Literally just got headbutted, cannot believe it!

still learning said:
Hello, How many of you have friends that have to drink alot to have fun?

As you get older (I'm in the early 50's) you will see many of those so call friends either divorce, always changing jobs,moody, and not fun to be around after awhile.

Please change your ways(no more drinking excessively) and you will enjoy your life alot more in the future!

Look at the people who live at the BAR's......does it look like fun?

I'm serious...look at the people around you? Do they drink too much? and Does it seems like fun people to be with?

Enjoy the many other things we all can do to have fun.....1000 kicks, 1000 push-ups, hitting bags, whew....I'm getting excited!!!

Navarre said:
Problem drinking may dampen both a man's sex life and his chances of having children, according to a new study.
Also, it's known that alcoholic men can develop signs of low testosterone, including shrunken testicles and enlarged breasts.

So what happens to the girls, :rolleyes:
Icewater said:
"All things in moderation." - Aristotle​
Yeah, but Aristotle also thought that the earth was the center of the universe. . .and that something with more mass would react faster to gravity than something with less mass. . . Besides, are you sure he didn't steal that quote from the Buddha? LOL :lol: :drink2tha
FearlessFreep said:
I just thought it was a general Greek quote of widsom "Nothing in excess, everything in moderation"

I think I was just more showing my ***, than being serious, lol. I'm pretty sure that notion is universal in philosophy/religion.
um.....I don't think he's an alcoholic just because he went to a party one night and got a little too drunk you guys.
I don't think so either, Solid. Not in the least. I was just taking advantage of the current Yahoo article to take a joking cheap shot.
Navarre said:
I don't think so either, Solid. Not in the least. I was just taking advantage of the current Yahoo article to take a joking cheap shot.


No, I think in essence its all good! But now I look at it everything as 'Still Learning' has said it seems to have that element of truth to it, it may not be happening right now but I can see how it could eventually happen! How the people I socialise with can turn that way, they might not, but still its possible!
I dont usually get drunk it just happened to be one of those nights! Im usually the most sober since I like making sure everybody gets home safety and thats not possible when you've been drinking!

One hard kick and its all the lesson learnt! Now gotto get back out there and lighten up, have some more fun! Just not with excessive drinking!
Its pretty sad if I need to go out there and get drunk to have fun (which I dont)!

Drink really shrink your goolies....................? :drinkbeer :flushed:
FearlessFreep said:
Hey, Navarre, you every thing of using a Rutger Hauer pic there?

Sure I have. Neo's pretty freakin' cool though. Poor Rutger's just old.

You ever think of using an electrically charged duck?

Sure I have. Neo's pretty freakin' cool though. Poor Rutger's just old.

Was just wondering if your nick was a reference to the character from LadyHawke :)
Corporal Hicks said:
I actually have no idea why, I didnt hit on any girls! It maybe because I walked in and I just seemed like the most convient person to attack, or just went in at the wrong time. I know at least one was on the rugby who were playing drinking games earlier! You maybe right, I have no idea!

Trust me on this, there are people who go out to bars looking for fights and opportunities like the one you describe. If it makes you feel any better, I was a bouncer for several years, I personally saw this type of behavior several times, and yet I still went out and got smashed on my twenty third birthday ( a while ago...). Sure enough, I was jumped by two guys out for a tumble. got my head handed to me because I was without any situational awareness. They got me from behind and the first punch gave me a wicked concussion. My friend I was out with was stunned. He had never seen anything like it. I had, but I was stupid. You figured it out. Don't get drunk.

BTW - I'm still a drinker, and I enjoy good beer and wine (and maybe an occasional Irish Wiskey), but I never go out alone (how sad is it when that's somebodys night out - drinking alone?) and I never drink so much that I couldn't legally drive - that's my rule and it solves two problems - too drunk to protect myself, and getting a DUI
Sounds like you learned from the situation. I'm glad your ok! Much respect for seeing this as a lesson and learning from it, some go their whole lives without such action.

It takes a big man to cry, and an even bigger man to laugh at that man crying.

7starmantis said:
It takes a big man to cry, and an even bigger man to laugh at that man crying.


I like the saying

It takes a big man to cry.....and an even bigger man to make him cry :)
arnisador said:
Glad you're OK! I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere...
Yup, I agree... Im not going to say it... I think it speaks for its self. Just glad your not in a coma or something. :-)

A) dont get drunk ;)

B) dont get drunk ;)

c) dont get drunk ;)

seriously, you have just highlighted the number one problem with MA'st's in the modern world, not being in control how can you control your oponant when you cant contro yourself, if your going to chug then do it in the privacy of your own home. I dont go to nightclubs because where I live, I know that if I do, I am going to come out with blood on my shirt, yes live life, but:

1) be aware

2) be in control (i.e. / no drinking)

3) put yur head down when they headbutt :D

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