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No self respecting vampire would bring one of those types "across"...

Well, not on purpose... and how can you really know how a person will react to being brought "across" until afterwards? I mean, honestly?
*slurps a large glass of red wine then hides the glass* aherm... I didn't get THAT close to Drac honest! *blush*
Well, not on purpose... and how can you really know how a person will react to being brought "across" until afterwards? I mean, honestly?

Well said Kacey...If your read the "Vampire Lestat" his friend was driven mad by it..
Oh look, it's whiskey-thirty (somewhere in the world). Four fingers over here! And shut up, Kreth. :p
Iehww I cant drink whiskey pure, it burns to much. I rather drink an Ouzo or a tequila with lemon and salt. And very true, I need no occasion. :)
Four fingers eh She? That's my girl *slides over a bottle*

And Zida, Irish whiskey doesn't burn as much as Scotch, even blended Irish, it's distilled three times so it's smoother. If you can drink tequila you can drink Irish Whiskey surely? Tell you what, I'll teach you how, we just need a few bottles of each, some glasses, lemons, salt, ice and a soft floor. :D
Memory: Friends got me higly intoxicated on tequila on my 30th birthday..To this day the smell of it makes me wanna hurl..
I'm like that with Glayva I can't even smell it after getting so drunk on it one night I threw up in a field full of cows.... no idea how I got into the field or how I got home afterwards, it was a good job I wasn't on my own though.
I'm like that with Glayva I can't even smell it after getting so drunk on it one night I threw up in a field full of cows.... no idea how I got into the field or how I got home afterwards, it was a good job I wasn't on my own though.

Ahhh a woman after me own heart aka not afraid to admit she did that in public..The worst was for me was driving home after DJ-ing a bar..There was a cop behind me and no place to pulll off the road without attracting attention..So I got in the curb lane and let loose on the passenger side floorboards....
euwh! I bet that smelt the next day! Yuckie! :lol:

You have NO IDEA how bad it was..Almost had a relapse when I opened the car door...I took it straight to the car wash that features an interior cleaning for a nominal price..They must get those kind of accident all the time because the guy didn't bat an eyelash...
Must have a Iron stomach, I don't think I'd be able to do it even after years of cleaning up kiddie sick and poo. The worst I can remember of that was when she stood up at the side of her cot and threw up just as I got to her, it went down in between the bars into the dowl joints, onto the canvass suitcase I kept under her cot, over the floor and over me. This was at around 3am. Nice wake up call huh? The worst part was that my hubby was staying over for the first time ever when we were only dating. I'm surprised he came back! It took me a record time of 1 hour to get the room smelling like Detox instead of sick that night.
Must have a Iron stomach.

NO, not really...I've been to accident scenes with blood, lacerations and broken bones galore..BUT if somebody makes a gagging sould its all over..I tell friends and officers that I work with that I have a rare disease called "Commradry Vomitius"..If I see or hear someone hurl I have to help them...
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