Last Poster #8

Now that's a proper looking staffie. Where I live they all look like they got dosed with gamma radiation.

There’s some odd looking ones out here as well.

I really like the breed. They’re mostly quiet, good watchdogs, too. Funny thing - out here they’re big on fireworks on July 4th and New Years Eve.

All of my previous dogs were spooked by fireworks. This one didn’t care one little bit.
Until last year. Now all of a sudden she’s petrified.

I talked to the Vet about it, she said the same thing happened with her Great Dane at the age of six. Went from not bothered at all to scared out of her head.

She prescribed some dog tranquilizers for her. She gets more stoned than I did in college.

I haven’t given her one yet, things have changed her since the big fire of a couple years ago. Costco here always had two aisles of fireworks the weeks leading up to the 4th and to New Year’s Eve.

They don’t anymore. I’m hoping it will be a quiet night.
My dog on tranquilizers.
All she says is “please pass the cookies.”


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DANG!!! It has been a day for reminiscing and remembering my past, the good, the bad and the ugly, and it came with a sound track too... also remembering all sorts of music I have not heard or thought of in years....

One for @Buka, that is if I am remembering in correctly, a biker bar in Revere beach, about 1980, possibly the cove or the light house.... know anything about that one..... Hells Angles Prospects hung out there.... I should have never gone into that place that night... but I got out alive so it was not all bad
In reference to post #507, I think it was called the Driftwood, but then I could be wrong, it was around 40 years ago
In reference to post #507, I think it was called the Driftwood, but then I could be wrong, it was around 40 years ago

I think it was The Ebbtide, but I could be wrong, too. I tried to stay out of Biker bars.
I think it was The Ebbtide, but I could be wrong, too. I tried to stay out of Biker bars.
I was not smart enough to stay out of them back then, I went to a few, but then I hung out with bikers then, but I never went back to that one..... way to many Hell's Angel Prospects in that one...I only went in to that one because of two friends in that area, who new the bouncer, and told me it was a great place..... and it was...if you were looking to get killed... I was smart, sat there, minded my own business and drank my beer.... I knew better than to do anything else. The idiots I was with however, tried to pick up a couple women in there.... the guys they came in with were not pleased.... and I came in with the bouncer told us we better leave and kept anyone from following us..... I was glad to get the heck out of that place
No, no, I've done the difficult part with the local drug and alcohol service, now I'm being transferred to the recovery team
I was with usual gang last night (psychiatrist, gastroenterologist, GP x2, paediatrician, haematologists X 2) and the subject of alcohol came up. It seems there’s a very promising trial going on to treat alcohol-dependence/alcoholism in almost one treatment! 0.3mg/kg of ketamine! A very small dose although the psychiatrist pointed out the risk of psychosis with ketamine. I don’t know the phase of the trial, but an effective treatment may be in the pipeline…
I think it was The Ebbtide, but I could be wrong, too. I tried to stay out of Biker bars.
Also should add, i did not think you were going to biker bars, i thought maybe with your ties to law enforcement, you might know about it.
Also should add, i did not think you were going to biker bars, i thought maybe with your ties to law enforcement, you might know about it.

One of my greatest memories growing up…

When we were 17 we hung on a corner in front of an old fashioned convenience store owned by the father of one of us. Perfect location at the corner of five roads with ample parking, groceries, newspapers and a seven seat soda fountain. All of us worked part time there through high school and college. And it was a great place to hang around.

Next to it was a tailor shop, an insurance place, a one man law office and a hairdresser place.

In front of the hairdressers was a hangout of older kids, late teens and early twenties. They were bullies but didn’t bother us because they didn’t want to get banned from our buddy’s father’s store.

There was a quiet, shy kid named Leslie that walked by all the time. He was fifteen years old and dressed in corduroy suits and paisley shirts.

One day he was walking by with his girlfriend when the older kids, who insulted and teased him all the time, started slapping him around and insulting his girlfriend with real nasty comments.

