fill in the blanks...


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
copy the quiz... paste it into a new message, and change the answers to match yours.

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No. never been drunk ever.

* Missed school because it was raining: Yep. I cut class to stay home and watch the thunder and lightning show

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no

* Been hurt emotionally: yep.

* Kept a secret from everyone: someone else's secret, yes. my own secrets, no. I don't think there's anything about me that at least one other person doesn't know, and if I've kept secrets, they haven't been kept deliberately.

* Had an imaginary friend: No

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yeah

* Had a crush on a teacher: yep. my 7th grade literature teacher looked like Harrison Ford.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: yep

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: yes... but I didn't buy it! it was a gift! honest!

* Been on stage: yes. I've been in several musicals, sang at Carnegie Hall, and sang backup for Michael Crawford


* Shampoo: Pantene

* Soap: Bath and Body Works!!!

* Color: forest green

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: winter, please

* Fave cartoon characters: Batman rawks!!!

* Fave Food: sushi!

* Fave Advertisement: the bud light "pole" commercial

* Fave Movie: Princess Bride, Pirates of the Caribbean, Cutthroat Island, Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider

* Fave Ice Cream: Pistachio

* Fave Subject: History

* Fave Drink? on a day like today... a margarita. a very stiff margarita.

* Fave Person to talk to on line: Sean, one of my best friends who spends even more time on a computer than I do.

* Fave Word /phrase: "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
- Galileo Galilei

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: jeans, white tank top, black leather jacket

* Hair is: dark red, long (down to my waist) and back in a ponytail now.

* I'm feeling: Sleepy! I only got three hours of sleep last night (grumble grumble) stupid grad school!

* Eating: nothing yet. I'm not awake enough to eat!

* Drinking: a double mocha cappuccino... I need caffeine!

* Thinking: zzzzzzzzzzz

* Listening to: the murmurs of office chatter and the tappitytap of my fingers on the keyboard

* Talkin 2: nobody

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: yes

* Cleaned your room: Nope

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: sigh... depends on what day it is and what exactly I'm trying to accomplish at that particular moment

* Your friends: there are very few people in this world that I would truly call "friend", but those that I do consider friends, I believe in wholeheartedly.

* Santa Claus: *sniff* you mean santy claws isn't real? :xtrmshock

* Tooth Fairy: living in LA, I've seen more than my share of fairys, but none of them were particularly concerned with teeth.

* Destiny/Fate: not really... I believe we create our own destiny through our reactions to the situations we find ourselves in.

* Angels: hmm... probably not.... unless you're talking about really badass archangels with flaming swords and all that... now those guys are cool!

* Ghosts: a while ago I'd have said no... but after some really weird photos I took in Ireland... this is probably a yes.

* UFO's: yes. the universe is too infinite to accept the notion that we are alone in it.


* Like anyone?: sigh. lets not go there.

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: my best friend, Kirstin

* Who's the shyest: dunno... nobody's coming to mind, unless its myself. I can be very shy, depending on the situation.

* Who's the weirdest: hmm... that one's gotta go to MOB!

* Who do you go to for advice: well, I usually start out by asking myself very good questions, giving myself very good advice, and then ignore it completely and go out and do something sublimely stupid.

* Who do you cry to: nobody but myself.

* When did you cry the most: I've never really been one for tears... If I'm upset about something, I'm more likely to go to the gym and beat on the heavy bag until my hands are bloody.

* What's the best feeling in the world: knowing that no matter what happens or how bad you screw up, certain people are always going to be there to catch you if you happen to forget to look before you leap.

* Worst Feeling: feeling helpless to control what's going on around you
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No, I don't drink alcoholic beverages.

* Missed school because it was raining: Nope

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no

* Been hurt emotionally: You betcha

* Kept a secret from everyone: wouldn't you like to know....

* Had an imaginary friend: No

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yup

* Had a crush on a teacher: No

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yes

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: How about no?

* Been on stage: Kinda, took an acting class. Never been in any big plays or anything. Was in band, and played concerts, however.


* Shampoo: Whatever is on sale and works

* Soap: Ditto

* Color: Green

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: winter, it's my season

* Fave cartoon characters: Wakko (animaniacs), Homer

* Fave Food: Chinese

* Fave Advertisement: no comment, durn commercials!

* Fave Movie: The Matrix

* Fave Ice Cream: Strawberry

* Fave Subject: I don't like school

* Fave Drink? Clean water

* Fave Person to talk to on line: My best friend

* Fave Word /phrase: Life is about choice.

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: indigo jean shorts, red striped shirt

* Hair is: black, short

* I'm feeling: sleepy and bored

* Eating: nothing, but I am very very hungry

* Drinking: nada

* Thinking:

* Listening to: Evanescence (Evan's Essence :rofl: )

* Talkin 2: no one

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: no

* Cleaned your room: no

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: no

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: More or less, yes.

