Lets jettison the insane asylum!

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Why would I think that? If anything, Americans of today are mostly incapable of civil political discourse-online or in person-we're that divided on a wide variety of issues. Look how rapidly the recent abortion discussion we were both involved in descended into utter divisiveness over the simple scientific difference between a "fetus" and a "baby."
How do you hide a forum? Is that something I can do with a free account? Like Tez, I usually check the new posts section when I visit this site. I get tired of having to sort through all the silly "liberals hate America" threads and whatnot in order to find the actual martial arts threads.

I have no interest in the Study, since it seems to be what most online political "discussion" is: partisans calling each other names. If I could hide it from my view, the problem would be solved as far as I'm concerned.

Next to the "New Posts" link is a small upside down triangle. Click it, and you can drill in to just check for new posts in a particular area, avoiding ever seeing areas that don't interest you. It's not an optimum solution, but can help.

As to hiding it, I've been looking at options but none have been easily installed and maintained yet.
Never said I was offended, just gunks up the list of new threads with a bunch of non-MA junk.

Bob, if you could hide the Study for me, that would be great. (If you only do that sort of thing for paying members, though, that's fine, I'll understand.)

I'll adjust permissions shortly for ya.
I disagree that its a cancer on the site. I also disagree that's what this site is known for. Its a martial arts forum first. That's how I found it. I was looking for information on karate and found this and many other sites. I joined a bunch at the same time. This is the only one I still visit. Mainly because I like the ideas presented in the study. I can get martial arts info anywhere but the people here do put out good ideas you just need to ignore the spam attacks and the nonsense crap. Not hard to do. You spend a little time reading you learn who to read and who not to. To create an entire new forum for it would hurt both this site and that site causing less traffic for both sites

Same for me. And since I joined, physical issues have forced me to stop my training so I'm not as interested in the MA part of the site. I do have friends here and the discussions can be interesting. Infuriating, but interesting.
While I think that's a pretty good idea, how much effort does that involve for our beleaguered admin? Can it be easily and automatically programmed in, or does someone need to keep count and block further threads manually?

May be an add in, wasn't when I looked last time though. Will check again for more options.
I'd leave as is. Can it be excluded from the 'New Posts' list?

My opinion: anything other than not changing it will likely decrease traffic to the site. Which will decrease ad revenue.

I'm the opposite. I never click 'New Posts' BECAUSE i don't want to see posts in sections I don't care about. I check out of few sections.

Bob, you'll never make everyone happy. Do what is easiest for you that will not jeopardize the site's revenue stream.
Next to the "New Posts" link is a small upside down triangle. Click it, and you can drill in to just check for new posts in a particular area, avoiding ever seeing areas that don't interest you. It's not an optimum solution, but can help.

As to hiding it, I've been looking at options but none have been easily installed and maintained yet.

Now, I never knew that! I'm computer illiterate so only do the first thing that looks easy and I can remember to do, I shall do as you suggest now! Cheers.
elder, I returned your bad rep. I forgot to sign it. I wanted to make sure you knew where it came from.
elder, I returned your bad rep. I forgot to sign it. I wanted to make sure you knew where it came from.

And the kindergarden bull ***** just keeps on trucking doesn't it.

****ing children really. Grow the **** up already. This is why this has become a ****ing cess pool. Tit for Tat ******** from little ****ing kids.

Please, just flush it. This is a martial arts site, if you're not contributing to the martial arts, why the fu ck are you here, really? Go over to ********o's no brains allowed cess pool and piss in there already.

