Last Poster #7

Assuming that is a pun for Karate,
It’s the American pronunciation.
Yes, the footwork in ballet, gymnastics, and even modern dance is rather precise.
I’m surprised. I had a suspicion that the angles in front-, cat- and san chin type stances were more prescribed than in dancing.
It’s the American pronunciation.

I’m surprised. I had a suspicion that the angles in front-, cat- and san chin type stances were more prescribed than in dancing.
The owner of the dance studio is one of my tenants and we also went to high school together so it is common for us to chat or watch each others classes. If you watch ballet, you can really tell where foot and also body placement is critical. Watching the gymnast land or balance on the beams is impressive. So, yes, it is all about footwork and balance.

As for the pronunciation, there are at least six common derivations in the U.S.
It’s the American pronunciation.

Glass houses and all that.

Are you kitten may? Dorn't Brits just say craw'ee? That's the bri'ish for you, innit? I don't knorr why you fink we speek loik 'at. D'yoo fink we're schtewpid?

Are you kidding me? Don't Brits just say "craw'ee?" That's British for you, isn't it? I don't know why you think we speak like that. Do you think we're stupid?

I think Summer is officially over in the PNW. Cloudy and cool. Still quite pleasant outside, but the sunshine is behind us for the most part.

Hmmm yes I’m building up an image that suggests you should be placed on that ‘special register’ 😳

I didn’t need to look either of those up and immediately knew what they were. Sounds like time will be the best healer.

If I did, it’d be a case of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ 😪
I will be happy to wear tights if requested by the appropriate individual, thankfully, she doesn’t require such things. No special register needed, I never had interest in those with no interest in me. Believe me when I say that a portion of the population are beauties seeking beasts, this is how I got married. If I can do it, then anyone can. A big smile and willingness to wear tights goes a long way if you lack charm the way I do. Struggling through a 90 minute hot vinyasa flow yoga class may give an opportunity to meet new people outside your usual social groups. I highly recommend it.
Glass houses and all that.

Are you kitten may? Dorn't Brits just say craw'ee? That's the bri'ish for you, innit? I don't knorr why you fink we speek loik 'at. D'yoo fink we're schtewpid?

Are you kidding me? Don't Brits just say "craw'ee?" That's British for you, isn't it? I don't know why you think we speak like that. Do you think we're stupid?

Ah he isn’t from Manchester, but I love accents and dialects of all flavors. As far as Americans being stupid, we have far more stupid people than they have citizens in total. Approximately 75 million or so if my math is correct…

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