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I need to dig out my thumb brace.
my left hand has been hurting for a while, and I though I managed to get on the other side of it today, I had to do some chore type things.
It flared up.
At the very base of the thumb, by the wrist basically.
And yeah, my Dupuyitren's contractor is rearing it's ugly head again (no contractures yet, but achy ring fingers in both hands)
Any standing posture will do. I did some Yiquan briefly and there are multiple standing postures there. The one you have pictured I have done in yiquan and xingyiquan but in xingyi it was called the bear posture.

As for Yiquan, there is a book that came highly recommended titled

Yiquan 360: Internal Factors and Training Concepts for All Internal Art Enthusiasts

I have not read it yet, but I will be soon. I have meant the author and he is a very knowledgable guy

Also books by Lam Kam Chuen are very good as well
Ah that's great, appreciate the info! Very interesting..
After my appointment with the MD yesterday, who also felt the PT folks were being a little overzealous, and the MD's offer to call them and tell them to dial it back, the decision was made to leave that group. I also have a much better view of what is going on and where I am supposed to be (per MD I am right on track) and where I am suppose to be heading. I will continue with the exercises I have been given on my own until my appointment with the new group, that I have been to before.

The group I just left just gave me the feeling that this was a race and that I was far behind everyone else because a little over 2 weeks after surgery I was still using one crutch. Per MD, one crutch at this tine, 3 weeks after surgery is great.
Good on you, a great plan moving forward :)
Jacob gave his first private lesson this week.(8 year old orange belt) It went real good and they went ahead and signed up and paid for 7 more over the next month (2 per week). So he has gas money for this

They had asked Jacob's instructor who suggested they ask Jacob. (Jacob's instructor doesn't do private lessons)
So very awesome to hear, so nice witnessing his journey! And really lovely to hear from ya CB :), hoping you're all well
Added the wuji standing of Sun Lutang to the knee exercise repertoire. Wanted to see how long I could stand before the new knee told me to sit down. 5 minutes 38 seconds. Then the knee said.....SIT YOUR BUTT DOWN!!!!
Last week, during week 3 after surgery, the feeling on the inside of my right knee returned. No big deal, just hurt if I touched it...... last night (early in week 4 post-op), while attempting to sleep, the feeling returned on the outside of my right knee and lower leg......I can honestly say I wish it hadn't.... attempt to sleep failed miserably and it has been a pain. literally, all dang day
you know what I can't figure out..... how can a joint....that is not actually mine......that is made of metal......give me joint pain
Someone on reddit posted a picture of their bb in shaolin kempo, clearly excited about it. The response is people calling the school a mcdojo based pretty much just on the name, with most of them not knowing the system at all. I don't get that. Even if you think it's a mcdojo, why rain on the girl's parade and try to take that joy from her? And especially if you're just making an assumption with no basis, is calling out anything not MMA as a mcdojo really that important?
Someone on reddit posted a picture of their bb in shaolin kempo, clearly excited about it. The response is people calling the school a mcdojo based pretty much just on the name, with most of them not knowing the system at all. I don't get that. Even if you think it's a mcdojo, why rain on the girl's parade and try to take that joy from her? And especially if you're just making an assumption with no basis, is calling out anything not MMA as a mcdojo really that important?
I'm not a fan of judging a school by the name of the art. In some cases, it gives a hint of what might be going on in there, but many of us have seen schools with style name that isn't what they are doing. I've also seen schools in styles I didn't like much, where that particular school was actually much "better" (more to my liking) than what I knew of the style.

And beyond that, it's odd to me to talk down what someone is doing that they enjoy. I'm not a fan of XMA-type programs, for instance. But if someone is doing one and loves it, I can't really see a problem with it. I think some folks just get all wrapped up in the words used to name something - because it has "martial arts" in it, it has to be what they think "martial arts" should be.
Someone on reddit posted a picture of their bb in shaolin kempo, clearly excited about it. The response is people calling the school a mcdojo based pretty much just on the name, with most of them not knowing the system at all. I don't get that. Even if you think it's a mcdojo, why rain on the girl's parade and try to take that joy from her? And especially if you're just making an assumption with no basis, is calling out anything not MMA as a mcdojo really that important?

Totally agree with your post. But while I agree 100% with the spirit of what you're saying, I cringe when I see the inevitable, "Look, I'm going to be blunt" posts, the mocking, and the dog piling that often occurs on around here when someone new comes along. It's the same thing. Worse when it comes from mentors and other members of forum leadership.
I'm not a fan of judging a school by the name of the art. In some cases, it gives a hint of what might be going on in there, but many of us have seen schools with style name that isn't what they are doing. I've also seen schools in styles I didn't like much, where that particular school was actually much "better" (more to my liking) than what I knew of the style.

And beyond that, it's odd to me to talk down what someone is doing that they enjoy. I'm not a fan of XMA-type programs, for instance. But if someone is doing one and loves it, I can't really see a problem with it. I think some folks just get all wrapped up in the words used to name something - because it has "martial arts" in it, it has to be what they think "martial arts" should be.
I love XMA and think it's as much a martial art as any other art. Are they learning to fight? Who cares. As long as they're not selling something they're unqualified to sell, I'm all for it.
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