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Just to make bill happy I negged him. Now he can neg me back like a growed up. bah.
You know you have....last legionary, elder, pg smith, sukerkin, granfire, random phantom, steve, omar b, canuckma, flying crane, harlan, master dan, tez, blind sage, empty hands, dirty dog, wc lun, xue sheng, arnisador, aerdasta, wo fat, bill mattocks, and a lot more who, if they spent their time creating their own threads, and stopped b******* about how I post, what I post, didn't read what I post, and stopped crying to the administrators, and spent more time creating threads where they "discussed," things the way they want, then you would have the study you want. If elder feels the need to neg rep me simply because he doesn't like what I post, it's on him. If you neg rep me because you don't like what I post, that's on you. Less b******* and moaning and more posting of your own, people, and you'll be far happier people. I keep politics confined to the study, I try to keep political posts to the election and political thread on the study, so grow up. Instead, you all demand that Bob spend his time changing the site so you don't have to see my threads, instead of...oh, I don't know, not reading them, and putting him to more work, well, that's really on you guys as well. Make more of your own threads and posts, grow up a little and move on. I break no rules, I am generally polite to one and all, and take attacks, snide remarks and rude behavior for quite a while before some on here cross the line, and yet, I'm the problem. Hmmmm...grow up. Thank you and good night.
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Keep in mind as well, I'm not posting on most of your threads because we don't get along. I can control my behvior at least that much, which seems to be more control than many others here who are complaining. Bob, once again, do whatever you have to do to keep your sanity, and martialtalk.com as you want it. It is yours after all, "you did build it."

Believe me, neg. reps are some of the least of the childish behavior I have had to deal with.

Yes, dump the study, that would be the adult way to handle it, it seems some of the "tough" martial artists can't seem to handle it like grown ups.
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You know you have....last legionary, elder, pg smith, sukerkin, granfire, random phantom, steve, omar b, canuckma, flying crane, harlan, master dan, tez, blind sage, empty hands, dirty dog, wc lun, xue sheng, aerdasta, wo fat, bill mattocks, and a lot more who, if they spent their time creating their own threads, and stopped b******* about how I post, what I post, didn't read what I post, and stopped crying to the administrators, and spent more time creating threads where they "discussed," things the way they want, then you would have the study you want. If elder feels the need to neg rep me simply because he doesn't like what I post, it's on him. If you neg rep me because you don't like what I post, that's on you. Less b******* and moaning and more posting of your own, people, and you'll be far happier people. I keep politics confined to the study, I try to keep political posts to the election and political thread on the study, so grow up. Instead, you all demand that Bob spend his time changing the site so you don't have to see my threads, instead of...oh, I don't know, not reading them, and putting him to more work, well, that's really on you guys as well. Make more of your own threads and posts, grow up a little and move on. I break no rules, I am generally polite to one and all, and take attacks, snide remarks and rude behavior for quite a while before some on here cross the line, and yet, I'm the problem. Hmmmm...grow up. Thank you and good night.

He does have a point here.

If all you complainers, who I see participating in the Study quite frequently, were all posting in the MA sections instead....
He does have a point here.

If all you complainers, who I see participating in the Study quite frequently, were all posting in the MA sections instead....

No, he doesn't. I'm not complaining-fact is, all I've really contributed to this thread is one possible solution to making it more manageable. I like the Study, and don't want to see it go away......on the other hand:

You know you have....last legionary, elder, pg smith, sukerkin, granfire, random phantom, steve, omar b, canuckma, flying crane, harlan, master dan, tez, blind sage, empty hands, dirty dog, wc lun, xue sheng, arnisador, aerdasta, wo fat, bill mattocks, and a lot more who, if they spent their time creating their own threads, and stopped b******* about how I post, what I post, didn't read what I post, and stopped crying to the administrators, and spent more time creating threads where they "discussed," things the way they want, then you would have the study you want. If elder feels the need to neg rep me simply because he doesn't like what I post, it's on him. If you neg rep me because you don't like what I post, that's on you. Less b******* and moaning and more posting of your own, people, and you'll be far happier people. I keep politics confined to the study, I try to keep political posts to the election and political thread on the study, so grow up. Instead, you all demand that Bob spend his time changing the site so you don't have to see my threads, instead of...oh, I don't know, not reading them, and putting him to more work, well, that's really on you guys as well. Make more of your own threads and posts, grow up a little and move on. I break no rules, I am generally polite to one and all, and take attacks, snide remarks and rude behavior for quite a while before some on here cross the line, and yet, I'm the problem. Hmmmm...grow up. Thank you and good night.

