Last Poster #8

Research has shown that dealing with one addiction at a time is far more successful that trying to deal with multiple issues. I suggest dealing with alcohol first because when under it’s influence, your more like to break out the cancer sticks and light up; alcohol suppresses ones will power!

You can do this…you’re a martial artist 💪🏽
OK cool. Well, Imma deal with the nicotine first because it's the thing that's costing me the most and having the most negative impact on my health.
OK cool. Well, Imma deal with the nicotine first because it's the thing that's costing me the most and having the most negative impact on my health.
I once read an interview with Ozzy Osbourne about his many addictions over the years. He gave up heroine, cocaine, alcohol etc but the one thing he couldn’t shake was, astonishingly, cigarettes! Take heed! If your judgment is impaired by alcohol, you may give into to ol’ Nic(otine) 👹
I once read an interview with Ozzy Osbourne about his many addictions over the years. He gave up heroine, cocaine, alcohol etc but the one thing he couldn’t shake was, astonishingly, cigarettes! Take heed! If your judgment is impaired by alcohol, you may give into to ol’ Nic(otine) 👹
They're very much interrelated. It's also quite a complex problem, so I've been referred to an addiction specialist whom I am seeing soon.
What are you guys doing for new years? I've run out of money so I'm going to spend the entire day in my pyjamas drinking gunpowder green tea and smoking my last few cigarettes. Then at the stroke of midnight I'm gonna zero all my health apps (couch to 5k, NHS quit smoking etc.) and then having cut down on my nicotine and alcohol intake slowly and succesfully, go cold turkey, wake up the next morning and go for a run. Nothing exciting...
I’m trying to find an excuse to not to have to drive to, and from, Plymouth tonight for New Year celebrations (‘Casino Night’ and karaoke party at a friend’s). There are high wind/rain warnings for NYD and the wind is picking up a bit here, my other half is wavering, but she feels guilty because she’s bringing ‘all the fruit for the party’; some cultures consider fruit a luxury/special foodstuff when all sensible people know that category is occupied by chocolate/cake/and deep fried stuff 🤷🏾
No, no, I've done the difficult part with the local drug and alcohol service, now I'm being transferred to the recovery team
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Research has shown that dealing with one addiction at a time is far more successful that trying to deal with multiple issues. I suggest dealing with alcohol first because when under it’s influence, your more like to break out the cancer sticks and light up; alcohol suppresses ones will power!

You can do this…you’re a martial artist 💪🏽
Research has shown both dealing with one addiction or dealing with multiple is more successful, depending on which research you're looking at.

My assumption from talking with people and seeing them fail/succeed is that it's much more difficult to get through the first month or so without anything, since you have no sort of fallback once you have to deal with whatever the underlying cause of the addiction is. So that causes a lot of relapses. But for the other side, it's much tougher to then add something else to the list afterwards (and often causes a relapse of the first substance) since you're basically having to start the process all over again, and it's not exactly a high-percentage success rate. And again, when you quit that last substance, you still have no fall back (but have more tools to handle the cravings).
Happy New Year

Xīnnián kuàilè

san1nin4 faai3lok6

Manigong Bagong Taon

Bonne année
Frohes Neues Jahr

Akemashite omedetō

새해 복 많이 받으세요
saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo

Selamat Tahun Baru

Feliz año nuevo
I’ve got a brand new, old plan.

And fir the first time in over 30 years, i might have aNew years resolution. But that would also mean i have broken every resolution i have ever made…. Since my last resolution, ovet 30 years ago, was to not make anymore New Year’s resolutions….. but i haven’t made it yet…. So we will see if i break that one too
Try some bacon...
I’m trying to find an excuse to not to have to drive to, and from, Plymouth tonight for New Year celebrations (‘Casino Night’ and karaoke party at a friend’s). There are high wind/rain warnings for NYD and the wind is picking up a bit here, my other half is wavering, but she feels guilty because she’s bringing ‘all the fruit for the party’; some cultures consider fruit a luxury/special foodstuff when all sensible people know that category is occupied by chocolate/cake/and deep fried stuff 🤷🏾
I’ve been told that I’m going to have fun in Plymouth despite the high winds and my fears of death 😖
Try some bacon...
No it's not about Bacon.... and I have decided it is not a resolution since I decided to do it the day after the only resolution I ever made, that I didn't still going strong

My youngest, about 5 years ago, said she did not understand "New Years Resolutions".... why not just decide to do it, and then do it...why wait to New Years.... if you need New Year to ge tyou going, then you probably won't do it long anyway
What are you guys doing for new years? I've run out of money so I'm going to spend the entire day in my pyjamas drinking gunpowder green tea and smoking my last few cigarettes. Then at the stroke of midnight I'm gonna zero all my health apps (couch to 5k, NHS quit smoking etc.) and then having cut down on my nicotine and alcohol intake slowly and succesfully, go cold turkey, wake up the next morning and go for a run. Nothing exciting...

I’m going to spend New Years patting my dog, eating good food, watching my favorite movies, catching a buzz and patting my dog some more.
I’m going to spend New Years patting my dog, eating good food, watching my favorite movies, catching a buzz and patting my dog some more.
Cool. Your doggie will appreciate it. What is he? I love dogs of all kinds especially preposterous mongrels.
Sometimes life doesn't go the way we planned. In some ways I'm grateful for that, because I had dumb ideas about what my life should be like when I was 17. Now I feel happy that certain things didn't work out, but at the same time sorrow, because my current life isn't where I'd like it to be. Could be worse though, 10 years ago I was homeless. So I'm grateful for all the blessings I have, but I still want a few more things in my life (not material stuff) is this greed to want more? Or should I suck it up and just be grateful? I just want better for myself.
Sounds like you're thinking about the right stuff. Never know how things are going to turn out. The best you can do is have some goals, but be open to new options.
I’m going to spend New Years patting my dog, eating good food, watching my favorite movies, catching a buzz and patting my dog some more.
Sounds like a good plan.

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