Last Poster #7

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Well time for more knee exercises and stretching...and then...I'm gong to sleep...night all

Start PT with new/old PT group tomorrow. The same folks i went to for recovery from the meniscus repairs.
Bit of fun today. I was talking to a coworker about Jamie Oliver. Reminded me of a really funny experiment he did where he showed kids what goes into chicken nuggets. The first video is, I think, of kids in Britain, and it works like a charm. The second video is in America, and their reaction is hilarious. HIS reaction has me rolling.

first, one for Dirty Dog

Saw this today and I was surprised as to what it was... an Audi

WOW!!!! First time since the knee replacement surgery that I was able to sleep 8 hours with my knee only waking me up once....5 hours, knee says hi, then 3 more. I've been averaging 4 to 6 hours a night with multiple knee wakeup calls

Bad news, the left knee the one that was not replaced, but probably will be, is not happy. trying to deal with it by wearing a brace, but if it does not straighten out, I may need to get another cortisone shot just to get through the right knee recovery
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WOW!!!! First time since the knee replacement surgery that I was able to sleep 8 hours with my knee only waking me up once....5 hours, knee says hi, then 3 more. I've been averaging 4 to 6 hours a night with multiple knee wakeup calls

Bad news, the left knee the one that was not replaced, but probably will be, is not happy. trying to deal with it by wearing a brace, but if it does not straighten out, I may need to get another cortisone shot just to get through the right knee recovery
Unfortunately, the left knee's response to all this is unsurprising. It's tough to keep anything like a normal gait for a while, which upsets the other knee. Hopefully your gait will improve fast enough and the brace will help enough that you'll make it without needing that shot.
Unfortunately, the left knee's response to all this is unsurprising. It's tough to keep anything like a normal gait for a while, which upsets the other knee. Hopefully your gait will improve fast enough and the brace will help enough that you'll make it without needing that shot.

I'm not surprised either and I was watching it and keeping it under control, but the first PT group aggravated it the second week when they insisted I walk without crutch or cane.

I will watch the knee this week, if it gets better great, if not.......cortisone

I am back to using one crutch today and not using the cane, and that seems to help
I'm not surprised either and I was watching it and keeping it under control, but the first PT group aggravated it the second week when they insisted I walk without crutch or cane.

I will watch the knee this week, if it gets better great, if not.......cortisone

I am back to using one crutch today and not using the cane, and that seems to help
To give you some hope, my right knee did improve some after my left foot surgery let me get back to a normal gait.
Not so much sleep last night.... 5 hours...the knee reminded me it was there several times. But then I was told it would be like this for 10 to 18 weeks
Did I mention that UPS wanted to charge me $1900 for an item that I wanted to return that only cist $1600......I did not ship with UPS
Searched posts with Xingyiquan in the title again today, and either I counted wrong, which I suspect because I was pretty sleepy, or the search found more

Of MT for posts that had Xingyiquan in the came back with 65...57 of them I started.....

Of MT for posts that had Xingyi in the came back with 48...26 of them I started.....

Of MT for posts that had Taijiquan in the came back with 169...79 of them I started.....

of 282 posts on Xingyiquan/Xingyi and Taijiquan, I posted 162... that's a bit over 57%.... and that' just in Xinyi and Taiji.... that's not including Taiji, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Quan, individual taiji styles, Bagua, Baguazhang (or any other spelling), Yiquan/Dachengquan, Wing Chun, Sanda, JKD or any other of a number of posts on various subjects......II think I had waaaay too much time on my hands
a couple other things I remembered of my MT past... at least a couple I'm willing to mention

Had a guy PM me, he was desperate to train in China with the Chen family in China... I had a contact in the Chen family so I helped him out....after much back and forth, he basically stop answering the Chen family e-mails, stiffed them if you will after they gave him tons of info. Yup... Iost that connection and learned a lesson...had to relearn it a few years later too...but that was local and I could directly apologize to the people involved...still do whenever I see them

had another poster who use to contact me all he time with CIMA them al the time.....he stopped after asking me what part of China was I from..... told him I was not Chinese....never got a PM, or email, from him again

to much time sitting in a chair with my stupid knee up, while going nuts an wanting to train I guess......OK....enough of memory lane... time to make the pancakes
a couple other things I remembered of my MT past... at least a couple I'm willing to mention

Had a guy PM me, he was desperate to train in China with the Chen family in China... I had a contact in the Chen family so I helped him out....after much back and forth, he basically stop answering the Chen family e-mails, stiffed them if you will after they gave him tons of info. Yup... Iost that connection and learned a lesson...had to relearn it a few years later too...but that was local and I could directly apologize to the people involved...still do whenever I see them

had another poster who use to contact me all he time with CIMA them al the time.....he stopped after asking me what part of China was I from..... told him I was not Chinese....never got a PM, or email, from him again

to much time sitting in a chair with my stupid knee up, while going nuts an wanting to train I guess......OK....enough of memory lane... time to make the pancakes
Ah I do recall you mentioning something like this happening.. ! Yeah it's a fine line huh... on one hand you want to help them and help the martial arts world, but on another don't want to pass on some crazy person or not serious individual onto people you respect, admire and trust... yeah, tricky.
I hope you guys are as successful this time as you were previously.
Thanks heaps. Yeah we're getting on top of it, but New South Wales is in a world of struggle at the moment :s. Australian vaccine rollout has been incredibly slow, so until it's more widespread this may just be something that we'll have to get used to, which I pretty much am at this stage hehe. But very challenging time for many.
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