* Your friends: Not totally, but for the most part, yes.

* Santa Claus: Heck Yeah, he rocks!

* Tooth Fairy: No, she wouldn't want my teeth anyway...

* Destiny/Fate: Yes and no. Regardless, it is up to use to make choices. Whether we are fated to make those choices is irrelevant.

* Angels: Maybe, the jury is out on them

* Ghosts: yes...I have stories

* UFO's: Not really, but I allow the possibility


* Like anyone?: Not at the moment

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: Wayne

* Who's the shyest: Wayne

* Who's the weirdest: ME!

* Who do you go to for advice: I usually don't go for advice

* Who do you cry to: me

* When did you cry the most: um, don't really remember...but I do cry sometimes

* What's the best feeling in the world: having people you care for and knowing that they care for you as well

* Worst Feeling: When you don't believe in yourself and you feel alone in the world
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope.. least not that I can remember :)

* Missed school because it was raining: There was a major flood the year I graduated.. too bad it came after Grad day :( Nope to this question

* Put a body part on fire for amusement:
not my own body part ;)
did singe my eyebrows once.. *won't get into details though ..

* Been hurt emotionally:
well duh.. *someone keeps implying I'm old*

* Kept a secret from everyone:
Shhh.. I know something you don't know ;)

* Had an imaginary friend:
Hey.. watch it.. They might hear you ~!!

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy?
Hook up.. hmm that implies dating.. I can't say I ever wanted to date a female..

* Had a crush on a teacher:
Oh yeah... ~!

* Ever thought an animated character was hot:
Does Anime count *G*

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Nope But have downloaded a song..
don't tell anyone .. *see the secret question*

* Been on stage:
yeah and fell off it too..


* Shampoo:
Herbal Oh yeah~!! Essence *still waiting for the Oh yes part... errr..
and some Fruity thing I can't pronounce..

* Soap:
Soap doesn't touch this skin.. I use some body wash stuff that smells good :)

* Color:
Every hue of a Peacock feather..

* Day/Night:
Depends on what I'm doing.. :)

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring:
Spring and Fall.. Summer's too hot and winters too cold.

* Fave cartoon characters:
FogHorn Leghorn .. he's got that slow southern charm thing going on :)

* Fave Food:
mood dependant.. could be a thick juicy piece of meat.. or something rich and sinful :)

* Fave Advertisement:
uhh... I block all popups :)

* Fave Movie:
Anything Adventury, Action, Comedy, Can't tolerate Chic Flicks~!

* Fave Ice Cream:
Vanilla.. that way I can add anything to it and it's my own invention.. whipped cream, chocolate, or butterscotch or strawberry.. mood dependant . sinfully decadent..

* Fave Subject:
*censored* oh.. ya mean like school? Science :)

* Fave Drink?
Alcohol would be .. Kahlua n' cream.. but only a drop of cream :) a lovely wine.. Non-alcohol would be Fruitworks, Tangerine Citrus, Watermelon Gatorade, and My french vanilla coffee

* Fave Person to talk to on line: hmmm.. There's really only one that I talk to online.. but he's a meaniehead.. *POKES*

* Fave Word /phrase:
Beast.. ' 'You just wait"

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing:
Calven Klein grey/pinstripe lounge pants, a grey tank top

* Hair is:
Firey red , a single highlander braid wrapped in leather to my waist.. the rest flowing free

* I'm feeling:
Energetic yet relaxed.. been downloading music all morning.

* Eating:
nada.. just sipping coffee..

* Drinking:
See above .. with Fat free french vanilla creamer..

* Thinking:
how many more questions are there to this thing~!

* Listening to:

* Talkin 2:
myself who else~!

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried:
I just get even..

* Met someone new:
Nope.. I live a sheltered life

* Cleaned your room:
I have a room? cool.. where is it? House is tidy :)

* Done laundry: yeah..

* Drove a car: nah.. I have a chauffere

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself:
Sure would hope so.. I would have issues if I didn't..

* Your friends:
Friends.. ? Dunno If I have any..

* Santa Claus:
he's the man..

* Tooth Fairy:

* Destiny/Fate:
I'll let you know..

* Angels:
you're trying to provoke thought ..

* Ghosts:
Yep.. some kinda weird goes on in this part of the country~!

* UFO's:
I have a bridge to sell you :)


* Like anyone?:
I like lots of peoples..

* Who have u known the longest of your friends:
who has friends?

* Who's the shyest:
I'm shy :)

* Who's the weirdest:
uhh me .. or so people keep telling me..

* Who do you go to for advice: hmmm .. myself I guess.

* Who do you cry to: see above Crying question..

