You know you have....last legionary, elder, pg smith, sukerkin, granfire, random phantom, steve, omar b, canuckma, flying crane, harlan, master dan, tez, blind sage, empty hands, dirty dog, wc lun, xue sheng, arnisador, aerdasta, wo fat, bill mattocks, and a lot more who, if they spent their time creating their own threads, and stopped b******* about how I post, what I post, didn't read what I post, and stopped crying to the administrators, and spent more time creating threads where they "discussed," things the way they want, then you would have the study you want. If elder feels the need to neg rep me simply because he doesn't like what I post, it's on him. If you neg rep me because you don't like what I post, that's on you. Less b******* and moaning and more posting of your own, people, and you'll be far happier people. I keep politics confined to the study, I try to keep political posts to the election and political thread on the study, so grow up. Instead, you all demand that Bob spend his time changing the site so you don't have to see my threads, instead of...oh, I don't know, not reading them, and putting him to more work, well, that's really on you guys as well. Make more of your own threads and posts, grow up a little and move on. I break no rules, I am generally polite to one and all, and take attacks, snide remarks and rude behavior for quite a while before some on here cross the line, and yet, I'm the problem. Hmmmm...grow up. Thank you and good night.