What they didn’t know, and what we didn’t know either, was Leslie had an uncle who was a member of the Red Emeralds, a notorious motorcycle gang in New England, and a cousin who was a member of the Devil’s Disciples, another notorious biker gang of the area.

There were no cell phones back then, but they somehow planned this perfectly.

Leslie and his girlfriend came walking down the street on a Saturday afternoon.
When they were about fifty yards from the corner you heard the unmistakable noise. Motorcycles, big ones, LOTS of them.

They came down all five roads leading to the corner. At least fifty from each direction. Big, bearded men in leather. Scary looking people. Real scary.

The bikes all parked at the hairdressers and got off their bikes. Just as Leslie got there. The bikers hugged Leslie. Then they talked to the bullies. And beat the living ship out of them.

We stood there with our jaws open, thrilled and so glad we weren’t those bullies.

From that day forward when Leslie walked by that corner the bullies lowered their eyes and never said a word. Not even to each other. Apparently, they were under orders.

It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. And why I always stayed clear of bikers. Always.
One of my greatest memories growing up…

When we were 17 we hung on a corner in front of an old fashioned convenience store owned by the father of one of us. Perfect location at the corner of five roads with ample parking, groceries, newspapers and a seven seat soda fountain. All of us worked part time there through high school and college. And it was a great place to hang around.

Next to it was a tailor shop, an insurance place, a one man law office and a hairdresser place.

In front of the hairdressers was a hangout of older kids, late teens and early twenties. They were bullies but didn’t bother us because they didn’t want to get banned from our buddy’s father’s store.

There was a quiet, shy kid named Leslie that walked by all the time. He was fifteen years old and dressed in corduroy suits and paisley shirts.

One day he was walking by with his girlfriend when the older kids, who insulted and teased him all the time, started slapping him around and insulting his girlfriend with real nasty comments.

What they didn’t know, and what we didn’t know either, was Leslie had an uncle who was a member of the Red Emeralds, a notorious motorcycle gang in New England, and a cousin who was a member of the Devil’s Disciples, another notorious biker gang of the area.

There were no cell phones back then, but they somehow planned this perfectly.

Leslie and his girlfriend came walking down the street on a Saturday afternoon.
When they were about fifty yards from the corner you heard the unmistakable noise. Motorcycles, big ones, LOTS of them.

They came down all five roads leading to the corner. At least fifty from each direction. Big, bearded men in leather. Scary looking people. Real scary.

The bikes all parked at the hairdressers and got off their bikes. Just as Leslie got there. The bikers hugged Leslie. Then they talked to the bullies. And beat the living ship out of them.

We stood there with our jaws open, thrilled and so glad we weren’t those bullies.

From that day forward when Leslie walked by that corner the bullies lowered their eyes and never said a word. Not even to each other. Apparently, they were under orders.

It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. And why I always stayed clear of bikers. Always.
as a mechanic at Midas in Natick, back in the 80s, that was what all the mechanics were, bikers, me being the youngest person in the place, they decided the best thing for me was to take me to their bars.

In one of those bars I was there with the guy we called Big Ron, not all that tall, but literally had biceps the size of my thighs. It was my turn to buy a round so I went to the bar and ordered a couple beers. These to bikers stepped in front of me and sat down at the bar. At that point I realized Big Ron was heading my way to get his beer. The bar tender put the beers on the bar and I tried to get them, when the 2 guys that cut me off turned and looked at me, and one said :"You got a problem" I looked at him and said "no, but he does", pointing art Ron, "one of those is his". The guy that had said nothing just turned and walked away, the guy that had talked to me said, "No problem man", grabbed the beers and handed them to me. To which Ron responded.... "Leave!!" and the guy took off. Ron looked like the stereotypical biker, right down to the sleeveless denim and the bandana around his head.

Another thing, one of the guys I was in that bar I should have never been in, was Italian, and his father was in the Mafia. I found that out later, it would have been a mess there if anything happened to him, Mafia vs Hells Angels.... I did not go back and hang out with those guys again after that.
as a mechanic at Midas in Natick, back in the 80s, that was what all the mechanics were, bikers, me being the youngest person in the place, they decided the best thing for me was to take me to their bars.