* When did you cry the most:
If I do cry. .and it's rare.. it's when someone in my family is hurting..

* What's the best feeling in the world: *censored* oh.. the uncensored version is when I know all is well with everyone I care about :)

* Worst Feeling: feeling alone..
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: ALMOST, but not quite...

* Missed school because it was raining: Nope

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Heh heh... I refuse to answer this one

* Been hurt emotionally: Oh yeah.

* Kept a secret from everyone: If I tell you the answer I will have to kill you

* Had an imaginary friend: What do you mean HAD

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yep

* Had a crush on a teacher: Yep

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Define Hot

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Nope.

* Been on stage: Yeah, I did some Movies too


* Shampoo: Head and Shoulders

* Soap: Is used for cleaning things

* Color: Black.

* Day/Night: Yes, I have both most days

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Are all the seasons.

* Fave cartoon characters: Samurai Jack, Simpsons

* Fave Food: Anything I deem Edible

* Fave Advertisement: Peta's BAD CATS

* Fave Movie: Star Wars

* Fave Ice Cream: Vanilla

* Fave Subject: Myself

* Fave Drink? Vodka, especially Van Gogh Chocolate Vodka

* Fave Person to talk to on line: I have to talk to people online?

* Fave Word /phrase: "Your Mom!"

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: Clothes.

* Hair is: Growing on my Head, and body.

* I'm feeling: My keyboard under my hands

* Eating: Starburst

* Drinking: Is fun and challenging

* Thinking: Is somthing I try to avoid if i can.

* Listening to: My coworker signing up a new customer.

* Talkin 2: You

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: yes

* Cleaned your room: Cleaned. HA HA HA

* Done laundry: Yeah, oddly enough

* Drove a car: Yea

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: Nope. I dont exsit. But I think Santa Clause belives in me.

* Your friends: They probably dont exist either.

* Santa Claus: See Two posts above.

* Tooth Fairy: Is scary. WHat the hell does she do with my teeth anyhow?

* Destiny/Fate: We have no fate except that which we make.

* Angels: Hells Angels? They shot up this Biker bar near here once

* Ghosts: Yeah sure, why not.

* UFO's: Duh. UFO means Unidentifed Flying Object... I see flying objects I cant identify all the time


* Like anyone?: Like What?

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: This Dude named Eric

* Who's the shyest: What?

* Who's the weirdest: SykoDug!

* Who do you go to for advice: ME. Or my Horoscope

* Who do you cry to: Noone.

* When did you cry the most: When I was a little kid.

* What's the best feeling in the world: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women

* Worst Feeling: A poke in the eye with a sharp stick
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Drunk? What's that? Ima good girl :angel:

* Missed school because it was raining: Does freezing rain count?

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Nope. Someone did have a hot chassis drop on their arm before, tho...

* Been hurt emotionally: Yep...

* Kept a secret from everyone: Oh yeah.

* Had an imaginary friend: Who do you want, Bob, George, or Bill?

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yeppers. Can I choose boy or girl?

* Had a crush on a teacher: Not yet.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Who hasn't?

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: *hangs head* yes...

* Been on stage: For a gym class (we had a gymatorium -- the stage served as a classroom for Health in high school)


* Shampoo: Garnier Fructis

* Soap: Body wash

* Color: Blues and purples.

* Day/Night: Early day, early night. Afternoon and very late night (after midnight-3am) are my sleepy times.

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Spring and this cool fall weather.

* Fave cartoon characters: too many

* Fave Food: SUSHI!

* Fave Advertisement: I try not to watch TV and I block most popups

* Fave Movie: Finding Nemo

* Fave Ice Cream: Chocolate or mint chocolate chip

* Fave Subject: Does lunch count?

* Fave Drink? Alcohol: Smirnoff Ice Triple Black or something to that extent. Non-alcoholic: Sierra Mist mixed with Wild Cherry Pepsi (gotta make dining hall food taste good somehow!)

* Fave Person to talk to on line: Almost anyone who will IM me.

* Fave Word /phrase: Do animal calls (the seagull!) count?

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: Old Navy chick wife beater, jeans.

* Hair is: Hard to describe. Reddish brown blond-ish (well, i act blonde) w/ black and blonde streaks and black tips. Can be gothy when i dress gothy.

* I'm feeling: Not willing to go to marching band. Pain in my back, ankle and knees.

* Eating: Chef Boyardee!

* Drinking: Not very often.

* Thinking: Gives me a headache.

* Listening to: 101.5 FM Chambersburg/Hagerstown. I'd rather be back w/ my Philly stations, but oh well.

* Talkin 2: Jersey

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: Internally

* Met someone new: No

* Cleaned your room: Clean? What is this concept?

* Done laundry: Nope

* Drove a car: I didn't walk to the studio!

