Home schoolers denied asylum...why?

The gvt always knows best and always decides in your best interest huh?

Disturbing that you truly believe there is a difference and that it's the governments role to force it....

I suppose it's personal experience. Living in an area that wishes to force bible studies into schools etc, I do prefer the results of my German schooling. It is less wishy washy, and when you check the statistics, it produces greater results.

I think it is more worrisome that so many of you fear 'indoctrination' by the government through schools.
It clearly does not translate to other countries (since their political system is commonly not as broken as in the US)

and the results of the schooling still produce a broad spectrum of diverse thinking people, from the right leaning to the left.
And compared to the French system, Germany is a liberal haven. :)

But then again there is no counterpart to Faux News either. Balanced information, novel concept, and yes, the government also controls a couple of TV/Radio organizations.

Considering the schools do not have to spend the majority on standardized tests, they have time to teach critical thinking.
I would rather that home schoolers have the choice than mandate that they go to public schools. The chicago public school system is giddy this week because they managed to get graduation rates up to 60%. Yeah, that doesn't include those who graduate but recieved a grade inflated education just to get them throught the system. Then, the ones who do go on to college end up taking remedial English, and math classes just to catch up to where they really need to be.

With the public school system failing so wonderfully at the job, I don't mind parents homeschooling. The miseducation of some homeschoolers is nowhere near the tragedy that the miseducation of public school students is, considering they are damaging so many more students who can't escape through home schooling.

It would be nice if the government schools actually met the
"Call it industry standard if you please.
before they made attendance mandatory...it would save more kids.
I suppose it's personal experience. Living in an area that wishes to force bible studies into schools etc, I do prefer the results of my German schooling. It is less wishy washy, and when you check the statistics, it produces greater results.

I think it is more worrisome that so many of you fear 'indoctrination' by the government through schools.
It clearly does not translate to other countries (since their political system is commonly not as broken as in the US)

and the results of the schooling still produce a broad spectrum of diverse thinking people, from the right leaning to the left.
And compared to the French system, Germany is a liberal haven. :)

But then again there is no counterpart to Faux News either. Balanced information, novel concept, and yes, the government also controls a couple of TV/Radio organizations.

Considering the schools do not have to spend the majority on standardized tests, they have time to teach critical thinking.

Germany has many standardized tests. In fact, their standardized tests conform to an international standard.

How long ago were you in the system?
Germany has many standardized tests. In fact, their standardized tests conform to an international standard.

How long ago were you in the system?

It is unkind to ask a lady such things. :)

They have the tests, yes, but not to a ridiculous extend as they have in the US...I mean: At one point in time, my kid's school would not teach at all, in favor of SAT preparations, I think it was from the first of the year through April. That is INSANE!
It is unkind to ask a lady such things. :)

They have the tests, yes, but not to a ridiculous extend as they have in the US...I mean: At one point in time, my kid's school would not teach at all, in favor of SAT preparations, I think it was from the first of the year through April. That is INSANE!

Yes, I suppose. How rude of me.

The focus on testing is crazy. I think the assumption behind it is the aspect that makes it crazy, however.
I think I need a translation for that

Standardized tests for learning are great tools for meaurement if the student chooses to learn a topic and then see how well they learned it. When they are mandatory, the tests are suddenly measuring something different.

The whole idea that society can open up a childs head and pour knowledge into it whether they want to know it or not is not valid. Standardized tests that would meaure knowledge when chosen, suddenly become measures of obedience when forced.
Standardized tests for learning are great tools for meaurement if the student chooses to learn a topic and then see how well they learned it. When they are mandatory, the tests are suddenly measuring something different.

The whole idea that society can open up a childs head and pour knowledge into it whether they want to know it or not is not valid. Standardized tests that would meaure knowledge when chosen, suddenly become measures of obedience when forced.

I would have to agree with this.
Not to mention that the outcome of the tests determine the funds a school receives = 4 month of 'test preparation'
I would have to agree with this.
Not to mention that the outcome of the tests determine the funds a school receives = 4 month of 'test preparation'

This is the difference between education and schooling IMO. Education is something that is supposed to help you grow. Schooling teaches obedience and indoctrinates.

The difference lies in whether or not the learning is forced.
This is the difference between education and schooling IMO. Education is something that is supposed to help you grow. Schooling teaches obedience and indoctrinates.

The difference lies in whether or not the learning is forced.

well, if you ask the kids....all school is forced.
The difference is more if the knowledge is useful - past the test it is designed for.
well, if you ask the kids....all school is forced.
The difference is more if the knowledge is useful - past the test it is designed for.

There are a lot of models of education that do not rely on force and coercion. They give children a greater degree of freedom to study what they want and they maintain high levels of rigor. Children who go to these schools tend to report a higher degree of happiness and satisfaction in there learning.

There are so many things that are wrong with public schools. Many of these things are found no matter which country you live in. With so many options available to educate children, I can completely understand why parents would not want their children to go to them.
There are a lot of models of education that do not rely on force and coercion. They give children a greater degree of freedom to study what they want and they maintain high levels of rigor. Children who go to these schools tend to report a higher degree of happiness and satisfaction in there learning.

There are so many things that are wrong with public schools. Many of these things are found no matter which country you live in. With so many options available to educate children, I can completely understand why parents would not want their children to go to them.

I shall give you that. There is a need to revamp the systems, I think Finland is leading there, but not all models work in all places.

But US public schools are very different (and I mean it: VERY different) from German schools. The only think I really like is that they teach band as class...on the other hand, I am sure my German school indoctrinated me with a lot more of useful music knowledge....and I can't play a kazoo! It also helps that school 'over there' leaves you a lot of room for your own kind of hings...Like I said, you get out at 1, in the summer it does not get dark til 10...much different from coming home at three and at 8 it's pitch black.

also: alternative schools to siphon the interested people out of the pool for the public schools....I had my son's 3rd grade teacher nearly break out in tears when I told her we were moving...she had lost another one of her top students that year: 'they are going to fire me' was her response.
Then again...that town was special in terms of public schools....only one of the many elementary schools was about 50/50 in skin color....all the others were either or. Also a big reason around here to utilize a 'private' school or home schooling....don't want 'them' people until they can run fast and catch a football....

But to take it back to the original family....nope, tough luck. The German people like the schools the way they are. If you do not like regular schools, there are Montesori and Waldorf Schools (I wish one was in my area here), gifted programs that don't fall under budget cuts...If the thousands of Muslims do not have a problem with it....why should a christian family!

And there are enough fundamentalist Muslims about, they have no problems indoctrinating their kids after hours! (I can only imagine them keeping their girls at home, since its against their believes...)

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