In one of those bars I was there with the guy we called Big Ron, not all that tall, but literally had biceps the size of my thighs. It was my turn to buy a round so I went to the bar and ordered a couple beers. These to bikers stepped in front of me and sat down at the bar. At that point I realized Big Ron was heading my way to get his beer. The bar tender put the beers on the bar and I tried to get them, when the 2 guys that cut me off turned and looked at me, and one said :"You got a problem" I looked at him and said "no, but he does", pointing art Ron, "one of those is his". The guy that had said nothing just turned and walked away, the guy that had talked to me said, "No problem man", grabbed the beers and handed them to me. To which Ron responded.... "Leave!!" and the guy took off. Ron looked like the stereotypical biker, right down to the sleeveless denim and the bandana around his head.

Another thing, one of the guys I was in that bar I should have never been in, was Italian, and his father was in the Mafia. I found that out later, it would have been a mess there if anything happened to him, Mafia vs Hells Angels.... I did not go back and hang out with those guys again after that.

Wise to stay away from the bikers. Organized Crime as well. Back then both those things were stronger and more prevalent than today.

But today the whole country is crazy and dangerous. We are a very strange species.
Well, I've been given the tentative vacation schedule by Mrs Xue...... 2025 Japan and Hong Kong.... 2026 England..... I just go where I'm told...all I do is carry luggage and drive anyway..... but I won't drive any of those I am just a luggage bearer on these up coming trips....
I was with usual gang last night (psychiatrist, gastroenterologist, GP x2, paediatrician, haematologists X 2) and the subject of alcohol came up. It seems there’s a very promising trial going on to treat alcohol-dependence/alcoholism in almost one treatment! 0.3mg/kg of ketamine! A very small dose although the psychiatrist pointed out the risk of psychosis with ketamine. I don’t know the phase of the trial, but an effective treatment may be in the pipeline…
The problem with that is that back in the day I used to do a LOT of ketamine, so that treatment might not be a good idea for me especially as I'm already being treated for schizophrenia. It's a nice thought though.

On the subject of bikers, there was a christian biker gang checked into a local hostel recently and they're pretty cool guys. They baptise people in the sea in the name of the lord jesus and try to lead people away from drugs and violence.
From Arnie’s Pump Club-

Research suggests that simultaneously working on several goals is a critical mistake and that less is more when trying to achieve resolutions or goals.
Researchers conducted experiments to understand how implementation intentions—specific “if-then” plans to achieve a goal—affect success when multiple goals are at play. Participants were asked to set and pursue various goals with specific action plans, such as “If I feel hungry, then I’ll eat a healthy snack” or “If I have time after work, then I’ll exercise.”

The problem with that is that back in the day I used to do a LOT of ketamine,
The dosing is important. Yes, given your pre-existing condition, you’d likely be excluded from this sort of treatment.
On the subject of bikers, there was a christian biker gang checked into a local hostel recently and they're pretty cool guys. They baptise people in the sea in the name of the lord jesus and try to lead people away from drugs and violence.
If anyone suggested I get in the sea at the moment, I’d be incantations Satan and all his little wizards.
From Arnie’s Pump Club-

Research suggests that simultaneously working on several goals is a critical mistake and that less is more when trying to achieve resolutions or goals.
Researchers conducted experiments to understand how implementation intentions—specific “if-then” plans to achieve a goal—affect success when multiple goals are at play. Participants were asked to set and pursue various goals with specific action plans, such as “If I feel hungry, then I’ll eat a healthy snack” or “If I have time after work, then I’ll exercise.”
The guy from DDAS said that basically the way I was smoking and drinking was a form of self harm and related to my pre-existing mental health problems, so I was better off tackling both, but the specific action plans are good, hopefully I can present myself to the recovery team having kept off the booze and fags- I had a bit of a slipup on new year's eve, but in the overall plan I'm doing well.

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