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: Depends. Am I depressed or happy?

* Your friends: My friends are neccessary.

* Santa Claus: Nope. Unless he's 65 and works for duPont.

* Tooth Fairy: I know a fairy, but he wouldn't want teeth, so no.

* Destiny/Fate: Yes.

* Angels: Not really

* Ghosts: I lived in a dorm haunted by 2 ghosts last year and yer askin me this?

* UFOs: The truth is out there...


* Like anyone?: YES

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: The twins, Mindy and Mandy. Best friends since 6th grade.

* Who's the shyest: Me

* Who's the weirdest: Anyone at the studio -- including myself!

* Who do you go to for advice: My friends

* Who do you cry to: My friends.

* When did you cry the most: Whenever I get down -- go go through a breakup like I just did.

* What's the best feeling in the world: To be with friends you love.

* Worst Feeling: Having your heart ripped out and stomped on...
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.

* Missed school because it was raining: Yep, among any other excuse I could find.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: yes

* Been hurt emotionally: yes

* Kept a secret from everyone: yes

* Had an imaginary friend: yes

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yeah; girl of course

* Had a crush on a teacher: yep. My 8th grade spanish teacher was hot as hell.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yea!

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No!

* Been on stage: yes; Drama class.


* Shampoo: Head and shoulders w/ zinc (minty feeling)

* Soap: Dail

* Color: Blue

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Fall; but I like em all.

* Fave cartoon characters: Daffy Duck

* Fave Food: Asian

* Fave Advertisement: The commercial where the narrator says: "And how does he do it?" and the guy replys: "I'm in debt up to my eyeballs!" heh.

* Fave Movie: Depends on the day; Today it'll be

* Fave Ice Cream: German Chocolate Cake

* Fave Subject: Political Science; economics

* Fave Drink? Jameson and Diet

* Fave Person to talk to on line: My Fiancee

* Fave Word /phrase: I don't my signature I guess.

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: Suit and tie

* Hair is: Short, dirty blonde

* I'm feeling: bored with this stupid thing already

* Eating: nothing

* Drinking: water

* Thinking: about a million different things

* Listening to: CNBC

* Talkin 2: nobody

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: yes

* Cleaned your room: No

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Yes

* Your friends: Some of them.

* Santa Claus: LOL

* Tooth Fairy: LOL again.

* Destiny/Fate: yes, to a degree. I also believe in free-will.

* Angels: yes

* Ghosts: yes

* UFO's: Unidentified flying objects are clearly real. What they actually are (aliens, government testing weapons, or whatever) I can't be so sure.


* Like anyone?: Sure

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: Matt

* Who's the shyest: My Fiancee

* Who's the weirdest: Me...Matt second

* Who do you go to for advice: The person who would give me the best advise given the subject.

* Who do you cry to: God and My Fiancee

* When did you cry the most: I don't cry often.

* What's the best feeling in the world: Waking up next to my fiancee, helping others, and training.

* Worst Feeling: Helplessness.

Man that was stupid! Back to work now!

Originally posted by Technopunk
* What's the best feeling in the world: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: of course.

* Missed school because it was raining: ahh. i LOVE the rain. excellent sleeping weather.... oh i mean YES!!!

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: umm.

* Been hurt emotionally: of course

* Kept a secret from everyone: naturally

* Had an imaginary friend: yes, his name was "buddy"

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy?: arent we human?

* Had a crush on a teacher: Mister Nethery, 7th grade History.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Jessica Rabbit

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Eww, and yes.

* Been on stage: Drama queen... in high school.


* Shampoo: TRESemme

* Soap: Dial Antibacterial

* Color: Blue and/or Green

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: FALL!!

* Fave cartoon characters: Ehh.

* Fave Food: Japanese and Italian.

* Fave Advertisement: This is a gay question. I hardly watch TV.

* Fave Movie: Hard choice. I dig many.

* Fave Ice Cream: Chocolate, duh.

* Fave Subject: Calc and Physics

* Fave Drink? Silk Soy Chocolate Milk, Sweet Tea and of course the Toasted Almond.

* Fave Person to talk to online: Random strangers. People you know are boring.

* Fave Word /phrase: "you are from mars"

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: black poly/nylon tank, black *****, black socks

* Hair is: Burgundy/Red/Brown with Blonde streaks in the front. I look kind o flike a skunk.

* I'm feeling: Obviously bored enough to be filling this out.

* Eating: I just at a 6" Ultimate Boars Head Publix Sub (for you northern people publix is a grocery store down here in da' south)

* Drinking: Sweet Tea

* Thinking: I am a dork.

* Listening to: :wumpscut: christf**k

* Talkin 2: nobody

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: no

* Cleaned your room: heh, no. dishes, yes.

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: ALWAYS!!

* Your friends: ehh, questionable.

