Not sure what Drac's suffering up there in the Lake Effect Direct Hit Zone, but here in the center of... um, a lot of cornfields... the weather is wet, damp, drippy, cold, chilly, windy, rainy/drizzly.... in other words, the way early-to-middle spring always is here: even less pleasant than February. Usually, by around a quarter to seven these days, there's enough light to enable you to look at the sky, conclude that you'd really rather sleep through the next 24 on the off-chance of a slight improvement the next day, and turn over on your other side. If it weren't for my guilty awareness of all the things I've promised people for last week that I still haven't done, I don't think I'd have gotten out of bed this morning... is there going to be spring this year, do you think? (NB: not summer—there will definitely be the combined reflector oven/tropical sauna combination of unendurable humidity and thermometer-busting temperature we always get here. I'm just wondering if the week or so of good weather that we call spring in these parts will actually arrive... maybe it already did: we had a couple of very nice days in the last week in March... sigh)
Definitely :drinkbeer