dems and reps. Think about it.