* Santa Claus: sure.

* Tooth Fairy: im a few dollars rich'er

* Destiny/Fate: ack.

* Angels: blah.

* Ghosts: pfft.

* UFO's: most certainly


* Like anyone?: heh

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: i dont employee friends.

* Who's the shyest: ?

* Who's the weirdest: me

* Who do you go to for advice: myself or my psychotherapist... which is probably why my life is sweltering in chaos.

* Who do you cry to: again, a silly question.

* When did you cry the most: are you obsessed with crying?

* What's the best feeling in the world: love or driving a throaty v8

* Worst Feeling: and i thought i was pessimistic.
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.

* Missed school because it was raining: Yep.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no

* Been hurt emotionally: who hasn't?

* Kept a secret from everyone: if i tell you it's no longer a secret.. :)

* Had an imaginary friend: my imaginary g/f left me

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? hook up?

* Had a crush on a teacher: oh yeah...2nd grade..she gave me tingles..*L

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: nods...Betty

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape:nope

* Been on stage: yes.


* Shampoo: what ever wife buys

* Soap: ditto

* Color: Black

* Day/Night: Day

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: sring

* Fave cartoon characters: Batman...nods

* Fave Food: STEAK!!

* Fave Advertisement: can't think any right now

* Fave Movie: Matrix

* Fave Ice Cream: pink

* Fave Subject: Science fiction

* Fave Drink? diet coke of course

* Fave Person to talk to on line: thats my secret!!!

* Fave Word /phrase: who says I can't??

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: work clothes

* Hair is: salt and pepper

* I'm feeling: hungry...eating lunch

* Eating: chocolate pudding!

* Drinking: a diet coke..didn't i say that earlier?*G

* Thinking: what am i gonna eat after my pudding

* Listening to: the AC

* Talkin 2: nobody

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: no...*sigh

* Cleaned your room: No

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: definitely

* Your friends: some of them...*L...some i think are figments of my imagination

* Santa Claus: I'm more into the elves..*L

* Tooth Fairy: is this some sort of gay thing?

* Destiny/Fate: no

* Angels: oh yeah....definitely

* Ghosts: hmmm...haven't seen one

* UFO's: nah

* Like anyone?: i like a bunch of people

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: hmmm...can't say for sure...

* Who's the shyest: well it's not me

* Who's the weirdest: hmmmmm

* Who do you go to for advice: i try to figure things out for myself

* Who do you cry to: nobody

* When did you cry the most: at funerals

* What's the best feeling in the world: too many to name i guess

* Worst Feeling: feeling helpless
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope

* Missed school because it was raining: No

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: No

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes

* Kept a secret from everyone: Of course

* Had an imaginary friend: No

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yes

* Had a crush on a teacher: Oh yeah, senior year, my health studies teacher was so hot!

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yeah

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No

* Been on stage: Yes


* Shampoo: Anything

* Soap: Whatevers bought

* Color: Black

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Spring

* Fave cartoon characters: Space Ghost

* Fave Food: Italian

* Fave Advertisement: No idea about this one

* Fave Movie: The Shawshank Redemption, The Edge, LOTR 1-2

* Fave Ice Cream: Vanilla

* Fave Subject: Math

* Fave Drink? Red Cream Soda

* Fave Person to talk to on line: I don't talk to anyone online

* Fave Word /phrase: Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bares it away and in the end there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again.

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: blue pants, black shirt, white shoes

* Hair is: Just red

* I'm feeling: Exhausted

* Eating: BBQ chips

* Drinking: Red Cream Soda

* Thinking: I hate my job

* Listening to: The dumbest woman I have ever spoken with.

* Talkin 2: same woman

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: Yes

* Cleaned your room: Nope

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Not really.

* Your friends: Some of them

* Santa Claus: Santa hasn't visited my house since I went to see my school's Anti Clause speech

* Tooth Fairy: Of course, just like the one on Darkness Falls

* Destiny/Fate: Oh yeah, I'm destined to be the ruler of the world!!!

* Angels: Never have

* Ghosts: Of course, but my frequent midnight trips to the graveyard haven't proven anything yet.

* UFO's: I thought I saw one, but it turns out that it was my neighbors cat.


* Like anyone?: No one currently

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: That's a toughie, I don't remember any of my friends past 3 or 4 years ago.

* Who's the shyest: I've no idea about that one

* Who's the weirdest: Me (Oughta let me tell you about my caulk one day)

* Who do you go to for advice: I sleep on it

* Who do you cry to: No one

* When did you cry the most: After my girlfriend and baby died.

