Last Poster #8

Sweet Christopher, I mean who gets addicted to valerian?
Anybody. It's been known to have serious withdrawal side effects, much like melatonin.

People use it for sleep, which is a very complicated subject, especially long term.

People started using a lot of these things OTC during COVID and since it's not really regulated, they started taking too much, disrupting sleep patterns

Valerian root has been know to cause intense nightmares.
I've achieved the alcoholic's holy grail, I've gone back to normal drinking. One or two beers, two or three times a week. Good times!
I'm not going to lecture you, other than to say that the alcoholic's holy Grail is 100% sober living, one day at a time.

I attended a meeting today, too. So I know.

No BS. There is no level of alcohol an alcoholic can consume. It will not end well.

Didn't you just post something about seeing a doctor about voices in your head? Do you know what delirium tremens is?

Try to get to avoiding that first drink. I'm sorry to be brutally honest but you seem like a worthy guy.
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Yeah, you're right. 0 is the real achievment. The guys at DDAS are getting me started in that direction.

On a lighter note, the men who salivate over Dr.Alice Roberts all seem to have completely forgotten that Bettany Hughes is one of the sexiest women ever to have lived
Yeah, you're right. 0 is the real achievment. The guys at DDAS are getting me started in that direction.

On a lighter note, the men who salivate over Dr.Alice Roberts all seem to have completely forgotten that Bettany Hughes is one of the sexiest women ever to have lived
I didn't mean to be insensitive. You'll get there. If you know today matters, tomorrow will come on its own.
And this time on 'ways to annoy your local record shop owner' ask for something very specific by swearin', bully or skating polly. The aim of this tactic is to assert dominance.