And, in reviewing this thread, no one has named you or any other individual as a problem. You tried to make it yet another partisan thing by saying that "those on the left" are the ones who complain-and for that I neg repped you, because I didn't feel it added anything to the conversation, and missed the point.

No one in this thread has complained about you, otherwise, billi. Closing the Study, or restricting it or "doing something" about it comes up every couple of years-since before you got here-and will probably continue to come up-especially in election years, something Bob's been anticipating for months-not the calls for shutting it down, but the ratcheting up of partisan rhetoric.

Frankly, I just don't have the air to waste on such things.......I'd like to see the Study stay, but I wouldn't lose any sleep if it closed tomorrow, and I'd still be here on Martial Talk.

Bob, being a member since 2004 and having volunteered here, I'm compelled to think of this from a business standpoint and try to balance that with what I know of you and what your ideals are.

I have to agree that there seems to be little *discussion* in the vein of sharing ideas and - yes, I know I've contributed to the polarity, unfortunately - now the Study is mainly Rhetoricville. Perhaps this is part of that cyclic trend we see in various areas of the board and of the board in general, though I have to admit - again - I wonder if that particular element of the Study doesn't drive people away. This has little to do with courage or "toughness" as has been alleged, rather attractiveness; like picking out a house ... if it doesn't suit you, it doesn't suit you and if the kitchen is crappy the lady of the house won't want to buy it. I do think this is one of the elements you should weigh in creating a separate and new political forum as I don't think this polarity will disappear anytime soon and the trend seems to be that some are starting to seek an absence of party rhetoric.

I do still think the Study has a place here ... but if, as a businessman, you are finding the Study being an inhibiting factor to newcomers perhaps the thing to do *is* to shut it down temporarily. OR if the main problem is rhetoric clash, perhaps you should create a rule about posting rhetoric as opposed to exchanging ideas. :idunno:

It's your prerogative to thump anyone you want and to apply the standards you want to set. I think Elder has a nice idea, but with all the thread drift we see in the study, I doubt it will do much to sway people.

I'll renew a commitment I made before and have sadly strayed from; I will do my best to put forward my posts in the study as more *idea exchange* oriented instead of defensive of the ideals *I* seek politically. After all, we can't expect our elected officials to pretend to try to do something we ourselves refuse to do and in the spirit of the American Rebel, I'll do my best to put the guns down and extend a hand. OH YEAH! And to post more in the arts forums again. =)
He does have a point here.

If all you complainers, who I see participating in the Study quite frequently, were all posting in the MA sections instead....

Actually a lot of us do post in the martial arts sections, quite a lot actually and I for one am not crying about the Study, I find it for the most part an amusing place and will post with gusto when I feel like it. Some of us have quite robust discussions on the martial arts sections and some of us manage to keep talking to each other in a civilised and friendly manner. I do post up new threads, some run some don't but I'm aware that to be a postitive contributing member here one has to do more than whinge about others in the Study. Don't tar us all with the same brush.
You know you have....last legionary, elder, pg smith, sukerkin, granfire, random phantom, steve, omar b, canuckma, flying crane, harlan, master dan, tez, blind sage, empty hands, dirty dog, wc lun, xue sheng, arnisador, aerdasta, wo fat, bill mattocks, and a lot more who, if they spent their time creating their own threads, and stopped b******* about how I post, what I post, didn't read what I post, and stopped crying to the administrators, and spent more time creating threads where they "discussed," things the way they want, then you would have the study you want.

:lol: Sadly, the threads I start tend to only draw a hand-full of replies :(. Guess I'm just not controversial enough :o.
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