* What's the best feeling in the world: a little 16 month old girl who doesn't stop jumping on your stomach :rofl:

* Worst Feeling: Being alone
lol sorry, was just on a 2 hour call that was driving me freaking nuts and I really didn't know what I was clicking on :asian:
Originally posted by TheEdge883
lol sorry, was just on a 2 hour call that was driving me freaking nuts and I really didn't know what I was clicking on :asian:

hehee ok.. you're off the hook this time *G* but next one.. ya gotta fill the whole thing in :)
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.

* Missed school because it was raining: No

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: No

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes

* Kept a secret from everyone: someone else's secret, yes. my own secrets, no. I don't think there's anything about me that at least one other person doesn't know, and if I've kept secrets, they haven't been kept deliberately. (* Copied from Nightingale I liked it *)

* Had an imaginary friend: No

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl ? Yes

* Had a crush on a teacher: Yes

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Yes

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No!

* Been on stage: Yes, Jr. High chorus


* Shampoo: T-Gel

* Soap: Dove

* Color: Blue or Purple

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Fall

* Fave cartoon characters: The One I am watching!!!

* Fave Food: Sushi! , Mexican, Chinese, ..., I do not discriminated

* Fave Advertisement: ??

* Fave Movie: Princess Bride, Dogma, Action Sci-fi

* Fave Ice Cream: Chocolate Caramel

* Fave Subject: Technical & History

* Fave Drink? Water, OJ, or Cran Grape

* Fave Person to talk to on line: I do not have one of those talking computers :confused:

* Fave Word /phrase: "Stupidity is the only Universally KNown Crime punishable by Death." Lazorous Long - Robert Heinlein

Ignorance is curable by knowledge, Stupidity is only curiable with death - Myself

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: T-Shirt, Boxers ;)

* Hair is: Short and Black

* I'm feeling: Sleepy! Tired

* Eating: Ate pizza earlier and Juice

* Drinking: Water before bed.

* Thinking: This is long - I really enjoyed this last weekend (* 50 Wedding Anniversary for my Balintawak instructor, and Teaching a benefit seminar with Tim *)

* Listening to: Banana 101.5 WWBN

* Talkin 2: Anyone who will listen

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: No, well ok at work but that does not count right?

* Met someone new: Yes

* Cleaned your room: Yes

* Done laundry: Yes

* Drove a car: No, yet I drove my truck

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Yes

* Your friends: Friends? Friends?

* Santa Claus: Nope!

* Tooth Fairy: Nope! except in Ireland or in Changeling

* Destiny/Fate: Yes, what you make for your self.

* Angels: Yes they walk this earth helping people. They just do ot realize they are angles ;), and oh yes then there are the Victoria's Angels. ;)

* Ghosts: In the Machine? Yes

* UFO's: Yes. If you have an infinite data points that are all the same and only one different then you ignore that single point as a statistical anomaly. Life is possible out there. Besides, ever been out on Highway Five and have a new airplane fly over you? TO me that is a UFO


* Like anyone?: Does my Cat count? or myself?

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: Joe

* Who's the shyest: ??.

* Who's the weirdest: Myself!

* Who do you go to for advice: Myself, I write it down and then think about it and then decide.

* Who do you cry to: nobody except over a beer with the guys.

* When did you cry the most: The Night I had proof, my wife was sleeping with someone else and he showed up to kick my Butt, yet I called the cops and then the cops handcuffed me, just because I was the biggest. Long story. After it was all over I had to cry to releave the stress.

* What's the best feeling in the world: Happiness

* Worst Feeling: Oh MY Gosh I think he is Dead. Luckily I was able to clear his tongue from his throat.
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No. But I have had to try and figure out where the hell I was a few times.

* Missed school because it was raining: Yep. The flooding in 86 shut down the schools for a week.

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Who's body part?

* Been hurt emotionally: yep.

* Kept a secret from everyone: If I answered that, it would no longer be secret, duh.

* Had an imaginary friend: Yes, and he thinks you are all daft.

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Hook up? Now what the hell does that mean? Does that mean did I want to know a friend in the biblical sense?

* Had a crush on a teacher: No, but I had a sleeper on one....

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Absolutely not.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No, you couldn't pay me to have one. I did have a 90 minute long tape of the song "New Kids got Run over by a reindeer though.

* Been on stage: yes.

* Shampoo: You are all liars, no shampoo for you, only real poo!

* Soap: Lye, just kidding. I like the Dove body wash with no funny smells to it.

* Color: Money

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Depends on what I am trying to do.

* Fave cartoon characters: Under Dog!

* Fave Food: Cooked

* Fave Advertisement: None, I hate them all.

* Fave Movie: Anything Star Wars

* Fave Ice Cream: In my bowl

* Fave Subject: Kenpo

* Fave Drink? Unsweet Iced Tea, no lemon.

* Fave Person to talk to on line: Myself.

