Last Poster #8

I’m conflicted…

If I watch my samurai DVD with the English dubbing turned on I can enjoy the story and the actor’s nuanced acting which I tend miss when reading subtitles. But then the Japanese actors have American accents and we all know that’s just wrong when coming out of a samurai’s mouth; they would’ve spoken English with a Japanese accent or ‘received pronunciation’.

So do I use the subtitles and miss the facial expression etc, or the dubbing and wonder how the samurai acquired a Brooklyn accent?
It was an awful film; ‘Onmyoji’. Childish story, particularly hammy acting. It’s only redeeming feature was Yukihiro Sanada playing a wizard villain.

Vintage Lambo outside Westminster Abbey. Not a bad way to get around.
I can’t wait for the last day at my office, when I retire, the hypothetical thinks I will likely hear will be epic
Wow, my bad typing and bad eyes and stupid auto spell check messed that up

Should have been

I can’t wait for the last day at my office, when I retire, the hypocritical things I will likely hear will be epic
Happy Birthday Chuck Norris, March 10
85 years old today

Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will change the spelling.
The dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.
In Pamplona, Spain, the people may be running from the bulls, but the bulls are running from Chuck Norris.
I was very excited with this work hiatus to spend time training, and potentially builsing a small group at a park to train with. Had it set on my calendar to set training to overgear monday (to fill in working time). Of course sunday night I injured myself and can barely use my right arm..hoping it recovers soon
Ahhh dang... hope it heals soon!
I was very excited with this work hiatus to spend time training, and potentially builsing a small group at a park to train with. Had it set on my calendar to set training to overgear monday (to fill in working time). Of course sunday night I injured myself and can barely use my right arm..hoping it recovers soon
Sorry to hear that. hope you heal up fast!