Lisa's Lounge

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Tiger Balm is martial arts Ben Gay. Tiger Balm for the outside, Peppermint Schnapps for the inside :drinky:
I was under the impression that Tiger balm is "Deep Heat" for masochists....

Most MA's seem to be masochists so there's my point proved.
I was under the impression that Tiger balm is "Deep Heat" for masochists....

Most MA's seem to be masochists so there's my point proved.

Tigers Balm is good..White Flower Oil is also good...You wanna rub some on me pretty girl?????????? I better watch what I say as Mr.Chew is looking at me...
You flirting with me Count? ;)

Better watch them bats... oh yes and don't forget where you are... have another drink! I'll drink to anything so up yer bottom..... oops I mean bottoms up!
Tigers Balm is good..White Flower Oil is also good...You wanna rub some on me pretty girl?????????? I better watch what I say as Mr.Chew is looking at me...

Better chill, Drac. I'm willing to bet that Mr. Chew is trained to eat trolls :D
I was under the impression that Tiger balm is "Deep Heat" for masochists....

Most MA's seem to be masochists so there's my point proved.

HEY now just wait a minute here...:soapbox: JUST because a guy likes to go out and train and that training hurts and they are rather happy a bout it DOESN'T mean he is a MASOCHIST!!! :tantrum:

Oh...wait.:uhoh:... yes it does..... never mind.... just pretend I never said anything.
Hey what's all this "guy" business? I never said i wasn't a masochist!

Bring on the Tiger Balm.... actually I could do with it on my knee, foot and wrist right now. :D
HEY now just wait a minute here...:soapbox: JUST because a guy likes to go out and train and that training hurts and they are rather happy a bout it DOESN'T mean he is a MASOCHIST!!! :tantrum:

Oh...wait.:uhoh:... yes it does..... never mind.... just pretend I never said anything.

AT least you're not back on the shame to the Shaolin Temple and family routine...
Oh dear I'm not sure If I'd like to be a vamp too.... mind you the injuries would probably heal much faster and I AM Lauren's evil twin.......
Oh dear I'm not sure If I'd like to be a vamp too.... mind you the injuries would probably heal much faster and I AM Lauren's evil twin.......

There are some advantages..We are not injuried all that easy and yes we do heal faster than mortals..With the exception of having to train only after the sun goes down it's all good..I'll bet you look good in black..
Arite you two...take it out of the lounge one wants to see THAT kind of stuff here....jeesh. ;)
Arite you two...take it out of the lounge one wants to see THAT kind of stuff here....jeesh. ;)

Speak for yourself, I want to see how far Drac gets before he's completly shut down :EG:
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