* Fave Word /phrase: It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious.
-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: BDUs

* Hair is: becoming "distinguished"

* I'm feeling: Bored

* Eating: Nothing

* Drinking: water

* Thinking: I come into contact with far too many stupid people.

* Listening to: the sound of silence.

* Talkin 2: nobody

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: no

* Cleaned your room: Nope

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: To do that, I would have to admit that I exist. If I admitted existence, this world would be come far too frightening too fast.

* Your friends: Duh, I don't even believe I exist, what makes you think I believe they do either...*see also* "imaginary friend"

* Santa Claus: Those damned lawyers, what will they think of next

* Tooth Fairy: No, but when one of my friends daughter lost her first tooth I was visiting. Her Dad snuck into her room and put a quarter under her pillow. I waited until he went to bed and snuck in, took the quarter and left a $20.00

* Destiny/Fate: I've met someone named Destiny, but I don't think she existed either.

* Angels: Watch it when it's on...Oh, that's Angel. I believe there is a baseball team called the angels.

* Ghosts: We're all ghosts, we just don't know it yet. I see dead people, most of them don't even know they're dead, but if they keep mouthing off, they will.....

* UFO's: You mean like Roswell?

* Like anyone?: No, I hate everyone. (Except my wife, but I think I'm a figment of her imagination.)

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: Matt Hildebrand, 25 years.

* Who's the shyest: Kathie.

* Who's the weirdest: There is not enough bandwidth available for me to try and figure that one out.

* Who do you go to for advice: The Magic 8 Ball.

* Who do you cry to: n/a

* When did you cry the most: When I pay the monthly bills.

* What's the best feeling in the world: No stress

* Worst Feeling: rotten fruit between your toes, or anything else smelly and squishy.

*edited for spelling*
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No, I had a few rough nights though

* Missed school because it was raining: NO

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no

* Been hurt emotionally: Absolutely, many times

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes, I donÂ’t always want people to know my business

* Had an imaginary friend: No

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Yes

* Had a crush on a teacher: Yes

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: I thought the female in that one movie which involved animated characters was. CanÂ’t recall her name but she was always in a dress with long red hair. If that helps.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: God, no

* Been on stage: Kinda, took an acting class. No, cause I canÂ’t act for anything.


* Shampoo: Pantene Pro-v

* Soap: Irish Spring Sport

* Color: Black, Blue, or Green

* Day/Night: Day

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer, I love the heat

* Fave cartoon characters: Batman

* Fave Food: Chili

* Fave Advertisement: none come to mind

* Fave Movie: Only the Strong

* Fave Ice Cream: Um, Rocky Road, I guess

* Fave Subject: math

* Fave Drink? gatorade

* Fave Person to talk to on line: Anyone who might IM me at the time but no one really does.

* Fave Word /phrase: Shut up, and train

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: shorts and a tank top

* Hair is: black

* I'm feeling: like s*** because my back is still sore as Hell and I havenÂ’t trained in class for 2 weeks.

* Eating: nothing

* Drinking: water

* Thinking: I wish I were training

* Listening to: both tvÂ’s on.

* Talkin 2: me

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: no

* Cleaned your room: yes, just vaccuumed

* Done laundry: yes, just did a load of darks

* Drove a car: yes,

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: I believe so

* Your friends: Sure

* Santa Claus: Only if he will visit me this year. ItÂ’s been kind of a rough one

* Tooth Fairy: I would like to keep all of my teeth, thanks

* Destiny/Fate: I believe we all choose our own paths to walk down.

* Angels: maybe if I could make better fricking descisions

* Ghosts: DonÂ’t get me started on those.

* UFO's: Absolutely


* Like anyone?: Of course.

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: Kurt, Alan

* Who's the shyest: me

* Who's the weirdest: Kurt

* Who do you go to for advice: A pastor

* Who do you cry to: only me

* When did you cry the most: between the time where my wife left and we got a divorce.

* What's the best feeling in the world: When my kids are acting responsible for other people.

* Worst Feeling: I have many.
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Yes, for a while I might even say often.

* Missed school because it was raining: No, I try to have good dicipline when it comes to class ( I have skipped due to hangover/still drunk (see above)).

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes, lighter fluid is really cool.

* Been hurt emotionally: yep, nuff said.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes, but only because I didn't care.

* Had an imaginary friend: Yep

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? Hell yeah.

* Had a crush on a teacher: yep, 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Rossi.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Often, sometimes anime characters look so hot it disturbs me.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No, I was in a heavy metal stage at thier hayday.

* Been on stage: yes. recitals, rehearsals and presentations. Nothing big or famous.


* Shampoo: Aussie

* Soap: New, Irish Spring Icy

* Color: Tiel

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Fall

* Fave cartoon characters: Samurai Jack is the sweet.

* Fave Food: Crab Legs

* Fave Advertisement: bud light upsidedown clown suit super bowl commercial.

* Fave Movie: See post on favorite movie thread

* Fave Ice Cream: Good old Vanilla and good old chocolate

* Fave Subject: Science (any and all)

* Fave Drink? Southern Comfort.

* Fave Person to talk to on line: THE MARTIAL TALK CREW

* Fave Word /phrase: Never Again!

-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: Camel Joe T-shirt (I don't smoke, I just like the shirt), red soccer shorts, crucifix, white gold thumb ring.

* Hair is: shaggy (just had a nap and need a haircut) blonde

* I'm feeling: Sorrow/Anger. Watching a special on the WTC 9/11 attacks to honor tomorrows date (was crying and shouting earlier)

* Eating: Chocolate chip cookie (just one)

* Drinking: Lemonade

* Thinking: I'm lucky to have what I have and be where I am.

* Listening to: Dave Mathews cover of Johnny Cash's "Long Black Veil"

* Talkin 2: My fiancee

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: yes (see above)

* Met someone new: No

* Cleaned your room: Nope

* Done laundry: no

* Drove a car: yes

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: always, but always looking for ways to improve.

* Your friends: My real friends I can count on.

* Santa Claus: I know Santa's real. Even if it is in the wide eyes of hopefull kids.

* Tooth Fairy: Not this one, but my parents did a great job of imitating. I never caught them.

* Destiny/Fate: I think so. Somethings just seem to fall together too perfectly.

* Angels: I know there's God, so why not angels.

* Ghosts: I don't believe in them, but I don't tempt fate.

* UFO's: Undecided on this one. Go ahead and convince me. Nanu Nanu.


* Like anyone?: Yeah, I'm living with her.

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: family friend's son, Jeff

* Who's the shyest: can't think of any

* Who's the weirdest: Me!

* Who do you go to for advice: My parents, without a doubt.

* Who do you cry to: My girl (when I cry and that ain't often (PUFFS up chest and flexes)).

* When did you cry the most: Sept. 11 2001

* What's the best feeling in the world: Being in love.

* Worst Feeling: Finding the lone you love cheating.
Originally posted by Technopunk

* What's the best feeling in the world: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope...but took a two hour nap so the room would stop moving...

* Missed school because it was raining: Rain of the freezing kind...

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: was 'sposed to be my body..?..oops.

* Been hurt emotionally: Yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Shhh...they're listening through the walls...

* Had an imaginary friend: ..Bob doesn't take lightly to strangers...

* Wanted to hook up with a friend girl or boy? ...Why you peeps be trippin' givin' props to my ho cause she fly..?

* Had a crush on a teacher: Nope.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: ..dude...Anime is great.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Not in the slightest..

* Been on stage: ...hardly.

* Shampoo: ..whatever happens to be in the shower.

* Soap: I use body wash...

* Color: Money

* Day/Night: Night

* Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Fall and Spring...not too cold, not too hot.

* Fave cartoon characters: Vash The Stampede.

* Fave Food: ..Cooked.

* Fave Advertisement: ..I have Popup Blocker on...nothin's gettin' past that.

* Fave Movie: Bad Boys.

* Fave Ice Cream: Orange Pineapple's my Achiles heel...

* Fave Subject: Kenpo...der.

* Fave Drink? Alabama Slammer...mmm.

* Fave Person to talk to on line: Me, myself, and I.

* Fave Word /phrase: ..Yo.
-----------------RIGHT NOW----------

* Wearing: pants.

* Hair is: ..on my head.

* I'm feeling: ..tired.

* Eating: Nothing.

* Drinking: Water.

* Thinking: Scroll wheels on mouses are very nifty..

* Listening to: The Transplants.

* Talkin 2: ...myself...shhh..

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------------

* Cried: No.

* Met someone new: No.

* Cleaned your room: hell no.

* Done laundry: double hell no.

* Drove a car: Yesh.

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Not really.

* Your friends: ...I have friends...? :eek:

* Santa Claus: ...if I ever see a jolly fat man dressed in red come into my house when the doors are locked...hopefully someone'll post bail for me.

* Tooth Fairy: ...the idea of a person dressed in a pink frilly tutu collecting teeth disturbs me.....

* Destiny/Fate: not particularly.

* Angels: maybe.

* Ghosts: maybe.

* UFO's: ...I gotta go microwave some beer..

* Like anyone?: No, I don't discriminate...I abhor everyone equally.

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: er...Matt Cook.

* Who's the shyest:

* Who's the weirdest:

* Who do you go to for advice: The Magic 8 Ball.

* Who do you cry to: no one.

* When did you cry the most: when I balance my checkbook...

* What's the best feeling in the world: hitting Kathie in the head.

* Worst Feeling: missing Kathie's head...:rofl:

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